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Gamdom Rain Notifier


< Opiniones de Gamdom Rain Notifier

Puntuación: Pasable; el script funciona, pero tiene carencias importantes

Publicado: 18/3/2018

Giving notification continuously

I dont know what happends but your scripts giving me notification continuously without any rain. please check.

Publicado: 19/3/2018
I dont know what happends but your scripts giving me notification continuously without any rain. please check.

The most probable is that you have a cache problem, because I checked and it's working.
Also checked the detected rain history and the last detected was 10 min ago, which coincides with gamdom /lastrain.
Try to delete cache and cookies from you don't know how search a tutorial for your browser, which seems to be chrome)

Publicado: 19/3/2018

ok i cleared my cache. i will let you know if i face further problem.

Publicado: 19/3/2018
ok i cleared my cache. i will let you know if i face further problem.

Anyways, I will try to put cache of the website instead of "almost off" to "off". This may need me to buy a little bit more bandwdth in the future but I don't mind at all.

Publicado: 19/3/2018
ok i cleared my cache. i will let you know if i face further problem.

Working or not?

Publicado: 23/3/2018
Editado: 23/3/2018

sometimes it rings without any rain... and yeh I already cleared my cache

Publicado: 23/3/2018
sometimes it rings without any rain... and yeh I already cleared my cache

Hmmmm will check because already there are some reports about this bug and it seems strange for me.

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