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Youtube watch page 2022 update reverter

Reverts the shitty watch page and all Youtube 2022 updates to the old layout (including icons)

< Opiniones de Youtube watch page 2022 update reverter

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Can you make a script to revert the big like/dislike buttons on comments?
It's very ugly to see.

Cat BotAutor
Publicado: 1/11/2022

should be fixed now, update the script if still not working

should be fixed now, update the script if still not working

Hi! Thanks for the quick update, I just tested it but unfortunately the like/dislike icons on comments are still big, I don't notice any changes. I also tried a hard reload (Ctrl+Shift+R)

Cat BotAutor
Publicado: 1/11/2022

try updating it again, there were some errors in the last version that should be fixed now. current version is 6.1

try updating it again, there were some errors in the last version that should be fixed now. current version is 6.1

OK, I updated to 6.1, now those icons are still big, but now several icons on the watch page are completely white (Not only on the comments)

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