AO3: [Wrangling] Smaller Tag Search JS - makes the Tag Search form take up less space (best on desktop/landscape screens)
AO3: [Wrangling] Highlight Bins with Overdue Tags JS - Highlight a bin on the Wrangling Home if the oldest tag in it is overdue
AO3: [Wrangling] Sort Unwrangled Bin Links by Tag Age JS - change the Unwrangled bin links on the Wrangling Home page to sort by tag creation date
AO3: [Wrangling] Rainbow Home Page and Bins JS - adds CSS classes to style table rows as a rainbow, and updates dynamically when filters are applied
AO3: [Wrangling] Edit Tag page cleanup JS - Removes descriptions and some fields from Edit Tag pages to avoid wrangling accidents
AO3: [Wrangling] Count Wranglers on Subfandoms JS - On a fandom tag's Landing Page, writes out how many wranglers are currently assigned to the listed subfandoms
AO3: [Wrangling] Bulk-Manage Tags JS - Mass-select tags and set/unset the unwrangleable flag, replace fandoms, remove 0-use syns, or copy tag names/links
AO3: [Wrangling] Collapse and Expand Tag Lists JS - On tags landing pages, turns long tag lists into a collapsable/expandable accordion, as well as each subtag which in turn has subtags
AO3: Glossary Definition Previews JS - click a glossary term in the AO3 FAQ to get its definition in a dialog without leaving the FAQ page
AO3: Jump to a Random Work JS - adds a "Random Work" button (top right corner) when viewing works in a tag/filter or your Marked For Later list
AO3: [Wrangling] Search my canonicals for illegal characters JS - automatically runs a fandom-specific tag search over all your assigned fandoms, to find any canonicals with 'illegal' characters such as curly quotes or Chinese pipes
AO3: [Wrangling] When did I last wrangle? JS - turns the last wrangled date into a "X days ago" message, and highlights it if more than 10 days ago
AO3: [Wrangling] Mark Illegal Characters in Canonicals JS - Warns about any canonical tag that includes characters which should, per guidelines, be avoided. Checks on new tag, edit tag, search results, wrangle bins, and tag landing pages
AO3: Reorder Tags with Drag & Drop JS - drag & drop tags into the order you'd like before posting
AO3: Badge for Unread Inbox Messages JS - puts a little notification badge in the menu for unread messages in your AO3 inbox
AO3: [Wrangling] Mark Co- and Solo-Wrangled Fandoms JS - On your wrangling homepage, mark whether the fandoms are co- or solo-wrangled. Refreshes once a month.
AO3: Use Arrow-Keys to Navigate JS - use the left/right arrow keys to jump between pages
AO3: [Wrangling] Sort Fandoms by Number of Unwrangled Tags JS - sort the fandoms on your Wrangling Home by their number of unwrangled tags
AO3: Comment Formatting and Preview JS - Adds buttons to insert HTML formatting, and shows a live preview box of what the comment will look like
AO3: Disable Hover in Main Menu JS - Ao3 menu dropdowns are no longer visible at hover, you have to click the main menu entry instead
AO3: Sticky Comment Box JS - gives you a comment box that stays in view as you scroll and read the story
AO3: [Wrangling] Empty Bin links to Previous Page JS - adds a button to the previous page, if there are no more tags on this page
AO3: Copy Work Link as HTML JS - Copy an HTML link to the work you're viewing to your clipboard
AO3: [Wrangling] Action Buttons Everywhere JS - Adds buttons to manage tags EVERYWHERE you want, turns tag-URLs in comments into links, and can show search results as a table
AO3: [Wrangling] Search Term Highlighting JS - highlights the search terms in the results
AO3: [Wrangling] Keyboard Shortcuts JS - adds keyboard shortcuts to the AO3 wrangling interface
AO3: [Wrangling] Fandom Resources Quicklinks JS - adds a bar with fandom-specific links at the top of the bin
Light or Dark JS (Biblioteca) - library to determine if the color parameter is a 'light' or a 'dark' color
Copy Text and HTML to Clipboard JS (Biblioteca) - library to copy plain and html MIME types to the clipboard