// ==UserScript==
// @name PowerBox4e for Roll20
// @namespace jackpoll4100
// @version 1.3
// @description Creates a ui for roll20 that allows for importing dnd 4e character sheets and rolling powers/skills from them.
// @author jackson pollard
// @match https://app.roll20.net/editor/
// @match https://*.discordsays.com/*
// @icon https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jackpoll4100/PowerBox4e/main/d20.png
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
function onDOMLoad(){
let uiContainer = document.createElement('div');
uiContainer.innerHTML = `
<div id="powerBoxUI" class="hideUI">
<div id="charBox" style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: space-between;">
<input id="charName" style="margin: 5px; width: 100%" disabled value="No character found" type="text">
<div class="hideUI" style="padding: 5px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; border-radius: 5px; justify-content: space-between; row-gap: 5px;border: 1px solid;" id="situationalModifiers">
<div style="display: flex;flex-direction: row;min-width: 100%;justify-content: space-between;">
Situational Modifiers:
<div style="display: flex;flex-direction: row;min-width: 100%;justify-content: space-between;">
<input style="width: 50%;" type="text" placeholder="Attack Modifier" id="attackInput" title="Situational Attack Modifier">
<input style="width: 50%;margin-left: 10px;" type="text" placeholder="Damage Modifier" id="damageInput" title="Situational Damage Modifier">
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; width: 100%; justify-content: space-between;">
<input style="width: 50%;" type="text" placeholder="Skill Modifier" id="skillInput" title="Situational Skill Modifier">
<input style="width: 50%;margin-left: 10px;" type="text" placeholder="Saving Throw Modifier" id="savingInput" title="Situational Saving Throw Modifier">
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; width: 100%; justify-content: space-between;">
<input style="width: 25%;" type="text" placeholder="AC Mod" id="acInput" title="Situational Armor Class Modifier">
<input style="width: 25%;margin-left: 10px;" type="text" placeholder="Fort Mod" id="fortInput" title="Situational Fortitude Modifier">
<input style="width: 25%;margin-left: 10px;" type="text" placeholder="Ref Mod" id="refInput" title="Situational Reflex Modifier">
<input style="width: 25%;margin-left: 10px;" type="text" placeholder="Will Mod" id="willInput" title="Situational Will Modifier">
<div class="hideUI" style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; width: 100%; justify-content: space-between;" id="skillActions">
<div class="hideUI" style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; width: 100%; justify-content: space-between;" id="powerActions">
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: space-between;">
<input style="margin: 5px; width: 100%;" type="file" id="uploadedFile" />
<span id="initiativeButton" class="btn" style="
padding: 2px;
margin: 5px;
min-width: 48px;
border-radius: 5px;
display: inline-grid;
align-items: center;
text-align: center;
cursor: pointer;"
<span id="usePower" class="btn" style="
padding: 3px;
margin: 5px;
min-width: 60px;
border-radius: 5px;
display: inline-grid;
align-items: center;
text-align: center;
cursor: pointer;"
Use Power
// Get the chat button and append the new "hide ui" button
let cb = document.getElementById('chatSendBtn');
if (cb){
cb.outerHTML += '<style>.hideUI{ display: none !important; } .pb-button{ padding-left: 4px !important; padding-right: 1px !important; }</style><button class="btn pb-button" id="pbuiBtn" style="margin-left: 10px;">Power Box <b id="expandoIcon" style="font-size: 0.9em;">◃</b></button>';
document.getElementById("pbuiBtn").addEventListener("click",function() {
let box = document.getElementById('powerBoxUI');
let icon = document.getElementById('expandoIcon');
icon.innerHTML = icon.innerHTML === '◃' ? '▿' : '◃';
icon.style = icon.innerHTML === '◃' ? 'font-size: 0.9em;' : 'font-size: 1.3em;';
window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize'));
else {
console.log('PowerBox - Error: could not locate chat button to append content.');
let actionBox = document.getElementById('powerActions');
let skillBox = document.getElementById('skillActions');
let elStyles = 'margin: 5px;';
//Create and append power ui elements
let selectList = document.createElement("select");
selectList.id = 'powerDropdown';
selectList.style = elStyles + ' width: 75%';
let targetsInput = document.createElement("input");
targetsInput.type = 'number';
targetsInput.id = 'myTargets';
targetsInput.placeholder = '# of Targets';
targetsInput.style = elStyles + ' width: 25%;';
document.getElementById('initiativeButton').addEventListener('click', function(){
document.getElementById('usePower').addEventListener('click', function() {
if (!window?.foundCharacter){
window.execMacro('Error: No character found. Please import a character first.');
let powerQuery = document.getElementById('powerDropdown').value;
powerQuery = powerQuery.split('||');
let targets = parseInt(document.getElementById('myTargets').value || 1);
let macro = window.constructMacro(window.powerObject[powerQuery[0]], powerQuery.length > 1 ? window.powerObject[powerQuery[0]]['WeaponMap'][powerQuery[1]] : {}, targets);
if (window?.powerBoxSettings?.autoCheck && window.frames?.length > 1){
for (let y = 1; y < window.frames?.length; y++){
let w = window.frames[y];
for (let x = 1; x < 100; x++){
if (w?.document?.querySelector(`[name="attr_power-${ x }-name"]`)?.value?.replaceAll(' ', '')?.toLowerCase() === window.powerObject[powerQuery[0]].Name.replaceAll(' ', '').toLowerCase()){
if (w?.document?.querySelectorAll(`[name="attr_power-${ x }-used"]`)?.[0]){
w.document.querySelectorAll(`[name="attr_power-${ x }-used"]`)[0].click();
//Create and append skill ui elements
let selectSkillList = document.createElement("select");
selectSkillList.id = 'skillDropdown';
selectSkillList.style = elStyles + ' width: 45%';
let buttonCss = `
padding: 5px;
margin: 5px;
min-width: 70px;
border-radius: 5px;
display: inline-grid;
align-items: center;
text-align: center;
cursor: pointer;`;
skillBox.innerHTML += `<span class="btn" style="${ buttonCss } width: 25%;" id="skillCheckButton">Skill Check</span>
<span class="btn" style="${ buttonCss } width: 30%;" id="savingThrowButton">Saving Throw</span>`;
document.getElementById("skillCheckButton").addEventListener("click",()=>{ window.constructSkillCheck(); });
document.getElementById("savingThrowButton").addEventListener("click",()=>{ window.constructSavingThrow(); });
const fileInputElement = document.getElementById('uploadedFile');
// Improved dice process with 'or' handler and multiple dice matching.
function processDiceFormula(macroString, weapon){
// Construct the weapon dice from the first part of the damage formula (if applicable).
let wDice = window?.foundCharacter?.weaponDiceMap?.[weapon?.Weapon];
let statMods = window?.foundCharacter?.statMods;
let reconstructedString = macroString;
if (statMods){
let stats = ['Charisma', 'Constitution', 'Dexterity', 'Strength', 'Wisdom', 'Intelligence'];
for (let stat of stats){
for (let stat2 of stats){
if (stat !== stat2 && reconstructedString.includes(`${ stat } or ${ stat2 } Modifier`)){
reconstructedString = reconstructedString.replaceAll(`${ stat } or ${ stat2 } Modifier`,
statMods[`${ stat } Modifier`] > statMods[`${ stat2 } Modifier`] ? statMods[`${ stat } Modifier`] : statMods[`${ stat2 } Modifier`]);
for (let stat in statMods){
reconstructedString = reconstructedString.replaceAll(stat, statMods[stat]);
let diceFound = reconstructedString.match(/[0-9][0-9]*d[0-9][0-9]*/g);
if (diceFound?.length){
let matchedSet = [];
for (let x = 0; x < diceFound.length; x++){
let add = true;
for (let y = 0; y < diceFound.length; y++){
if (x !== y && diceFound[y] !== diceFound[x] && diceFound[y].includes(diceFound[x])){
add = false;
if (add && !matchedSet.includes(diceFound[x])){
for (let match of matchedSet){
reconstructedString = reconstructedString.replaceAll(match, `[[${ match }]]`);
// Replace weapon dice with expressions.
for (let x = 1; x < 10; x++){
reconstructedString = reconstructedString.replaceAll(`${ x }[W]`, `${ x }${ wDice } (Roll: [[${ x }${ wDice }]])`);
return reconstructedString;
function execMacro(macro){
console.log('PowerBox - Executing Macro: ', macro);
document.querySelectorAll('[title="Text Chat Input"]')[0].value = macro;
function constructSkillCheck(){
let skill = document.getElementById('skillDropdown')?.value;
let sitBonus = document.getElementById('skillInput')?.value;
let joiningChar = '+';
if (sitBonus?.length && ['+','-'].includes(sitBonus[0])){
joiningChar = '';
let macro = `&{template:default} {{name=${ skill } Check}} {{result=[[1d20+${ window.foundCharacter.skillMods[skill] }${ sitBonus ? `${ joiningChar }${ sitBonus }` : '' }]]}}`;
function buildSkillDropdown(){
let sd = document.getElementById('skillDropdown');
sd.innerHTML = '';
let skills = ['Acrobatics','Arcana','Athletics','Bluff','Diplomacy','Dungeoneering','Endurance','Heal','History','Insight','Intimidate','Nature','Perception','Religion','Stealth','Streetwise','Thievery'];
for (let skill of skills) {
let option = document.createElement("option");
option.text = skill;
option.value = skill;
function constructSavingThrow(){
let sitBonus = document.getElementById('savingInput')?.value;
let joiningChar = '+';
if (sitBonus?.length && ['+','-'].includes(sitBonus[0])){
joiningChar = '';
let macro = `&{template:default} {{name=Saving Throw}} {{result=[[1d20${ sitBonus ? `${ joiningChar }${ sitBonus }` : '' }]]}}`;
function constructInitiativeRoll(){
if (!window?.foundCharacter?.initiativeBonus){
window.execMacro('Error: No initiative bonus found, please import a character first (or reimport your character sheet if it was added in an older version).');
let macro = `&{template:default} {{name=Initiative}} {{result=[[1d20+${ window.foundCharacter.initiativeBonus } &{tracker}]]}}`;
function constructMacro(power, weapon, targets){
let macro = `&{template:default} {{name=${power.Name}}}`;
let attributes = ['Flavor','Power','Charge','Display','Channel Divinity','Power Type','Attack','Effect','Aftereffect','Axe','Mace','Heavy Blade','Spear or Polearm','Hit','Miss','Power Usage','Keywords','Action Type','Attack Type','Target','Targets','Requirement','Special','Weapon','Conditions'];
let processForDice = ['Power','Charge','Channel Divinity','Effect','Aftereffect','Axe','Mace','Heavy Blade','Spear or Polearm','Hit','Miss','Power Usage','Requirement','Special','Weapon','Conditions'];
for (let att of attributes){
if (power?.[att]?.replaceAll(' ', '') || weapon?.[att]?.replaceAll(' ', '')){
if (processForDice.includes(att)){
macro += processDiceFormula(`{{${ att }=${ power[att] || weapon[att] }}}`, weapon);
else {
macro += `{{${ att }=${ power[att] || weapon[att] }}}`;
if (power['Attack Bonus'] || weapon['Attack Bonus']){
let sitBonus = document.getElementById('attackInput')?.value;
let joiningChar = '+';
if (sitBonus?.length && ['+','-'].includes(sitBonus[0])){
joiningChar = '';
macro += `{{attack=[[1d20+${ power['Attack Bonus'] || weapon['Attack Bonus'] || 0 }${ sitBonus ? `${ joiningChar }${ sitBonus }` : '' }]]}}`;
for (let x = 1; x < targets; x++){
macro += `{{attack ${ x+1 }=[[1d20+${ power['Attack Bonus'] || weapon['Attack Bonus'] || 0 }${ sitBonus ? `${ joiningChar }${ sitBonus }` : '' }]]}}`;
if (power?.Damage?.replaceAll(' ', '') || weapon?.Damage?.replaceAll(' ', '')){
let sitBonus = document.getElementById('damageInput')?.value;
let joiningChar = '+';
if (sitBonus?.length && ['+','-'].includes(sitBonus[0])){
joiningChar = '';
macro += `{{damage=[[${ power['Damage'] || weapon['Damage'] }${ sitBonus ? `${ joiningChar }${ sitBonus }` : '' }]]}}`;
if (window?.powerBoxSettings?.multiDamage){
for (let x = 1; x < targets; x++){
macro += `{{damage ${ x+1 }=[[${ power['Damage'] || weapon['Damage'] }${ sitBonus ? `${ joiningChar }${ sitBonus }` : '' }]]}}`;
if (power?.['Crit Damage']?.replaceAll(' ', '') || weapon?.['Crit Damage']?.replaceAll(' ', '')){
let sitBonus = document.getElementById('damageInput')?.value;
let joiningChar = '+';
if (sitBonus?.length && ['+','-'].includes(sitBonus[0])){
joiningChar = '';
macro += `{{Crit Damage=[[${ power['Crit Damage'] || weapon['Crit Damage'] }${ sitBonus ? `${ joiningChar }${ sitBonus.replaceAll('d', '*') }` : '' }]]}}`;
if (window?.powerBoxSettings?.multiDamage){
for (let x = 1; x < targets; x++){
macro += `{{Crit Damage ${ x+1 }=[[${ power['Crit Damage'] || weapon['Crit Damage'] }${ sitBonus ? `${ joiningChar }${ sitBonus.replaceAll('d', '*') }` : '' }]]}}`;
return macro;
// Add macro constructor to the window context.
window.constructMacro = constructMacro;
// Add skill check constructor to the window context.
window.constructSkillCheck = constructSkillCheck;
// Add saving throw constructor to the window context.
window.constructSavingThrow = constructSavingThrow;
// Add initiative constructor to the window context.
window.constructInitiativeRoll = constructInitiativeRoll;
// Add macro exec to the window context.
window.execMacro = execMacro;
function buildPowerDropdown(powersConstruct){
let pd = document.getElementById('powerDropdown');
pd.innerHTML = '';
for (let p of powersConstruct) {
if (p?.Weapons?.length){
for (let w of p?.Weapons){
let option = document.createElement("option");
option.text = p.Name + ', Weapon: ' + w.Weapon;
option.value = p.Name + '||' + w.Weapon;
let option = document.createElement("option");
option.text = p.Name;
option.value = p.Name;
function buildCharacter(characterObj){
window.foundCharacter = characterObj;
window.powerBoxSettings = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('powerBoxSettings')) || { autoCheck: false, multiDamage: false };
let cBox = document.getElementById('charBox');
cBox.innerHTML = `
<input id="charName" style="margin: 5px 5px 5px 5px; width: 74%" disabled value="Character: ${characterObj.name}" type="text">
<input id="charLevel" style="margin: 5px 5px 5px 5px; width: 26%" disabled value="Level: ${characterObj.level}" type="text">`;
if (!document.getElementById('settingsRow1')){
cBox.outerHTML += `
<div style="margin-bottom: 5px; padding: 5px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; border-radius: 5px; justify-content: space-between; border: 1px solid; row-gap: 5px;" id="settingsWrapper">
<div id="settingsRow1" style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: space-between;">
<input type="checkbox" id="autoCheck" title="Check off powers when used (requires character sheet to be open).">
<input id="autoCheckLabel" style="margin: 5px 5px 5px 5px; width: 45%" disabled value="Auto Check Powers" type="text" title="Check off powers when used (requires character sheet to be open).">
<input type="checkbox" id="multiDamage" title="Roll damage for each target of the chosen power.">
<input id="multiDamageLabel" style="margin: 5px 5px 5px 5px; width: 45%; font-size: 0.9em;" title="Roll damage for each target of the chosen power." disabled value="Roll Damage Per Target" type="text">
let autoCheckBox = document.getElementById("autoCheck");
autoCheckBox.checked = window?.powerBoxSettings?.autoCheck ? true : false;
autoCheckBox.addEventListener("click",function() {
window.powerBoxSettings.autoCheck = !window.powerBoxSettings.autoCheck;
localStorage.setItem('powerBoxSettings', JSON.stringify(window.powerBoxSettings));
let multiDamageBox = document.getElementById("multiDamage");
multiDamageBox.checked = window?.powerBoxSettings?.multiDamage ? true : false;
multiDamageBox.addEventListener("click",function() {
window.powerBoxSettings.multiDamage = !window.powerBoxSettings.multiDamage;
localStorage.setItem('powerBoxSettings', JSON.stringify(window.powerBoxSettings));
window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize'));
// Check localStorage for an existing character
let foundCharacter = localStorage.getItem('powerBox');
if (foundCharacter){
foundCharacter = JSON.parse(foundCharacter);
window.powerObject = foundCharacter.powerObject;
window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize'));
// Add event listener to the file input
fileInputElement.addEventListener('change', (event) => {
var file = document.getElementById("uploadedFile").files[0];
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function(){
var parser = new DOMParser();
var doc = parser.parseFromString(reader.result, "text/xml");
let name = doc.getElementsByTagName('name')[0].innerHTML;
let level = doc.getElementsByTagName('Level')[0].innerHTML;
let experience = doc.getElementsByTagName('Experience')[0].innerHTML;
let carriedMoney = doc.getElementsByTagName('CarriedMoney')[0].innerHTML;
let storedMoney = doc.getElementsByTagName('StoredMoney')[0].innerHTML;
// Construct stat mod array
let statMods = {};
let stats = ['Strength', 'Intelligence', 'Wisdom', 'Charisma', 'Constitution', 'Dexterity'];
for (let stat of stats){
statMods[`${ stat } modifier`] = doc.querySelectorAll(`[name="${ stat } modifier"]`)[0].parentElement.getAttribute('value');
// Construct skill mod array
let skillMods = {};
let skills = ['Acrobatics','Arcana','Athletics','Bluff','Diplomacy','Dungeoneering','Endurance','Heal','History','Insight','Intimidate','Nature','Perception','Religion','Stealth','Streetwise','Thievery'];
for (let skill of skills){
skillMods[`${ skill }`] = doc.querySelectorAll(`alias[name="${ skill }"]`)[0].parentElement.getAttribute('value');
// Construct initiative bonus
let initiativeBonus = doc.querySelectorAll(`alias[name="Initiative"]`)[0].parentElement.getAttribute('value');
let weaponDiceMap = {};
// Construct the power set
let powers = doc.getElementsByTagName('Power');
let powersConstruct = [];
window.powerObject = {};
for (let x = 0; x < powers.length; x++){
console.log('PowerBox - Importing Power: ', powers[x].getAttribute('name'));
let tempPower = {
Name: powers[x].getAttribute('name')
let specs = powers[x].getElementsByTagName('specific');
let weirdFields = ['Aftereffect', 'Axe', 'Mace', 'Heavy Blade', 'Spear or Polearm'];
for (let y = 0; y < specs.length; y++){
tempPower[specs[y].getAttribute('name')] = specs[y].innerHTML;
for (let field of weirdFields){
for (let y = 0; y < specs.length; y++){
if (specs[y].getAttribute('name').includes(field)){
tempPower[field] = specs[y].innerHTML;
let weapons = powers[x].getElementsByTagName('Weapon');
tempPower.Weapons = [];
tempPower.WeaponMap = {};
// Construct the weapon set for each power
for (let y = 0; y < weapons.length; y++){
let tempWeapon = {};
tempWeapon.Weapon = weapons[y].getAttribute('name');
tempWeapon['Attack Bonus'] = weapons[y].getElementsByTagName('AttackBonus')[0].innerHTML;
tempWeapon.Damage = weapons[y].getElementsByTagName('Damage')[0].innerHTML;
let diceNoSpaces = tempWeapon?.Damage?.replaceAll(' ', '');
if (diceNoSpaces?.length > 2){
if (diceNoSpaces?.length > 3 && diceNoSpaces[3] !== '+'){
weaponDiceMap[tempWeapon.Weapon] = `${ diceNoSpaces.slice(1, 4) }`;
weaponDiceMap[tempWeapon.Weapon] = `${ diceNoSpaces.slice(1, 3) }`;
let hasCrit = false;
if (weapons[y].getElementsByTagName('CritDamage')?.length){
hasCrit = true;
tempWeapon['Crit Damage'] = weapons[y].getElementsByTagName('CritDamage')[0].innerHTML;
else {
tempWeapon['Crit Damage'] = `${ weapons[y].getElementsByTagName('Damage')[0].innerHTML.replace('d','*') }`;
if (weapons[y].getElementsByTagName('Conditions')?.length){
tempWeapon.Conditions = weapons[y].getElementsByTagName('Conditions')[0].innerHTML;
if (weapons[y].getElementsByTagName('CritComponents')?.length){
tempWeapon['Crit Components'] = weapons[y].getElementsByTagName('CritComponents')[0].innerHTML;
else {
let shortRule = weapons[y].querySelector('RulesElement[type="Magic Item"]')?.getAttribute('internal-id');
if (shortRule){
let critSet = doc.querySelectorAll(`specific[name="Critical"]`);
for (let x of critSet){
if (x?.parentElement?.getAttribute('internal-id') === shortRule){
tempWeapon['Crit Components'] = x.innerHTML;
function sanitizeCrits(crit, reconstructedString, plus){
let finalString = crit.replaceAll(' ', '') || '0';
let diceFound = reconstructedString.match(/[0-9][0-9]*d[0-9][0-9]*/g);
if (diceFound?.length){
let matchedSet = [];
for (let x = 0; x < diceFound.length; x++){
let add = true;
for (let y = 0; y < diceFound.length; y++){
if (x !== y && diceFound[y] !== diceFound[x] && diceFound[y].includes(diceFound[x])){
add = false;
if (add && !matchedSet.includes(diceFound[x])){
for (let match of matchedSet){
if (reconstructedString.includes('per plus') && plus){
for (let x = 0; x < plus; x++){
finalString += '+' + match;
else {
finalString += '+' + match;
return finalString;
if (!hasCrit && tempWeapon['Crit Components']){
let bonus = parseInt(tempWeapon.Weapon.replace(/\D/g,''));
tempWeapon['Crit Damage'] = sanitizeCrits(tempWeapon['Crit Damage'], tempWeapon['Crit Components'], bonus);
tempPower.WeaponMap[tempWeapon.Weapon] = tempWeapon;
window.powerObject[tempPower.Name] = tempPower;
// Add Charge power options
if (tempPower.Name === 'Melee Basic Attack' || tempPower.Name === 'Bull Rush Attack'){
let chargePower = Object.assign({}, tempPower);
chargePower.Name = `Charge (${ chargePower.Name })`;
chargePower.Flavor = `You throw yourself into the fight, dashing forward and launching an attack. ${ chargePower.Flavor }`;
chargePower.Charge = `Move your speed as part of the charge and make an attack at the end of your move. You gain a +1 bonus to the attack roll.`
chargePower.Weapons = [];
chargePower.WeaponMap = {};
for (let wpn of tempPower.Weapons) {
let tmp = Object.assign({}, wpn);
tmp['Attack Bonus'] = tmp['Attack Bonus'] ? parseInt(tmp['Attack Bonus'])+1 : 1;
chargePower.WeaponMap[tmp.Weapon] = tmp;
window.powerObject[chargePower.Name] = chargePower;
let magicItems = doc.querySelectorAll('LootTally > loot > RulesElement[type="Magic Item"]');
if (magicItems?.length){
for (let item of magicItems){
let flavor = item.querySelector('Flavor');
let power = item.querySelector('specific[name="Power"]');
let tempPower = {
Name: item.getAttribute('name'),
Flavor: flavor?.innerHTML || '',
Power: power?.innerHTML || ''
if (tempPower?.Power){
window.powerObject[tempPower.Name] = tempPower;
console.log('PowerBox - Imported ' + powersConstruct.length + ' powers.');
//Create and append the options
powersConstruct = powersConstruct.sort((p1, p2)=>{
if (p1.Name < p2.Name) {
return -1;
} else if (p2.Name < p1.Name) {
return 1;
return 0;
let characterObj = {
powersConstruct: powersConstruct,
powerObject: window.powerObject,
window.foundCharacter = characterObj;
localStorage.setItem('powerBox', JSON.stringify(characterObj));
function timer (){
if (document.getElementById('chatSendBtn')){
setTimeout(timer, 500);
setTimeout(timer, 0);