Discussions » Development

What does premium means

Posted: 30.10.2024

Hi does premium in from of a script means that it costs money for me to use it?

Posted: 30.10.2024


Posted: 30.10.2024

[Premium] Firefaucet.win Dayli Bonus/Faucet Roll/Level Rewards/Dayli Tasks/Shortlinks/PTC

Posted: 31.10.2024

Anyone ?

Posted: 1.11.2024

"Premium" in English can mean either that something costs more, or it can just mean it's better than what would be expected. Authors can name their scripts pretty much whatever they want. If the script actually costs money to use, authors need to indicate this with an @antifeature meta key, which will then warn the user on the script's page and prior to installation.

Posted: 2.11.2024
Edited: 2.11.2024

It often also means that the script enables or bypasses a "premium" feature, some websites offer premium services but sometimes they have a vulnerability or a way for devs to bypass it, thus making a premium and paid-only feature free for users of the script.

There are many AIs out there that you can ask for free what premium means in each case for specific scripts, the best thing to do is to ask the dev directly or someone who recently posted feedback on the script, or better yet, just install it and test it, most of the time the top/bottom description and images will also say/show what it does.

[Premium] Firefaucet.win Dayli Bonus/Faucet Roll/Level Rewards/Dayli Tasks/Shortlinks/PTC
It could have all 3 possible meanings:
1 It's a better script than the others
2 It's a paid script
3 Enables a website paid-only feature for free (for example it decreases/removes the countdown timer before clicking on the faucet "win" button)

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