YouTube RatingBars (Like/Dislike Rating)

It shows rating bars which represents Like/Dislike rating ratio.

< Opiniones de YouTube RatingBars (Like/Dislike Rating)

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Publicado: 21/8/2019
Editado: 21/8/2019

Not working currently

Browser: Opera GX v62.0.3331.132 Script Manager: Tampermonkey BETA v4.9.5960 OS: Windows 10 v1903 (18362.30)

Publicado: 22/8/2019

Thank you for reporting.

I tested on this environment and works well on top page of YouTube. Opera GX (core: 62.0.3331.132) Tampermonkey v4.8.5890 (and also BETA v4.9.5960 for Chrome) Windows 10 1903 (18362.295)

I purely installed Opera GX and Tampermonkey for this test. Please try to kill all of other addons.

Publicado: 30/8/2019

I found minor update of YouTube preventing the script from adding rating bars. This update might have been adopted gradually for users, I think.

Anyway, I updated the script and hope it works on your Opera. Thanks.

Publicado: 7/10/2019

Hey thanks for the support, I removed my negative rating as I wont be able to test this out anymore. I'm going the way of disabling all instances of likes/dislikes, thanks for the help though!

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