Greasy Fork is available in English.

Global Darkmode

Turn only bright websites to dark.

Versión del día 16/2/2022. Echa un vistazo a la versión más reciente.

// ==UserScript==
// @name:ko           글로벌 다크모드
// @name              Global Darkmode
// @name:ru           Глобальный темный режим
// @name:jp           グローバルダークモード
// @name:zh-TW        全局暗模式
// @name:zh-CN        全局暗模式

// @description:ko    밝은 색의 웹 사이트들만 어둡게 만듭니다.
// @description       Turn only bright websites to dark.
// @description:ru    Делайте темными только яркие сайты.
// @description:jp    明るいウェブサイトだけを暗くします。
// @description:zh-TW 它只會將明亮的網站變為黑暗。
// @description:zh-CN 它只会将明亮的网站变为黑暗。

// @namespace
// @version           2022.02.16.10:11
// @author            ndaesik
// @icon              data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns=""><text x="-19vh" y="84vh" font-size="100vh">🪐</text></svg>
// @include           *

// @grant             GM.getValue
// @grant             GM.setValue
// @grant             GM_registerMenuCommand
// ==/UserScript==
(async () => {
(await GM.getValue("OnURL") == undefined) ? GM.setValue("OnURL", "") : null;
(await GM.getValue("OfURL") == undefined) ? GM.setValue("OfURL", "") : null;
let OnURL = await GM.getValue("OnURL"),
    OfURL = await GM.getValue("OfURL"),
    BLrun = OnURL == "" || OnURL.replaceAll(/\s/g,"").split(/[\r\n]+|,/g).filter(w => window.location.hostname.indexOf(w) > -1).length == 0,
    WLrun = OfURL != "" && OfURL.replaceAll(/\s/g,"").split(/[\r\n]+|,/g).filter(m => window.location.hostname.indexOf(m) > -1).length != 0,
    Lturn = () => {
        let e = document.querySelector("#GDM_option");
        ( == "none")
            ? = "block"
            : ( = "none", GM.setValue("OnURL", document.querySelector("#OnFilter").value), GM.setValue("OfURL", document.querySelector("#OfFilter").value))
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `
<div id="GDM_option" style="display: none">
    <input id="GDM_Off" class="GDM_radio" type="radio" name="contact"><label class="GDM_label GDM_button" for="GDM_Off">On</label>
    <input id="GDM_On"  class="GDM_radio" type="radio" name="contact"><label class="GDM_label GDM_button" for="GDM_On">Off</label>
    <input id="GDM_Abt" class="GDM_radio" type="radio" name="contact" checked="checked"><label class="GDM_label GDM_button" for="GDM_Abt">About</label>
    <div id="GDM_save" class="GDM_button">❌</div>
    <div id="GDM_content">
        <textarea class="GDM_filter" spellcheck="false" id="OnFilter" placeholder=",\">`+OnURL+`</textarea>
        <textarea class="GDM_filter" spellcheck="false" id="OfFilter" placeholder=",\">`+OfURL+`</textarea>
        <div id="GDM_about">
            <span style="white-space : pre-line">On tab for set the site that always applies this theme.
Off tab for set the site to which the theme is not applied.
The filter list is separated by commas and line breaks.
<div style="position:absolute; bottom:5px">
<a href="">Suggestion & Bug Report</a>
<a href="">Thanks for the support 💖Paypal.Me💖</a>

[id^="GDM_"] *,[class^="GDM_"] *,[id^="GDM_"],[class^="GDM_"] {
color: #000!important; border: 0!important; border-radius: 0!important; margin: unset!important; line-height: 23px!important; text-align: left!important;
box-sizing: border-box!important; font-size: 14px!important; font-family "Apple SD Gothic Neo", arial, sans-serif!important}
#GDM_option {background-color: #6A6C6E!important; position: fixed; top: 25px; right: 25px; width: 375px; z-index: 2147483647; box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px hsl(0,0%,17.5%)}
#GDM_save {position: absolute; right: 0}
#GDM_content{background-color: #FFF!important}
#GDM_content>*{background-color: #FFF!important; min-height: 237px; padding: 5px 8px; font-size: 14px; display: none}
#GDM_On:checked~#GDM_content #OnFilter,
#GDM_Off:checked~#GDM_content #OfFilter,
#GDM_Abt:checked~#GDM_content #GDM_about {display: block}
#GDM_about {display:none}
.GDM_button,.GDM_about {display: inline-block; user-select: none}
.GDM_button {text-align: center!important}
.GDM_filter {min-width: 100%; max-width: 100%; outline-color: transparent}
.GDM_filter:focus {outline: none!important}
.GDM_filter {font-family:Courier New!important}
.GDM_radio {visibility:hidden; width:0; height:0; margin:0; padding:0; position:fixed; top:0; left:0}
.GDM_radio:checked+label {font-weight:bold; background-color: #FFF!important}
.GDM_label {height:25px; width:90px; background-color: #6A6C6E; text-align: center}
.GDM_label:hover {background-color: #FFF!important}
document.querySelector("#GDM_save").addEventListener("click", () => Lturn())

let bdyH0 = window.parent.document.body.offsetHeight == 0,
    frame = self != top,
    elems = document.querySelectorAll("body > :not(script)"),
    apply = () => document.head.appendChild(drkMo),
    togle = () => (document.querySelector(".drkMo") == null) ? apply() : document.querySelector(".drkMo").remove(),
    drkMo = document.createElement("style"),
    check = (m,m2=0) => {
    let n = (n) => {return parseInt(getComputedStyle(document.querySelectorAll(m)[m2]).getPropertyValue("background-color").match(/\d+/g)[n])};
    return (n(0)*0.299+n(1)*0.587+n(2)*0.114) > 186 || n(3) == 0 }
drkMo.innerText = `
html {color-scheme:dark!important;color:#000}
html * {color-scheme:light!important;text-shadow:0 0 .1px}
html body {background:none!important}
html, html :is(i, img, image, embed, video, canvas, option, object, :fullscreen:not(iframe), iframe:not(:fullscreen)),
html body>* [style*="url("]:not([style*="cursor:"]):not([type="text"]) {filter:invert(1)hue-rotate(180deg)!important}
html body>* [style*="url("]:not([style*="cursor:"]) :not(#⁠),
html:not(#⁠) :is(canvas, option, object) :is(i, img, image, embed, video),
html:not(#⁠) video:fullscreen{filter:unset!important}`
if(WLrun) {apply()} else
    if(BLrun) {
        if((!frame && !bdyH0 || frame) && check("html") && check("body")) apply()
        if(!frame && bdyH0) {for (let i = 0; i < elems.length ; i++) {if (elems[i].scrollHeight > window.innerHeight && check("body > :not(script)",i)) apply()}}
GM_registerMenuCommand("On/Off", togle)
GM_registerMenuCommand("Filter", Lturn)