4chan sounds player

A player designed for 4chan sounds threads.

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catbox is getting banned in certain countries like Australia. I found this comment to bring back playing functionality for the sounds:

4chanX temporary work around, override the natural video embed to a site specific one.

, {
key: 'Catbox.moe',
regExp: /^\w+:\/\/files.catbox.moe\/([A-Za-z0-9]+)[^?]*(.*)/,
style: 'max-width: 80vw; max-height: 80vh;',
el: function(a) {
var el;
el = $.el('video', {
controls: true,
preload: 'auto',
loop: true

$.add(el, $.el('source', {
src: a.dataset.href.replace('files','de')
return el;
}, {
key: 'video',

find key: 'video' under ordered_types and make sure catbox key is above it.

Is it possible to implement such a fix to make it work again?

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