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YouTube Live Filled Up View

Get maximized video-and-chat view with no margins on YouTube Live or Premieres.

< Opiniones de YouTube Live Filled Up View

Puntuación: Bueno; el script funciona tal y como promete

Publicado: 10/10/2020

It seems this doesn't work for me in either normal or theater mode. Any ideas?

Publicado: 10/10/2020

Thank you for reporting.
Okay, could you tell me your browser and script manager?

Chrome 86.0.4240.75
Tampermonkey 4.11

And such a thing often being caused by another scripts or extensions. Any ideas on your mind?

Publicado: 11/10/2020
Editado: 11/10/2020

Ah, I see!

I'm on the latest version of Firefox, but was using the latest version of Greasemonkey.
I have installed Tampermonkey instead, and it seems to work now! Not sure why it would be different, but at least it works now, thank you!

Publicado: 9/1/2021

Now it's compatible with Firefox + Greasemonkey as well 😉

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