OutOfMilk.com Shopping List Enhancements

Collection of HTML/CSS enhancements for various bugs and/or shortcomings of the Shopping Lists page (/ShoppingList.aspx)

Jonathan Richard-Brochu (johnwait)
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43,6 KB
GPLv3 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html)
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Applies to the web interface of the Out of Milk© / outofmlik.com service

This script provides various fixes and enhancements for known bugs & limitations of the Shopping Lists page (accessible at http://outofmilk.com/ShoppingList.aspx)

Although a few fixes have been added and then removed over time, here the list of current fixes/changes being applied:

  • Item Edition dialog
    • The dropdown list for the units under "How Much?" is now preserved upon editing an item
    • The "Tax Free" checkbox now works as intended; the field state is thus preserved upon editing an item
  • Product History Management dialog
    • When first shown, the width of the dialog is set at 80% of the width of the current viewport (browser window)
    • Headers are added to all columns of the list of history items
    • A new column, "UPC", is added to the table and the associated data is populated and made updatable for each history items
    • When editing an history item, the "Tax Free" field now gets properly checked if the item is indeed listed as being tax-free

Disclamer: The names "Out of Milk", "outofmilk.com", "Capigami" and all associated and related graphics, icons, logos and service names are registered trademarks, trademarks or service marks of Capigami or its Affiliates. For more details, please consult outofmilk.com Terms of Use.

Out of Milk is © Capigami. All rights reserved

Neither this script or its author is affiliated with outofmilk.com or Capigami.