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Soundcloud Album Art Downloader

Allows you to download album art on the Soundcloud website.

< Opiniones de Soundcloud Album Art Downloader

Puntuación: Pasable; el script funciona, pero tiene carencias importantes

Publicado: 25/1/2017
Editado: 25/1/2017

Small Bug

Overall a very good script, except for one small thing... for some reason, the URL of the is missing the initial "h" in "https" and the final "g" in "jpg," resulting in a dead link/missing image. It looks just like the image tag in this post does. Bug is occurring in the Tampermonkey v4.2.5349 release for Edge v38.14393, if that makes a difference.

Edit: Even with this bug, it is still a vast improvement over the initial workflow, since I can just copy the link and add the missing h and g, instead of having to Inspect Element.

Publicado: 26/3/2017

Thanks for letting me know! I fixed it in the latest release.

Publicado: 7/4/2017

Adding to this as I am experiencing a similar issue. The extension is wrapping the source URL around the image URL.

EXAMPLE: Image is hosted here:

Script wants to use:""

Publicado: 8/4/2017

Fixed it in the latest release.

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