Greasy Fork is available in English.


Supports formula rendering in WorkFlowy with KaTeX

// ==UserScript==
// @name         KaTeXFlowy
// @namespace
// @version      0.3.1
// @description  Supports formula rendering in WorkFlowy with KaTeX
// @author       Betty
// @match*
// @match        https://**
// @run-at       document-idle
// @grant        GM.addStyle
// @grant        GM_getResourceText
// @resource     KATEX_CSS[email protected]/dist/katex.min.css
// @require[email protected]/dist/katex.min.js
// @require[email protected]/dist/contrib/auto-render.min.js
// ==/UserScript==

(function () {
	'use strict';


	 * initialize
	function init() {



		// WF's default is to show the first line of a note when it's not in focus. This function hides the note completely if it contains formula and is not in focus. Comment out this line if you don't like this behavior


	 * watch the page
	function watch_page() {

		// wathe the page, so that the rendering is updated when new contents come in as the user edits or navigates
		const observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutationlist) {
			for (const { addedNodes } of mutationlist) {
				for (const node of addedNodes) {
					if (!node.tagName) continue; // not an element

					// watch ordinary node
					if (node.classList.contains('innerContentContainer')) {

					// watch the title when it becomes empty
					if (node.classList.contains('contentEditablePlaceholder')) {

		observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });


	 * insert a container after the node with formula to contain the rendered result
	 * @param {Node} node Dom Node
	function handle_node(node) {
		// sometimes there is a dummy node without parent. don't know why, but we need to check and exclude it first
		const parent = node.parentElement;
		if (!parent) {

		// remove the class and container we previously added to avoid duplication

		// check if the node contains anything that should be rendered
		if (!should_render(node)) {

		// give the parent a class name so we can handle it later

		// add an element to contain the rendered latex
		const container = document.createElement('div');
		container.innerHTML = node.innerHTML;
		container.className = 'rendered-latex';
		parent.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', container);

		// replicate this class name of the parent so that the rendered block can preserve WF's original style

		// render it
		const options = {
			delimiters: [
				{ left: '$$', right: '$$', display: true },
				{ left: '$', right: '$', display: false }
		renderMathInElement(container, options);

		// when the element is clicked, make the focus in the corresponding node so that the user can begin typing
		container.addEventListener('click', () => {


	 * check if the node contains anything that should be rendered
	 * @param {Node} node Dom Node
	 * @returns {boolean}
	function should_render(node) {
		// use $ or $$ as delimiters
		const text = node.textContent;
		const regex = /\$(\$)?(.+?)\$(\$)?/s;
		const match = text.match(regex);
		if (match !== null) {
			return true;

		return false;

	 * hide the raw content with LaTeX. only shows it when it has focus
	function hide_raw() {
		GM.addStyle('.name .has-latex .innerContentContainer { display:none } ');
		GM.addStyle('.name .has-latex.content { height: 0; min-height: 0 } ');

		GM.addStyle('.name--focused .has-latex .innerContentContainer { display:inline} ');
		GM.addStyle('.name--focused .has-latex.content { height: auto} ');

		// add a background to make the raw part look clearer
		GM.addStyle('.name--focused .has-latex { background: #eee } ');

		// preserve line breaks in notes
		GM.addStyle('.notes .rendered-latex { white-space: pre-wrap } ');

		// make the rendered div take up full row width
		GM.addStyle('.name .rendered-latex { width: 100% } ');


	 * WF's default is to show the first line of a note when it's not in focus. This function hides the note completely if it contains formula and is not in focus
	function hide_note_raw() {
		const css = `
			/* WF keeps overriding our class name, so we have to select the element in this roundabout way */
			/* add a background to the raw note in focus */
			.notes .active:not(div + .notes .rendered-latex) {
				background: #eee
			.notes > {
				background: transparent

			/* hide the raw note not in focus */
			.notes .content:not(.active):not(div + .notes .rendered-latex) {
				height: 0;
				min-height: 0;
				overflow: hidden;
			div.noted.project > div.notes > div.content:only-child {
				height: revert;
				min-height: revert;

			/* make the rendered part gray */
			.notes .rendered-latex {
				color: #868c90;


	 * load KaTeX css
	function load_css() {
		let css = GM_getResourceText("KATEX_CSS");

		// the font path in the css file is relative, we need to change it to absolute
		css = css.replace(
			'[email protected]/dist/fonts/'


	 * remove the class and container we previously added to avoid duplication
	 * @param {Node} node Dom Node
	function remove_old(node) {
		const parent = node.parentElement;

		// if a container already exists, remove it first to avoid duplication
		if (parent.nextSibling && parent.nextSibling.classList.contains('rendered-latex')) {

			// also remove the class name we added previously

		// if a node becomes empty, remove the container and class name

	 * if the node is the title of the page, it needs something special handling
	function handle_untitled() {
		// when the title becomes empty, remove the rendered container

	 * remove all the containers and class names associated with empty nodes
	function remove_empty() {
		const empty = document.querySelectorAll('.has-latex:empty');
		for (let i = empty.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
			const element = empty[i];
			if (element.nextSibling && element.nextSibling.classList.contains('rendered-latex')) {
