Add YouTube Video Progress

Adds a progress bars (or dots) at bottom of video, a progress text which includes video quality and subtitle indicators, and a chapter title box on the YouTube video page.

< Opiniones de Add YouTube Video Progress

Puntuación: Bueno; el script funciona tal y como promete

Publicado: 15/4/2020

Any way to hide the script's progress bar when hovering player?

It would be nice if the script's progress bar hid away when hovering over the player and was only visible once the default controls went away.

Publicado: 17/4/2020

Script has been updated for this. It's configurable and is enabled by default.

Publicado: 17/4/2020

@jcunews dedi: Script has been updated for this. It's configurable and is enabled by default.

Thanks for update. Date looks like this.

Publicado: 17/4/2020

Thank you very much for the update! :)

Publicado: 17/4/2020

@cmhrky: Sorry for the leftover bug. Script has been updated.

Publicado: 18/4/2020
Editado: 18/4/2020

@jcunews Thanks. I think Youtube does not share the publication hour information. I wish it would be nice if it was hour information like live streams.

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