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2020 MouseHunt AutoBot

An advance user script to automate sounding the hunter horn in MouseHunt

< Opiniones de 2020 MouseHunt AutoBot

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Publicado: 5/6/2020

Show Preference still not working for me

I saw a few items below.. but I still cant get the show preferences to work. I cleared cache, reinstalled tampermonkey, got the latest script, cleared all ad blockers, disable scripts.. but I can click on the show preference once, and then it wont work again after a reload. Any known ways to fix this?

Publicado: 6/6/2020

Preferences lock up: You need to do the following each time you want to change hunting locations… a. [Get preferences] b. Open file and remove the area after “eventlocation |” c. [Restore] preferences d. Restart the browser e. Change the setting and choose a hunt location

Publicado: 8/6/2020

thank you!

@Hunter12345 said: Preferences lock up: You need to do the following each time you want to change hunting locations… a. [Get preferences] b. Open file and remove the area after “eventlocation |” c. [Restore] preferences d. Restart the browser e. Change the setting and choose a hunt location

Publicado: 4/9/2020

@SpuirrelGT - Please download the latest script and let me know if the bug is fixed.

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