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Absolute Enable Right Click & Copy

Force Enable Right Click & Copy & Highlight

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Publicado: 20/07/2018

I think I found the problem and it should be fixed now.

If not worked please try it on Chrome.

Publicado: 20/07/2018

Thanks ! :-)

Publicado: 20/07/2018

Oups just tried and sadly it don't work ! 😕

I use chrome with Nano Adblocker (Ublock fork) + Nano Defender.

Regards ! ✌️

Publicado: 20/07/2018

Sorry to hear that, but for me it's working fine.

I test this webpage on: Firefox 61 & Greasemonkey 4.6 Firefox 61 & Tampermonkey 4.7 Chrome 69 & Tampermonkey 4.7 Chrome 69 & Violentmonkey 2.9

The only problem I found it was in Greasemonkey and it's fixed now.

Maybe it conflicts with other script or extension try to open console and see if you get any error have related to this script.

Also, maybe this can help you.

Publicado: 20/07/2018

Thanks I will take a look at the console. 👍

Publicado: 17/08/2021

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