KissAnime Anti-Adblock Blocker

Not even the people from Easylist seem to fight this site anymore, someone had to try as this looks popular enough. *sigh*

< Opiniones de KissAnime Anti-Adblock Blocker

Puntuación: Bueno; el script funciona tal y como promete

Publicado: 10/6/2017
Editado: 3/8/2017

No Longer Working EDIT:Not a problem anymore, should still update the script though

Seems like around the time of KissAnime's last DDoSing and site switch they did something and now this doesn't work anymore. Honestly I wouldn't even mind cause there's other better anime sites but I can't watch my Tokusatsu on KissAsian. So yeah we might need to do an update/overhaul here.

Publicado: 3/8/2017

Apparently in the time between now and last KissAsia at least seems to have resolved it's weird problems. I dunno if it's my adblock or the script or the site itself but either way consider this should still update the script though.

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