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Chat Resizer

Automatically resizes the chat to a specified value.

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9,64 KB
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Original Author: Ventero
Original Host:
Created: "05/12/09"
Updated: 15/09/12
Total installs on original host as of 06/03/16: 3,460
Working Status: Obsolete

Dev notes:

Automatically resizes the chat to a specified value. This value can be overriden for single games.

Version: 1.2.4

Overview of chat-commands:
/size width height userlist-height
Sets a specific chat-size for the game you're currently playing which overrides the default-size.
Specifying a userlist-height is optional, it defaults to 100px.
Examples: /size 500 600 100, /size reset, /size show
/defaultsize width height userlist-height
Sets a default chat-size for all games.
Specifying a userlist-height is optional, it defaults to 100px.
Examples: /defaultsize 900 900 150, /defaultsize reset, /defaultsize show
Toggles if the game is vertically centered or aligned to the chat's bottom.
Detailed description:
This script resizes the chat whenever you load a game. You can specify the desired chat's width/height/userlist-height for the current game with /size width height userlist-height. To delete the specified values, just type "/size reset".

If you don't have a size specified for the game you're currently playing, this script resizes the chat to a default size (height: 600px, width: 500px, userlist-height: 100px). If there's not enough space to change the chat's width to the default value, it's resizing it as far as possible while leaving a little bit of blank space on both sides of the chat/game.
These default values can be changed using /defaulsize width height userlist-height. Typing "/default reset" will reset the default values to 600/500/100.

/default show and /size show show the current values.

You can also specify if you want to center the game relative to the chat, or align it to the chat's bottom using /centergame.


1.2.2, 1.2.3, 1.2.4: Bug fixes
1.2.1: Check if the quicklinks bar exists before using its height
1.2: Fixed the chat commands in Chrome
1.1.6: Script doesn't run on non-game-pages anymore (and fixed a problem with that in :X)
1.1.5: Added sizzlemctwizzle's Auto Updater.
1.1.4: Recent Kong-update broke this script, has been fixed now.
1.1.3: Minor style improvements
1.1.1: Fixed a typo which broke /defaultsize
1.1: Added /defaultsize show and /size show (thanks to musicdemon for the idea)
1.0: Initial release (02/27/10)

Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Ventero, licensed under MIT/X11 license.