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Tinychat Enhancement Suite (TES)

Fixes some Tinychat room shortcomings and adds useful features.

< Opiniones de Tinychat Enhancement Suite (TES)

Puntuación: Bueno; el script funciona tal y como promete

Publicado: 26/12/2018

Spam filter please?

Awesome script. Can we have a basic spam filter included? Many empty lines / characters, too long messages, repeating messages. Thanks.

Publicado: 14/2/2019

Basic spam filter sounds like oxymoron. Have you ever tried it? I think it's better to find any application that deals with unwanted mails and comments in social media, like does. It's the most acceptable to work with.

Publicado: 2/5/2019

James, why don't you create a bot to do that lol

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