GreasyFork: Plibonigo de navigado trinkejo

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Ekde 2024/09/08. Vidu La ĝisdata versio.

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GreasyFork Navigation bar enhancement

「 EnhancegreasyforkNavigation bar,Add user list,User console etc. 」


Download:Github | ⭐Greasy Fork

GreasyFork: Add categories to navigation bar

Function Description

EnhanceGreasyForknavigation bar, Add user list、User favorites、User console etc.....

other instructions

More items added,A crowded navigation bar will appear,Can be fixed using script GreasyFork Header Style Fix

Strongly recommended to use GreasyFork Glue craftsman Can repair and beautify the navigation bar


Script modified from user 𝖢𝖸 𝖥𝗎𝗇𝗀 script GreasyFork: User Control Panel Button Thanks to the original author CY Fung of*Diligentandwisdom*


3.png 1.png 2.png

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