What.CD Quick Quote JS - Only selected text is quoted as long as it's quoted in the proper quote box
Kinopoisk+ JS - Добавляет ссылки на поиск по торрент сайтам под постером / Add links to search torrent sites under movie poster
Rutracker Re-Downloader JS - Scanning torrent release of change and notification when update. Also download again torrent if it updated
Rutracker Blacklist JS - Personal ban-list
Kinopoisk Extender *Rutracker Only* JS - Расширение функционала
Kinopoisk Comingsoon JS - Added in list coming soon checkbox only with trailers
Amazon URL Cleaner JS - Show the shortest possible URL for Amazon items.
Protect Textarea JS - Protect from closing or navigating away from a web page with changed textareas.
Strip UTM Tracking JS - Remove "utm_" parameters from the query string, used by Google Analytics.
NZBGet Enter Submit JS - Enhance the NZBGet interface's in page "forms" so that pressing enter will "submit" them.
Ru.Board Messanger JS - Очистка личных сообщений от конкретного пользователя.
Clean Links JS - Clean up links. Remove targets, embedded redirects, and style links.
imgur HTTP-to-HTTPS redirector JS - Replace http:// with https:// in the address bar
HDBits torrent search JS - Searches for torrents with the same name as the current one
Open external links in new tab JS - Открытые внешних ссылок в новой вкладке
Undirect + Open external links in new tab JS - Removes this tracking and redirection from google search results
Referrer Hider JS - Hides referrer.
TopScroll JS - Быстрая прокрутка страницы вверх/вниз.
dollarx JS (Biblioteca) - for reddit comment expander