Greasy Fork is available in English.

Linkify Plus Plus

Based on Linkify Plus. Turn plain text URLs into links.

< Opiniones de Linkify Plus Plus

Puntuación: Bueno; el script funciona tal y como promete

Publicado: 16/10/2022

Hello again,

Do you think that your script will one day be able to retrieve the links or the email addresses in an image please ?

Thank you for your answer.

Google Chrome Browser with Tampermonkey

Publicado: 19/10/2022

Not it won't. You need a more complex software for stuff like OCR.

Publicado: 20/10/2022


Okay, I understand and thank you again for your answer.

Publicado: 22/11/2022


I realized for a while that the plain text URLs or email address turned into links are dark blue on any dark theme webpages and unfortunately, it's totally unreadable :-(

Some examples there :

Thank you for your answer.

Publicado: 22/11/2022

I suggest writing your own custom CSS to change link color. This script doesn't style those links.

To write custom CSS:

  1. Create a new script, and inject CSS to the page via the GM_addStyle function.
  2. Or, install a userstyle manager e.g. Stylus, which is designed for custom CSS.
Publicado: 24/11/2022


Thanks a lot for your advices.

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