Greasy Fork is available in English.

Copy Title Alt+T

Press Alt+T to copy title and url like this `# ${TITLE}\n${URL}` and Alt+Shift+T to copy the markdown style link `[${TITLE}]( ${URL} )`

< Opiniones de Copy Title Alt+T

Puntuación: Bueno; el script funciona tal y como promete

Publicado: 2/10/2021

Want to try it but there are symbols in the code. Are you sure it is safe?

Publicado: 21/12/2021

Want to try it but there are symbols in the code. Are you sure it is safe?

Aha, thank you for your feedback, don't worry, these symbols are just variable names written in Chinese. (My native language)

I will replace them to English in the new version. Thanks for comment :D

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