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Help please with simple script for reddit

Posted: 7.2.2015

Help please with simple script for reddit

Is it possible to do this, to show how many link karma next to user?

something like this


the text from his page
Thank you!

Posted: 8.2.2015

I think Reddit Reveal should do that.
There is also an addon - Reddit Enhancement Suite

Posted: 8.2.2015

thank you master! next time i will use search

Posted: 8.2.2015
Edited: 8.2.2015

one more small thing i liked how it's on reddit would be possible to greasyfork forum users too, something like this



Posted: 8.2.2015

This is usually implemented as a server-side plugin, vanilla forums has one: Post Count.

@JasonBarnabe, can you try adding it and maybe Signatures too?

Posted: 8.2.2015
Edited: 9.2.2015

edit, found one example)

Posted: 23.2.2015
Edited: 23.2.2015

well, actually i wanted a example to make it for another source)

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