Freesound Direct Mp3/Ogg Links

Adds direct Mp3 and Ogg audio file download links on

< Opiniones de Freesound Direct Mp3/Ogg Links

Puntuación: Pasable; el script funciona, pero tiene carencias importantes

Publicado: 4/4/2015
Editado: 4/4/2015

script is working but

i'm on Chrome, installed the script, but when i entered on page the script was not in list, so i deleted from @include the www. part and it's working,*

Publicado: 4/4/2015
Editado: 4/4/2015

Oh ok, thx for the feedback, I'll update it. I also noticed it was posting double links for mp3/ogg, now it's fixed

i'm on Chrome, installed the script, but when i entered on page the script was not in list, so i deleted from @include the www. part and it's working,*
Publicado: 18/7/2015

I had to add the www part to the include rules to make it work...

Publicado: 19/7/2015
I had to add the www part to the include rules to make it work...

Alright, I updated it with both @include www. and without www. so now it will work in either case.

Publicado: 19/7/2015
Editado: 19/7/2015


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