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Neverwinter Gateway - Professions Robot

Automatically selects professions for empty slots

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Publicado: 4/11/2014
Editado: 7/11/2014

Mod5, Jewelrycrafting

List what do from 0 to 20, list task need optimized for faster leveling but it works as it is if "train assets" is enabled.

// Jewelcrafting
level: {
1:["Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Waist_Offense_1","Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Refine_Basic"], //"Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Gather_Basic"],
2:["Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Ring_Offense_1","Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Waist_Offense_1","Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Refine_Basic"], //"Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Gather_Basic"],
3:["Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Neck_Offense_1","Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Waist_Offense_1","Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Refine_Basic"], //"Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Gather_Basic"],

Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Waist_Misc_4_Purple // belt revitlization +6

Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Waist_Defense_4_Purple // heroes belt +6

Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Neck_Misc_4_Purple // wizards necklace +6

Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Ring_Misc_4_Purple // ring of revitlization +6

Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Neck_Offense_4_Purple // Archmage necklace +6

Publicado: 11/11/2014
Editado: 11/11/2014

here is the task list as it were on preview server 11 nov 14. let me know to update if u see errors or something changed. i will comment a bit later with task list for leveling.
(level of task) (gateway name) (name you will need in script)

Level 0 Hire your first Polisher Jewelcrafting_Tier0_Intro
Level 1 Gather Iron Ore and Simple Pelts Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Gather_Basic
Level 1 Deep Wilderness Gathering Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Gather_Basic_Mass
Level 1 Craft Raw Gems and Simple Leather Strips Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Refine_Basic
Level 1 Mass Raw Gems and Simple Leather Strips crafting Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Refine_Basic_Mass
Level 1 Witch's Belt Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Waist_Offense_1
Level 2 Iron and Pelt Trading Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Gather_Special
Level 2 Witch's Ring Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Ring_Offense_1
Level 2 Hire an additional Polisher Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Recruit_Apprentice
Level 3 Raw Gems and Simple Leather Strip trading Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Refine_Special
Level 3 Defender's Belt Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Waist_Defense_1
Level 3 Witch's Necklace Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Neck_Offense_1
Level 3 Upgrade Jewelcrafter Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Recruit_Master_Blue
Level 3 Upgrade Iron Bezel Pusher Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Trade_Bezaelpusher_Blue
Level 3 Upgrade Iron Crucible Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Trade_Crucible_Blue
Level 3 Upgrade Iron Jeweler's Loupe Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Trade_Loupe_Blue
Level 4 Belt of Reformation Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Waist_Misc_1
Level 4 Defender's Ring Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Ring_Defense_1
Level 4 Upgrade Master Jewelcrafter Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Recruit_Master_Purple
Level 4 Upgrade Steel Bezel Pusher Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Trade_Bezaelpusher_Purple
Level 4 Upgrade Steel Crucible Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Trade_Crucible_Purple
Level 4 Upgrade Steel Jeweler's Loupe Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Trade_Loupe_Purple
Level 5 Defender's Necklace Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Neck_Defense_1
Level 5 Ring of Reformation Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Ring_Misc_1
Level 6 Necklace of Reformation Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Neck_Misc_1
Level 6 Upgrade Polisher Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Recruit_Journeyman
Level 7 Gather High Quality Iron Ore and Tough Pelts Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Gather_Basic
Level 7 Deep Wilderness Gathering Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Gather_Basic_Mass
Level 7 Semi-precious Gem and Tough Leather Strip crafting Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Refine_Basic
Level 7 Mage's Belt Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Waist_Offense_2
Level 7 Mass Gem and Leather Strip crafting Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Refine_Basic_Mass
Level 7 Iron and Pelt Trading Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Gather_Special
Level 8 Mage's Ring Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Ring_Offense_2
Level 8 Gem and Leather Strip Trading Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Refine_Special
Level 9 Mage's Necklace Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Neck_Offense_2
Level 9 Warrior's Belt Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Waist_Defense_2
Level 10 Belt of Replenishment Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Waist_Misc_2
Level 10 Warrior's Ring Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Ring_Defense_2
Level 11 Warrior's Necklace Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Neck_Defense_2
Level 12 Ring of Replenishment Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Ring_Misc_2
Level 13 Necklace of Replenishment Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Neck_Misc_2
Level 13 Upgrade Gem Setter Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Recruit_Journeyman
Level 14 Gather Mithral Ore and Exotic Pelts Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Gather_Basic
Level 14 Deep Wilderness Gathering Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Gather_Basic_Mass
Level 14 Precious Gem and Exotic Leather Strip crafting Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Refine_Basic
Level 14 Mass Gem and Leather Strip crafting Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Refine_Basic_Mass
Level 14 Wizard's Belt Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Waist_Offense_3
Level 14 Mithral and Pelt Trading Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Gather_Special
Level 15 Action Point Gain Jewel Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Special_Reinforcement_Kit_Apgain_02
Level 15 Regeneration Jewel Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Special_Reinforcement_Kit_Regeneration_02
Level 15 Stamina Regeneration Jewel Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Special_Reinforcement_Kit_Staregen_02
Level 15 Wizard's Ring Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Ring_Offense_3
Level 15 Gem and Leather Strip Trading Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Refine_Special
Level 16 Knight's Belt Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Waist_Defense_3
Level 16 Wizard's Necklace Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Neck_Offense_3
Level 17 Knight's Necklace Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Neck_Defense_3
Level 17 Knight's Ring Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Ring_Defense_3
Level 18 Belt of Renewal Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Waist_Misc_3
Level 19 Ring of Renewal Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Ring_Misc_3
Level 20 Necklace of Renewal Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Neck_Misc_3
Level 20 Greater Action Point Gain Jewel Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Special_Reinforcement_Kit_Apgain
Level 20 Greater Regeneration Jewel Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Special_Reinforcement_Kit_Regeneration
Level 20 Greater Stamina Regeneration Jewel Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Special_Reinforcement_Kit_Staregen
Level 20 Personalized Archmage's Belt +6 Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Waist_Offense_4_Purple_2
Level 20 Personalized Archmage's Necklace +6 Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Neck_Offense_4_Purple_2
Level 20 Personalized Archmage's Ring +6 Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Ring_Offense_4_Purple_2
Level 20 Personalized Belt of Revitalization +6 Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Waist_Misc_4_Purple_2
Level 20 Personalized Hero's Belt +6 Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Waist_Defense_4_Purple_2
Level 20 Personalized Hero's Necklace +6 Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Neck_Defense_4_Purple_2
Level 20 Personalized Hero's Ring +6 Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Ring_Defense_4_Purple_2
Level 20 Personalized Necklace of Revitalization +6 Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Neck_Misc_4_Purple_2
Level 20 Personalized Ring of Revitalization +6 Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Ring_Misc_4_Purple_2

RARE tasks:
3 RARE Witch's Belt +1 Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Waist_Offense_1_Blue
3 RARE Witch's Necklace +1 Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Neck_Offense_1_Blue
6 RARE Defender's Necklace +2 Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Neck_Defense_1_Blue
6 RARE Necklace of Reclamation +2 Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Neck_Misc_1_Blue
9 RARE Mage's Belt +3 Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Waist_Offense_2_Blue
9 RARE Mage's Ring +3 Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Ring_Offense_2_Blue
13 RARE Necklace of Replenishment +4 Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Neck_Misc_2_Blue
13 RARE Warrior's Necklace +4 Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Neck_Defense_2_Blue
13 RARE Warrior's Ring +4 Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Ring_Defense_2_Blue
13 RARE Warrior's Ring +4 Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Ring_Defense_2_Blue
16 RARE Knight's Belt +5 Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Waist_Defense_3_Blue
16 RARE Wizard's Belt +5 Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Waist_Offense_3_Blue
16 RARE Wizard's Ring +5 Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Ring_Offense_3_Blue
20 RARE Archmage's Belt +6 Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Waist_Offense_4_Purple
20 RARE Archmage's Necklace +6 Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Neck_Offense_4_Purple
20 RARE Archmage's Ring +6 Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Ring_Offense_4_Purple
20 RARE Belt of Revitalization +6 Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Waist_Misc_4_Purple
20 RARE Hero's Belt +6 Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Waist_Defense_4_Purple
20 RARE Hero's Necklace +6 Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Neck_Defense_4_Purple
20 RARE Hero's Ring +6 Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Ring_Defense_4_Purple
20 RARE Knight's Ring +5 Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Ring_Defense_3_Blue
20 RARE Necklace of Renewal +5 Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Neck_Misc_3_Blue
20 RARE Necklace of Revitalization +6 Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Neck_Misc_4_Purple
20 RARE Ring of Renewal +5 Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Ring_Misc_3_Blue
20 RARE Ring of Revitalization +6 Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Ring_Misc_4_Purple

Publicado: 11/11/2014
Editado: 11/11/2014

here are the additions you need to make for leveling jewelcrafting (no tasks added for level 20) (data on tasks and ratios taken from preview server on 11 nov 2014). please inform me if tasks or ratios of exp/time taken change to update to a better leveling task list

// Jewelcrafting
level: {

also add at the respective place in script this part as well:

charSettings.push({name: 'Jewelcrafting'+i, title: 'Jewelcrafting',def: '0', type:'text', tooltip:'Number of slots to assign to Jewelcrafting'});

Publicado: 11/11/2014

THX, Im levelled(on gatewaytest) multiple chracters now with list I posted and I used script where part is from Bunta´s and some parts from Bluep´s browser script.

My main problem was tasklist and its great to have!!!

about RARE -task!!!

You need craft first "rare gemmed item +6" (BoE) and then you can make "common EPIC" item with 2x enchant slots what is BoP... = profit if you sell them on AH and others upgrade...

I think players allready see this...

Again THX for tasklist, I have no knowledge how to extract it from gateway.

Publicado: 11/11/2014

yes players already know about that. you will need to craft the tier 3 task (1 dragon egg + 4 epic assets for 60% chance) to be able to craft the 2 slot rings. the result from the tier 3 one is BoE and you use that to make the ring with the 2 slots which is BoP. so expect those BoE ones to go for high price at start in AH. and yes people already know that and i bet they are ready to craft them as soon as possible.
*i didn't extract it. i did it manually.

Publicado: 11/11/2014

updated RARE task list again. it should have now all the important rare tasks. *wink wink*. enjoy. let me know if something is wrong or needs editing.

Publicado: 12/11/2014
Editado: 12/11/2014

xD, I did allready few patch "offence rings" + "necklaces"(preview) , what can be really valuable on Live...

Next I check, items with "regeneration".

It will be interesting to see how fast players go up to LvL20 and what will be price for those "upgrade-able" items, ;).

Pve dungeons are allready too easy so only real value for these OP new stuff is PvP and I havent seen any calculation for that.

Well, now all can make their own task-lists.

ps. Do you know if its possible/simple make "autosell if inventory full" option for this script, it will be one last thing I look for it...

Publicado: 18/11/2014

Not working on Live. Can we update for that? The script addition as posted is not working.

Publicado: 19/11/2014

its working pretty well, just need add stuff proper place.

Publicado: 19/11/2014

it works fine here as well. check where u post the code. just check how the other professions are and do relative pastes.

Publicado: 21/11/2014

After running the script for a while I started wondering why it produced so many items that were not used in the production of future items. Here I have focused on two branches in the requirement trees:

A) Witch's Belt -> Belt of Reformation -> Mage's Belt ->Belt of Replenishment ->Wizard's Belt and
B) Witch's Necklace ->Necklace of reformation -> Mage's Necklace -> Necklace of Replenishment -> Wizard's Necklace -> Knight's Necklace.

B yields better XP/hour but we want to focus on A on level 8, 9 and 14, and 15, after the switches to new raw materials. This way we should be able to use everything we already made when making new items and gain XP quicker.

Will this work?

// Jewelcrafting
level: {
1:[ "Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Waist_Offense_1","Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Refine_Basic","Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Gather_Basic"],
2:[ "Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Waist_Offense_1","Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Refine_Basic","Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Gather_Basic"],
3:[ "Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Neck_Offense_1","Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Waist_Offense_1","Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Refine_Basic","Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Gather_Basic"],
4:[ "Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Neck_Offense_1","Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Waist_Misc_1","Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Refine_Basic","Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Gather_Basic"],
5:[ "Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Neck_Offense_1","Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Waist_Misc_1","Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Refine_Basic","Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Gather_Basic"],
7:[ "Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Waist_Offense_2","Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Refine_Basic","Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Gather_Basic"],
8:[ "Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Waist_Offense_2","Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Refine_Basic","Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Gather_Basic"],
9:[ "Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Neck_Offense_2","Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Waist_Offense_2","Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Refine_Basic","Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Gather_Basic"],
10:[ "Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Waist_Misc_2","Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Neck_Offense_2", "Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Refine_Basic","Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Gather_Basic"],
11:[ "Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Waist_Misc_2","Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Neck_Offense_2", "Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Refine_Basic","Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Gather_Basic"],
12:[ "Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Waist_Misc_2","Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Neck_Offense_2", "Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Refine_Basic","Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Gather_Basic"],
13:["Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Neck_Misc_2","Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Waist_Misc_2", "Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Refine_Basic","Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Gather_Basic"],
14:[ "Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Waist_Offense_3","Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Refine_Basic","Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Gather_Basic"],
15:[ "Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Waist_Offense_3","Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Refine_Basic","Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Gather_Basic"],
16:["Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Neck_Offense_3","Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Waist_Defense_3", "Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Refine_Basic","Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Gather_Basic"],
17:["Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Neck_Defense_3","Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Waist_Defense_3", "Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Refine_Basic","Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Gather_Basic"],
18:["Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Neck_Defense_3","Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Waist_Defense_3", "Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Refine_Basic","Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Gather_Basic"],
19:["Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Neck_Defense_3","Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Waist_Defense_3", "Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Refine_Basic","Jewelcrafting_Tier3_Gather_Basic"],

Publicado: 21/11/2014

my tasklist is pure exp/time taken ratio order. i don't care if i get extra items cause i can sell them myself. but if u don't want to run out of inventory space or don't wanna bother selling manually you can fix your own list. that i why i pasted the task list as well so ppl can make their own job level list or whatever you wanna call that.
@nametaken the task list you have will stop doing anything for example at lvl 7 if you don't have tier 2 assets. same for next level i think. too tired right now to check it properly

Publicado: 22/11/2014

Yes, @nametaken -list looks good and I think I switch to it, had no too much time to look after it so did just "fool proof" task list, xD.

ps. If Bunta is now "MIA", maybe it is good transfer changed script with Black ice/Jewelcrafting to new thread, OFC most changes are just "cosmetics" so it still be Bunta´s script.

Publicado: 24/11/2014
my tasklist is pure exp/time taken ratio order. i don't care if i get extra items cause i can sell them myself. but if u don't want to run out of inventory space or don't wanna bother selling manually you can fix your own list. that i why i pasted the task list as well so ppl can make their own job level list or whatever you wanna call that.
@nametaken the task list you have will stop doing anything for example at lvl 7 if you don't have tier 2 assets. same for next level i think. too tired right now to check it properly

@kakoura, your task list will accomplish the same as mine, but mine should do it in a shorter time. If we stick to producing items that are used by later stages you will spend less time doing tasks with a lesser XP/h ratio. If I already have a number of Belts of Replenishment in my bags I can make Wizard's Belts of them (for 400XP/h) where you would have to spend time making the things needed for a Belt of Replenishment getting less XP/hour.

The task list assumes you have Train Assets checked. Otherwise it will take forever to level 20. I'm at level 14 now and one needs lots and lots of polishers to make one assistant jewelcrafter... I wonder how many it is worth creating.

Publicado: 24/11/2014
Editado: 24/11/2014
The task list assumes you have Train Assets checked. Otherwise it will take forever to level 20. I'm at level 14 now and one needs lots and lots of polishers to make one assistant jewelcrafter... I wonder how many it is worth creating.

I took only 2x rank3 (bought AH), trained 3xRAnk2, 4x rank1, with my own list task are not so efficient but Im now LvL19 and it takes long time to get 20.

For speed 9x rank3 is good, but mixed set works too and gems sell good on AH.

So I think its not good train rank3 person, just buy 2 - 3x them and train only rank2 person´s. IMHO

ps. "Green workers" if buy from AH.

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