YouTube HD Plus

Automatically select your desired video quality and select premium when posibble. (Support YouTube Desktop, Music & Mobile)

< Opiniones de YouTube HD Plus

Puntuación: Bueno; el script funciona tal y como promete

Publicado: 3/12/2024

After v1.8.2 not displayed in player settings. Chrome, Windows 10.

Publicado: 4/12/2024
Editado: 4/12/2024

Can you tell me what version is currently installed and what userscript extension you use?

Publicado: 4/12/2024

You can try again now in version 1.9.3 and let me know if it fixes the issue.

Publicado: 9/12/2024

Version 1.9.3 works great (Tampermonkey, developer mode enabled). Thank you for your script.

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