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Help: Prolem with include in my userscript (userstyle) - It applies to all sites, not only IAFD

Publicado: 25/08/2022

IAFD - Widescreen DARK AND GRAY v.19.65

I don't understand where is the problem:
It applies to all sites, not only IAFD.

Publicado: 26/08/2022

I guess it's the website does change "include" directive while doing that:

Publicado: 26/08/2022

Maybe try to switch to @match

Publicado: 26/08/2022

Ok, thanks for the info!

I will try to use to @ match...
But i don't understand why in my others userscript / userstyles,
the @ include work well...
The conversion CSS > JS seems have problem with them.
And i don't use very special CSS rules.

Last option:
To the next version uncheck "JS installation".
But... not every body wants use an other extension.

Publicado: 27/08/2022

After a last try, i uncheck the userscript (JS) Install:
But i don't understand why the problem occur...

I post a request in Greasemonkey Feedback:
@ include - Problem de convertion for CSS to JS ?

Publicado: 28/08/2022

Explanation found here:
@ include - Problem de convertion for CSS to JS ?
J. Barnabe explain:
The reason is because you have:

@namespace url(;

outside of any @-moz-document, so it wants to apply that globally. I will see if I can fix it,
but until then, you can simply remove this declaration."

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