Reddit - Load 'Continue this thread' inline

Changes 'Continue this thread' links to insert the linked comments into the current page

< Opiniones de Reddit - Load 'Continue this thread' inline

Puntuación: Bueno; el script funciona tal y como promete

Publicado: 7/12/2022
Editado: 7/12/2022

is it just me or it doesn't work for deep nested comments?
for example, with this comment tree, continue this thread is being displayed as normal link, not replaced with the button from your userscript

Publicado: 23/12/2022

It worked okay for me, but maybe it's related to screen size or your Reddit settings or something - that comment is only six levels deep and is only about a third of the way across the width of the page on my screen, and the script works for much more nested threads. Things do look funky when it gets deep enough that everything piles up on the right edge though.

If it still isn't working would you mind pressing either F12 or Control+Shift+I to open the developer console and seeing if there's some sort of error there? If there is I might be able to resolve your issue...


Publicado: 24/12/2022

seems like it's working now
no idea what was causing it

Publicado: 24/12/2022

We can blame Reddit though :)

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