Greasy Fork is available in English. download helper

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Publicado: 21/8/2019

no longer seems to work

you may wish to update it to include

Publicado: 25/8/2019

Yeah someting has changed on site.

Publicado: 26/8/2019

Script fixed, but their site is currently broken (i.e. I can skip through all those ad pages but unable to actually download the file).

Publicado: 26/8/2019
Editado: 26/8/2019

Let me know if you are stuck on one of their ad domain during skipping, I'll add it to the script's blacklist to help skip it.

Publicado: 6/9/2019
Publicado: 6/9/2019
Editado: 6/9/2019

Maybe bugged no mobile phone (Android + Firefox (any Kiwi / Yandex Browser))?

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