Greasy Fork is available in English.

Manganelo Helper

Removes space between pages for user-specified series at Manganelo/Mangakakalot/Manganato, and enables arrow key navigation between chapters.

Ili estas versioj de tiu ĉi skripto, kie la kodo estas ĝisdatigita. Montri ĉiujn versiojn

  • v1.12 2023/12/22

    Added support for domain.

  • v1.11 2022/10/13

    Updated to account for the "" url.

  • v1.10 2021/05/28

    Fixed the script to work with the new Manganato domain.

  • v1.00 2020/11/02 Removes blank space that some add blockers leave after the first image.
  • v0.9 2020/10/26 added support for WASD keys
  • v0.8 2020/10/15 Fixed it so it works without an adblocker
  • v0.7 2020/10/15
  • v0.6 2020/10/10
  • v0.5 2020/10/09
  • v0.4 2020/10/09 Significant UI changes
  • v0.3 2020/10/09 Removed some bugs and did a bit of refactoring
  • v0.2 2020/10/08
  • v0.2 2020/10/08
  • v0.2 2020/10/08 Added a UI to add/remove titles, and also made it so that the user's titles will persist through updates.
  • v0.1 2020/10/04