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MTurk HIT DataBase Legacy

Extended ability to search HITs you have worked on and other useful tools (CSV export/import, requester notes, requester block, pending/projected earnings)

< Opiniones de MTurk HIT DataBase Legacy

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Import issues

I can't get Import (on Chrome) to detect ANY hits in my old saved .csv files. (I delete DB and then try to Import) Not much use to back up if I can't import. Related: are there any differences in the .csv files produced on Firefox v. Chrome? Wouldn't expect so, but in "Desperate Times" one grasps at straws. I have a directory with some old backups (latest being around 5/20) but I haven't kept a note of whether I produced them in FF or Chrome. I was just happy that they kept getting bigger. The latest one loads in Libre (openSUSE 13.2 Linux) just fine, so it appears to be formatted correctly. In the recent DB frenzy, I deleted my chrome DB figuring I could just Import it and start over ... but for now I've completely lost my older History on Chrome. That didn't happen when I did FF, but I "cut my teeth" on the Chrome version first. Thanks for all the work ... I can image it's a B*tch, esp with both Chrome and FF.

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