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Listia Mass Price Updater

When the price of XNK per dollar changes significantly, you need to mass update prices your Listia listings sometimes quickly. This Tampermonkey script will, upon a Listia listing being opened for editing, change the GetItNow price by multiplying by a predetermined value and automatically clicking the Update button. There is also a provision in this script to prevent updating during a browsing session, but if you close Chrome and reopen a listing in Chrome again, the price will again update.

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XNK price in dollars recently has sometimes fluctuate wildly by as much as 25% up or down a day. You can follow XNK's value in real time here: It is always a little different at least from what Listia sells the crypto for. When the price of XNK per dollar goes up or down significantly and you have a lot of listings, you need to mass update prices, and this can be very tedious. Tampermonkey is a Google Chrome extension which allows you to change web pages as they load.

  • This Tampermonkeyscript script will, upon a Listia listing being opened for editing, change the GetItNow price by multiplying by the predetermined multiply variable.
  • 3 seconds later, the script will also automatically click on the Update button.

For instance, if your old price for a 2018 Silver Eagle coin was 2250 XNK and you discover that after a 10% fall in XNK price, you need to multiply its price and all your other prices by 1.11. This script can do it for you. In the script, just edit the multiply variable and change it from 0.965 to 1.11 and open each listing for editing. I'm also working on a script which will open all your listings for editing, with one click, so combining that with this script, conceivably you could update 100 listings in about 2-5 minutes.

To avoid the script doing unwanted updating, go to Tampermonkey's Dashboard and disable the script. Or if this is the only Tampermonkey script you use, click on the black Tampermonkey icon in upper right of Chrome and disable it until the next time you need to update prices.

  • If this means anything to you, this script also has a logging feature and will print the log to Chrome's developer console line when the command JSON.parse(localStorage.log || "[]") is sent to it.

  • Finally, this script is written so that if you accidentally reopen a listing for editing, the script will not update it again, as long as you have not closed down Chrome before the unwanted editing.

Or at least the last feature is the script's design intention and it does work that way but I think not perfectly.

The actual author of this script is not me Paul Pruitt, but Gostud on He has a very high 4.7 rating and 153 ratings at the time of this writing. Also, he wanted to only charge me $10, but I gave him a lot more :).