Greasy Fork is available in English.



< Opiniones de 我只想好好观影

Puntuación: Bueno; el script funciona tal y como promete

Publicado: 23/5/2023

电视剧的名字比如“末日孤舰 第一季”含空格,在不同网站有的带空格有的不带,而且好像不带空格的资源更多一些。是否可以带和不带空格都搜下?尝试自己改但是不懂js不太好改,大佬有空求看下。

var videoName = isMobile ? $(".sub-title").innerText : document.title.slice(0, -5);


Publicado: 26/5/2023

@Free lancer 好,下个版本我改一下

Publicado: 27/8/2023


Publicado: 27/8/2023

enter the file link, Baidu netdisk gives me an error and in the browser whenever I try, message pops up that says that either the URL is wrong or the link has expired but I'm pretty sure that's not true.

Publicado: 28/8/2023

enter the file link, Baidu netdisk gives me an error and in the browser whenever I try, message pops up that says that either the URL is wrong or the link has expired but I'm pretty sure that's not true.

i don't understand... are you in the right feedback place?

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