// ==UserScript==
// @name Auto Skip YouTube Ads
// @name:ar التخطي التلقائي لإعلانات YouTube
// @name:es Saltar Automáticamente Anuncios De YouTube
// @name:hi YouTube विज्ञापन स्वचालित रूप से छोड़ें
// @name:id Lewati Otomatis Iklan YouTube
// @name:ja YouTube 広告を自動スキップ
// @name:ko YouTube 광고 자동 건너뛰기
// @name:pt-BR Pular Automaticamente Anúncios Do YouTube
// @name:ru Автоматический Пропуск Рекламы На YouTube
// @name:vi Tự Động Bỏ Qua Quảng Cáo YouTube
// @name:zh-CN 自动跳过 YouTube 广告
// @name:zh-TW 自動跳過 YouTube 廣告
// @namespace https://github.com/tientq64/userscripts
// @version 7.0.0
// @description Automatically skip YouTube ads almost instantly. Remove the ad blocker warning pop-up.
// @description:ar تخطي إعلانات YouTube تلقائيًا في الحال. إزالة النافذة المنبثقة لتحذير مانع الإعلانات.
// @description:es Omite automáticamente los anuncios de YouTube casi al instante. Elimina la ventana emergente de advertencia del bloqueador de anuncios.
// @description:hi YouTube विज्ञापनों को लगभग तुरंत ही स्वचालित रूप से छोड़ दें। विज्ञापन अवरोधक चेतावनी पॉप-अप हटाएँ।
// @description:id Lewati iklan YouTube secara otomatis hampir seketika. Hapus pop-up peringatan pemblokir iklan.
// @description:ja YouTube 広告をほぼ瞬時に自動的にスキップします。広告ブロッカーの警告ポップアップを削除します。
// @description:ko YouTube 광고를 거의 즉시 자동으로 건너뜁니다. 광고 차단 경고 팝업을 제거합니다.
// @description:pt-BR Pule automaticamente os anúncios do YouTube quase instantaneamente. Remova o pop-up de aviso do bloqueador de anúncios.
// @description:ru Автоматически пропускайте рекламу YouTube почти мгновенно. Уберите всплывающее предупреждение о блокировщике рекламы.
// @description:vi Tự động bỏ qua quảng cáo YouTube gần như ngay lập tức. Loại bỏ cửa sổ bật lên cảnh báo trình chặn quảng cáo.
// @description:zh-CN 几乎立即自动跳过 YouTube 广告。删除广告拦截器警告弹出窗口。
// @description:zh-TW 幾乎立即自動跳過 YouTube 廣告。刪除廣告攔截器警告彈出視窗。
// @author tientq64
// @icon https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/64/2504/2504965.png
// @match https://www.youtube.com/*
// @match https://m.youtube.com/*
// @match https://music.youtube.com/*
// @grant none
// @license MIT
// @compatible firefox
// @compatible chrome
// @compatible opera
// @compatible safari
// @compatible edge
// @noframes
// @homepage https://github.com/tientq64/userscripts/tree/main/scripts/Auto-Skip-YouTube-Ads
// ==/UserScript==
* Skip ads. Remove ad elements.
function skipAd() {
video = null
fineScrubber = document.querySelector('.ytp-fine-scrubbing')
// Check if the current URL is a YouTube Shorts URL and exit the function if true.
if (window.location.pathname.startsWith('/shorts/')) return
const moviePlayer = document.querySelector('#movie_player')
if (moviePlayer) {
hasAd = moviePlayer.classList.contains('ad-showing')
video = moviePlayer.querySelector('video.html5-main-video')
if (hasAd) {
const skipButton = document.querySelector(`
// Click the skip ad button if available.
if (skipButton) {
// Otherwise, fast forward to the end of the ad video.
// Use `9999` instead of `video.duration` to avoid errors when `duration` is not a number.
else if (video && video.src) {
video.currentTime = 9999
if (video) {
video.addEventListener('pause', handleVideoPause)
video.addEventListener('pointerup', allowPauseVideo)
video.addEventListener('timeupdate', handleVideoTimeUpdate)
// Timed pie countdown ad.
const pieCountdown = document.querySelector('.ytp-ad-timed-pie-countdown-container')
if (pieCountdown) {
// Handle when ad blocker warning appears inside video player.
const adBlockerWarningInner = document.querySelector(
if (adBlockerWarningInner) {
document.addEventListener('yt-navigate-finish', handleYouTubeNavigateFinish)
// Video play/pause button.
const playButton = document.querySelector(
'button.ytp-play-button, button.player-control-play-pause-icon'
if (playButton) {
playButton.addEventListener('click', allowPauseVideo)
function queryHasSelector(selector, hasSelector, element = document) {
const el = element.querySelector(selector)
if (el === null) return null
const hasEl = el.querySelector(hasSelector)
if (hasEl === null) return null
return el
function queryHasSelectorAll(selector, hasSelector, element = document) {
const els = element.querySelectorAll(selector)
const result = []
for (const el of els) {
const hasEl = el.querySelector(hasSelector)
if (hasEl === null) continue
return result
function getCurrentVideoId() {
const params = new URLSearchParams(location.search)
const videoId = params.get('v')
return videoId
* Check if the user is focused on the input.
function checkEnteringInput() {
if (document.activeElement === null) {
return false
return document.activeElement.matches('input, textarea, select')
* Temporarily allows the video to be paused, for a short period of time.
function allowPauseVideo() {
pausedByUser = true
allowPauseVideoTimeoutId = window.setTimeout(disallowPauseVideo, 500)
* Pausing the video is not allowed. The purpose is to prevent video from being paused,
* against the behavior of pausing video when YouTube ad blocking warning dialog appears.
* Unless certain conditions, such as pausing by user, etc.
function disallowPauseVideo() {
pausedByUser = false
function handleWindowBlur() {
isTabBlurred = true
function handleWindowFocus() {
isTabBlurred = false
* Handle when video is paused. If certain conditions are not met, it will continue
* playing. Returning early in this function means the video should be paused as it should
* be.
function handleVideoPause() {
if (isYouTubeMusic) return
// If it was stopped by the user, it's ok, let the video pause as it should, and exit the function.
if (pausedByUser) {
// The video will pause normally if the tab is not focused. This is to allow for pausing the video via the media controller (of the browser or operating system), etc.
// Note: While this also gives YouTube the opportunity to pause videos to annoy users, it's an acceptable trade-off.
if (document.hidden) return
if (isTabBlurred) return
if (fineScrubber && fineScrubber.style.display !== 'none') return
if (video === null) return
if (video.duration - video.currentTime < 0.1) return
// This is YouTube's disruptive behavior towards users, so the video should continue to play as normal.
function handleVideoTimeUpdate() {
if (hasAd || video === null) return
currentVideoTime = video.currentTime
* Handle both keyboard press or release events.
function handleWindowKeyDownAndKeyUp(event) {
if (isYouTubeMusic) return
if (checkEnteringInput()) return
const code = event.code
if (event.type === 'keydown') {
if (code === 'KeyK' || code === 'MediaPlayPause') {
} else {
if (code === 'Space') {
function handleYouTubeNavigateFinish() {
currentVideoTime = 0
async function replaceCurrentVideo() {
const start = Math.floor(currentVideoTime)
for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
await waitFor(500)
const videoId = getCurrentVideoId()
if (!videoId || !video || video.src) continue
if (isYouTubeMobile) {
const player = document.querySelector('#movie_player')
if (!player) continue
player.loadVideoByPlayerVars({ videoId, start })
} else {
const player = document.querySelector('#ytd-player')
if (!player) continue
player.loadVideoWithPlayerVars({ videoId, start })
function waitFor(millis) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
window.setTimeout(resolve, millis)
* Add CSS hides some ad elements on the page.
function addCss() {
const hideCssSelector = [
// Ad banner in the upper right corner, above the video playlist.
// Masthead ad on home page.
// Ad blocker warning inside the player.
// YouTube Music Premium trial promotion dialog, bottom left corner.
// YouTube Music Premium trial promotion banner on home page.
const css = `
#ytd-player { visibility: visible !important; }
${hideCssSelector} { display: none !important; }
const style = document.createElement('style')
style.textContent = css
* Remove ad elements using javascript because these selectors require the use of the CSS
* `:has` selector which is not supported in older browser versions.
function removeAdElements() {
const adSelectors = [
// Ad banner in the upper right corner, above the video playlist.
['#panels', 'ytd-engagement-panel-section-list-renderer[target-id="engagement-panel-ads"]'],
// Temporarily comment out this selector to fix issue [#265124](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/498197-auto-skip-youtube-ads/discussions/265124).
// ['#panels', 'ytd-ads-engagement-panel-content-renderer'],
// Sponsored ad video items on home page.
// ['ytd-rich-item-renderer', '.ytd-ad-slot-renderer'],
// ['ytd-rich-section-renderer', '.ytd-statement-banner-renderer'],
// Ad videos on YouTube Short.
['ytd-reel-video-renderer', '.ytd-ad-slot-renderer'],
// Ad blocker warning dialog.
['tp-yt-paper-dialog', '#feedback.ytd-enforcement-message-view-model']
// Survey dialog on home page, located at bottom right.
// ['tp-yt-paper-dialog', ':scope > ytd-checkbox-survey-renderer'],
// Survey to rate suggested content, located at bottom right.
// ['tp-yt-paper-dialog', ':scope > ytd-single-option-survey-renderer']
for (const adSelector of adSelectors) {
const adEls = queryHasSelectorAll(adSelector[0], adSelector[1])
for (const adEl of adEls) {
* Is it YouTube mobile version.
const isYouTubeMobile = location.hostname === 'm.youtube.com'
* Is the current page YouTube Music.
const isYouTubeMusic = location.hostname === 'music.youtube.com'
* Current video element.
let video = null
let fineScrubber = null
let hasAd = false
let currentVideoTime = 0
* Is the video paused by the user, not paused by YouTube's ad blocker warning dialog.
let pausedByUser = false
* Is the current tab blurred.
let isTabBlurred = false
let allowPauseVideoTimeoutId = 0
// Observe DOM changes to detect ads.
if (window.MutationObserver) {
const observer = new MutationObserver(skipAd)
observer.observe(document.body, {
attributes: true,
attributeFilter: ['class', 'src'],
childList: true,
subtree: true
// If DOM observation is not supported. Detect ads every 500ms (2 times per second).
else {
window.setInterval(skipAd, 500)
window.addEventListener('blur', handleWindowBlur)
window.addEventListener('focus', handleWindowFocus)
window.addEventListener('keydown', handleWindowKeyDownAndKeyUp)
window.addEventListener('keyup', handleWindowKeyDownAndKeyUp)