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EtoEto Dictionary Changer

Change Jisho dictionary to Weblio, ALC, or Goo. This script also fixes the rikai browser extension display, and improves copying of Japanese text.

Versión del día 8/11/2017. Echa un vistazo a la versión más reciente.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        EtoEto Dictionary Changer
// @namespace   etoeto_JishoReplacerKK
// @description Change Jisho dictionary to Weblio, ALC, or Goo. This script also fixes the rikai browser extension display, and improves copying of Japanese text.
// @author      Kai Krause <>
// @match*books/*episodes/*
// @match*books/*episodes/*
// @version     1.3
// @grant       none
// @run-at      document-end
// ==/UserScript==

// Choose a dictionary from a number:
// Weblio: 0 | ALC: 1 | Tangorin 2 | Goo: 3
var dictSelection = 0;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

var body = document.body;

//Fix Rikai Display
body.getElementsByClassName('off-canvas-wrap')[0].style.zIndex = "0";

//Create the CSS coloration for the dictionary on-hover
var css = document.createElement("style");
css.type = "text/css";
css.innerHTML = "a.highlight:hover{color: red !important;}";

var pos = body.getElementsByClassName('audio-word-text');
var dictionaries = ['', '', ''];
for (var i = 0; i < pos.length; ++i) {
	body.getElementsByClassName('audio-word-text')[i].outerHTML = pos[i].outerHTML.replace(/audio-word-text/igm, 'audio-word-text highlight');
	if (dictSelection != 3) {
		body.getElementsByClassName('audio-word-text')[i].outerHTML = pos[i].outerHTML.replace(/\/search\//igm, dictionaries[dictSelection]);
	} else {
		body.getElementsByClassName('audio-word-text')[i].outerHTML = pos[i].outerHTML.replace(/\/search/igm, '');
		body.getElementsByClassName('audio-word-text')[i].outerHTML = pos[i].outerHTML.replace(/" target="_blank"/igm, '/m0u/" target="_blank"');

//Remove formatting errors (spaces, line breaks) when copying Japanese dialogue
document.oncopy = function(){
	var body = document.body;
	var selection = window.getSelection();
	var text = selection.toString();
	var newText = '';

	for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++){
		if (text[i].match(/[\u3000-\u303f\u3040-\u309f\u30a0-\u30ff\uff00-\uff9f\u4e00-\u9faf\u3400-\u4dbf]/) ){
			newText += text[i];
		else if (text[i].match(/^[a-zA-Z]+$/) ){
			newText += '\n';
			for (var x = i; x < text.length; x++){
				newText += text[x];
			i = text.length;

	var newSelectionContainer = document.createElement('div'); = 'absolute'; = '-99999px';
	newSelectionContainer.innerHTML = newText;

	window.setTimeout(function() {