Instagram Reloaded

View or download the full-size Instagram image/video. Super simple: press alt+f or shift & click to view media - alt & click saves file. Read for more options.

< Opiniones de Instagram Reloaded

Puntuación: Bueno; el script funciona tal y como promete

Publicado: 19/01/2021

Going to add a positive review here, just to even out those who complain, but won't change their rating once the bug they rpeorted got fixed. Currently, there's a bug with the commands related to clicking, but ALT+F works, still, seems like maybe Instagram is catching the click events?

Publicado: 19/01/2021

hi @Trminator and thanks a lot for your kind words and reply.

I am using the latest version of Firefox and Tampermonkey. Shift+Click works as expected.
Can you give me further details? (example link, Browser and OS Version)
Sorry to say but cannot test on Windows for now...

Publicado: 19/01/2021
Editado: 19/01/2021

I just tried Firefox, as well (Script v2.30 on Tampermonkey v4.11.6120 on FFox v84.0.2 (64-Bit)).
Click actions not working there, either.
I was initially using the script (v2.30) on Tampermonkey v4.11 on Chrome v87.0.4280.141 (Official Build) (64-bit) on Windows 10.

Publicado: 19/01/2021

So I guess another script interferes with mine. Because I can open with shift+click

Firefox: 84.0.2 (64-bit)
Script: 2.30
MacOS: Mojave

Publicado: 07/02/2021

Well, it works, again, for some reason or other. :) (Chrome 88.0.4324.146, still script 2.30, So, yea, likely chrome or instagram interfering (no other scripts running on

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