Pixiv Arts Preview & Followed Atrists Coloring

Enlarged preview of arts and manga on mouse hovering on most pages. Click on image preview to open original art in new tab, or MMB-click to open art illustration page, Ctrl+LMB-click to add art to bookmarks. The names of the authors you are already subscribed to are highlighted with green. Preview of bookmarked artworks are outlined with magenta.

Ekde 2018/06/03. Vidu La ĝisdata versio.

// ==UserScript==
// @name            Pixiv Arts Preview & Followed Atrists Coloring
// @name:ru         Pixiv Arts Preview & Followed Atrists Coloring
// @namespace       Pixiv
// @description     Enlarged preview of arts and manga on mouse hovering on most pages. Click on image preview to open original art in new tab, or MMB-click to open art illustration page, Ctrl+LMB-click to add art to bookmarks. The names of the authors you are already subscribed to are highlighted with green. Preview of bookmarked artworks are outlined with magenta.
// @description:ru  Увеличённый предпросмотр артов и манги по наведению мышки на большинстве страниц. Клик ЛКМ по превью арта для открытия исходника в новой вкладке, СКМ для открытия страницы с артом, Ctrl + клик ЛКМ для добавления в закладки. Имена авторов, на которых вы уже подписаны, подсвечиваются зелёным цветом. Превью добавленных в закладки иллюстраций выделены розовым цветом.
// @author          NightLancerX
// @match           https://www.pixiv.net/bookmark_new_illust.php*
// @match           https://www.pixiv.net/discovery*
// @match           https://www.pixiv.net/bookmark_detail.php?illust_id=*
// @match           https://www.pixiv.net/bookmark_add.php?id=*
// @match           https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php*
// @match           https://www.pixiv.net/ranking.php?mode=*
// @match           https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=*
// @match           https://www.pixiv.net/bookmark.php?id=*
// @match           https://www.pixiv.net/search.php*
// @version         1.00
// @homepageURL     https://github.com/NightLancer/PixivPreview
// @license         MIT License
// @grant           none
// ==/UserScript==
(function ()
  'use strict';

  if (!window.jQuery)
    console.error("jQuery lib doesn't found");

    var hoverImg = document.createElement('img');

    var imgContainer = document.createElement('div');
        imgContainer.style = 'position:absolute; display:block; z-index:1000; background:#222; padding:5px; margin:-5px;';

    var mangaContainer = document.createElement('div');
        mangaContainer.id = 'mangaContainer';
        mangaContainer.style = 'display:block; z-index:1500; background:#111; overflow-x:auto; maxWidth:1200px; white-space:nowrap;';

    var mangaOuterContainer = document.createElement('div');
        mangaOuterContainer.style = 'position:absolute; display:block; z-index:1000; padding:5px; background:#111; maxWidth:1200px; marginY:-5px; marginX: auto;';

    var imgsArr = [], //for manga-style image packs...
        followedUsersId = [], //storing followed users pixiv ID
        BOOKMARK_URL = 'https://www.pixiv.net/bookmark.php',
        CheckedPublic = false,
        Checked = false,
        artsLoaded = 0,
        hits = 0,
        isRunning = false,
        lastImgId = " ",
        siteImgMaxWidth = 150, //for now it is used for pagetype==7
        mangaWidth = 1200,
        PAGETYPE = checkPageType();
    function checkPageType()
      if (document.URL.match('https://www.pixiv.net/bookmark_new_illust.php?'))          return 0; //Works from favourite artists
      if (document.URL.match('https://www.pixiv.net/discovery?'))                        return 1; //Discovery page
      if (document.URL.match('https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?'))                return 2; //Artist works page
      if (document.URL.match('https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?'))                       return 3; //Artist "top" page
      if (document.URL.match('https://www.pixiv.net/bookmark_detail.php?'))              return 4; //Bookmark information
      if (document.URL.match('https://www.pixiv.net/bookmark_add.php?'))                 return 5; //Added new bookmarks
      if (document.URL.match('https://www.pixiv.net/ranking.php?'))                      return 6; //Daily rankings
      if (document.URL.match(/https:\/\/www\.pixiv\.net\/bookmark\.php\?/))              return 7; //Someone's bookmarks page
      if (document.URL.match('https://www.pixiv.net/search.php'))                        return 8; //Search page

      return -1;
    console.log('PAGETYPE: '+ PAGETYPE);
    if (PAGETYPE==1 || PAGETYPE>=4)

        success: function(data)
          let condition = !!((PAGETYPE===6 && typeof(data)=="object" && data.contents && data.contents.length>1 && data.contents[0].illust_id)||(PAGETYPE!=6 && Array.isArray(data) && data.length && data[0].illust_id));
          if (condition) colorFollowed();
    async function checkFollowedArtists(url)
      if (url === undefined || url.length === 0) return; //just in case

      let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
      xhr.open('GET', url, true);
      xhr.timeout = 15000;
      xhr.onreadystatechange = function ()
        if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200)
          console.log("XHR done");

          let doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument("Followed");
          doc.documentElement.innerHTML = xhr.responseText;

          let followedProfiles = doc.querySelectorAll('div>a.ui-profile-popup');
          for(let i = 0; i < followedProfiles.length; i++)

          let urlTail = $(doc).find('a[rel="next"]').attr('href');
          if (urlTail !== undefined && urlTail.length && !CheckedPublic) //todo: rewrite condition when multiple private followed pages supported
            if (!CheckedPublic) checkFollowedArtists('https://www.pixiv.net/bookmark.php?type=user&rest=hide'); //works for 1 page only (yet)
              Checked = true;
              console.log('XHR querying ended.');
              colorFollowed(); //extra call for heavy load case skipping ajaxSucess
            CheckedPublic = true;
          doc = followedProfiles = null;
      xhr.onerror = function()
        Checked = CheckedPublic = true; //to stop while loop; (make diff flag or smth if needed)
    async function colorFollowed()
      if (isRunning) return;
      isRunning = true;

      while (!Checked) //wait until last XHR completed if it is not
        console.log("waiting for followed users...");
        await sleep(2000);

      let c = 0;
      while (!artsContainers||artsContainers.length<=artsLoaded)
        console.log('waiting for arts...');
        await sleep(1000);
        if (c>5) break; //we may wait until next update if smth goes wrong
      console.log('arts loaded: '+artsContainers.length + ' (new: '+(artsContainers.length - artsLoaded)+')');

      let h = 0;
      for(let i = 0; i < artsContainers.length; i++) //from 0 - 'cause "More like this" insert objects inside array
        if (followedUsersId.indexOf(artsContainers[i].getAttribute('data-user_id'))>=0)
          artsContainers[i].setAttribute("style", "background-color: green;");
      artsLoaded = artsContainers.length;
      console.log('hits: '+h + ' (new: '+(h-hits)+')');
      hits = h;

      c = h = null;
      isRunning = false;
    function checkArtists()
      artsContainers = $('.ui-profile-popup');
    function sleep(ms)
      return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
    if (PAGETYPE==0 || PAGETYPE==1 || PAGETYPE==8) siteImgMaxWidth = 200;
    else if (PAGETYPE>=2 && PAGETYPE<=5) siteImgMaxWidth = 150;
    else if (PAGETYPE==6) siteImgMaxWidth = 240;
    $(document).ready(function ()
      mangaWidth = document.body.clientWidth - 80;
      mangaContainer.style.maxWidth = mangaOuterContainer.style.maxWidth = mangaWidth+'px';

      //feed, discovery and search---------------------------------------------------------------
      if ((PAGETYPE === 0)||(PAGETYPE === 1) || (PAGETYPE===8))
        //single art hover
        $('body').on('mouseenter', 'a[href*="member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id="] > div:only-child', function()
          bookmarkObj = $(this).parent().parent().children(".thumbnail-menu").children("._one-click-bookmark");

        //manga-style arts hover
        $('body').on('mouseenter', 'a[href*="member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id="] > div:nth-child(2) ', function()
          bookmarkObj = $(this).parent().parent().children(".thumbnail-menu").children("._one-click-bookmark");
          if (this.parentNode.firstChild.childNodes.length) setMangaHover(this, this.parentNode.firstChild.firstChild.textContent);

        //clearing loaded arts count when switching on tabs
        if (PAGETYPE === 1) $('body').on('mouseup','a[href="/discovery/users"]', function() //todo:make into single event handler
          console.log('leaving works page...');
          artsLoaded = hits = 0;
      //artist works page and daily rankings & rest of pages-----------------------------
      else if ((PAGETYPE >= 2)&&(PAGETYPE <= 7))
        $('body').on('mouseenter', 'a[href*="member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id="]', function() //direct div selector works badly with "::before"
          if (this.childNodes.length == 1 && this.childNodes[0].nodeName=="DIV") //single art
            bookmarkObj = $(this.firstChild.firstChild).parent().children("._one-click-bookmark");
          else if (this.children[1] && this.children[1].className == 'page-count') //manga
            bookmarkObj = $(this.firstChild.firstChild).parent().children("._one-click-bookmark");
            setMangaHover(this.firstChild.firstChild, this.children[1].children[1].textContent);
    function setHover(thisObj)

      hoverImg.src = parseImgUrl(thisObj);
      imgContainer.style.top = getOffsetRect(thisObj.parentNode.parentNode).top+'px';

      //adjusting preview position considering expected image width
      let l = getOffsetRect(thisObj.parentNode.parentNode).left;
      let w = 600*(((PAGETYPE==6)?thisObj.clientWidth:thisObj.parentNode.parentNode.clientWidth)/siteImgMaxWidth)+5;
      imgContainer.style.left = (document.body.clientWidth-l < w)? document.body.clientWidth-w +'px': l +'px';

      if($(bookmarkObj).hasClass("on")) {
        $(imgContainer).css("background", "rgb(255, 64, 96)");
      else {
        $(imgContainer).css("background", "rgb(34, 34, 34)");

    function setMangaHover(thisObj, count)
      imgContainer.style.display='none'; //just in case

      mangaOuterContainer.style.top = getOffsetRect(thisObj.parentNode.parentNode).top+'px';
      mangaOuterContainer.style.left = '30px';

      if($(bookmarkObj).hasClass("on")) {
        $(mangaOuterContainer).css("background", "rgb(255, 64, 96)");
      else {
        $(mangaOuterContainer).css("background", "rgb(34, 34, 34)");

      imgsArrInit(parseImgUrl(thisObj), +count);
    function imgsArrInit(primaryLink, l)
      let margins = document.body.clientWidth - l*600; //some blind frame adjusting
      if (margins > 0) mangaOuterContainer.style.left = margins/2-10+'px';

      let currentImgId = getImgId(primaryLink);
      //console.log('lastImgId: ' + lastImgId);
      //console.log('currentImgId: ' + currentImgId);
      if (currentImgId != lastImgId)
        for(let j=0; j<imgsArr.length; j++)
          imgsArr[j].src = '';
        lastImgId = currentImgId;

        for(let i=0; i<l; i++)
          if (!(!!imgsArr[i])) //if [i] img element doesn't exist
            imgsArr[i] = document.createElement('img');
          imgsArr[i].src = primaryLink.replace('p0','p'+i);
      else mangaOuterContainer.style.display='block';
    function parseImgUrl(thisObj)
      let url = (thisObj.src)? thisObj.src: thisObj.style.backgroundImage.slice(5,-2); //pixiv changes layout randomly
      url = url.replace(/\/...x...\//, '/600x600/'); //both feed and artist works case | TODO: '1200x1200' variant
      return url;
    function getImgId(str)
      return str.substring(str.lastIndexOf("/")+1, str.indexOf("_"));
    function getOffsetRect(elem)
      // (1)
      let box = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
      // (2)
      let body = document.body;
      let docElem = document.documentElement;
      // (3)
      let scrollTop = window.pageYOffset || docElem.scrollTop || body.scrollTop;
      let scrollLeft = window.pageXOffset || docElem.scrollLeft || body.scrollLeft;
      // (4)
      let clientTop = docElem.clientTop || body.clientTop || 0;
      let clientLeft = docElem.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0;
      // (5)
      let top  = box.top +  scrollTop - clientTop;
      let left = box.left + scrollLeft - clientLeft;

      return { top: Math.round(top), left: Math.round(left) };
    imgContainer.onmouseleave = function()
    mangaOuterContainer.onmouseleave = function ()
    hoverImg.onmouseup = function (event) //single arts onclick actions
      onClickActions(this, event, false);
    $('body').on('mouseup', 'div#mangaContainer > img', function(event) //manga arts onclick actions
      onClickActions(this, event, true);
    function onClickActions(imgContainerObj, event, isManga)
      let strId = getImgId(imgContainerObj.src);
      let illustPageUrl = 'https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=' + strId;

      //----------------------------Middle Mouse Button click----------------------------
      if (event.button  == 1)
        window.open(illustPageUrl,'_blank'); //open illust page in new tab(in background — with FF pref "browser.tabs.loadDivertedInBackground" set to "true")
      //----------------------------Left Mouse Button clicks...--------------------------
      else if (event.button  == 0)
        //----------------------------Single LMB-click-----------------------------------
        if (!event.ctrlKey)
          if (!isManga) //single art
            getOriginalUrl(illustPageUrl, event, false);
          else //manga art
            let src = imgContainerObj.src;
            let pageNum = src.substring(src.indexOf("_")+2, src.lastIndexOf("_"));
            let singleIllustPageUrl = 'https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga_big&illust_id=' + strId + '&page=' + pageNum;
            getOriginalUrl(singleIllustPageUrl, event, true);
        //----------------------------Ctrl + LMB-click-----------------------------------
        else {
          if (!isManga) $(imgContainerObj).parent().css("background", "rgb(255, 64, 96)");
          else $(mangaOuterContainer).css("background", "rgb(255, 64, 96)");
    function getOriginalUrl(illustPageUrl, event, isManga)
      let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
      xhr.open("GET", illustPageUrl, true);
      xhr.onreadystatechange = function ()
        if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200)
          let originalArtUrl = "";
          if (!isManga)
            originalArtUrl = $(xhr.responseXML.getElementsByClassName("original-image")[0]).attr('data-src');
            originalArtUrl = xhr.responseXML.querySelectorAll('img')[0].src;
          window.open(originalArtUrl, '_blank');
      xhr.responseType = "document";
    mangaContainer.onwheel = function(e)
      if (e.deltaY<0 && (mangaOuterContainer.getBoundingClientRect().top < 0))
        mangaOuterContainer.scrollIntoView({block: "start", behavior: "smooth"}); //aligning to top screen side on scrollUp if needed
      else if (e.deltaY>0 && (mangaOuterContainer.getBoundingClientRect().bottom > document.documentElement.clientHeight))
        mangaOuterContainer.scrollIntoView({block: "end", behavior: "smooth"}); //aligning to bottom screen side on scrollDown if needed

      let scrlLft = mangaContainer.scrollLeft;
      if ((scrlLft>0 && e.deltaY<0) || ((scrlLft<(mangaContainer.scrollWidth-mangaContainer.clientWidth)) && e.deltaY>0))
        mangaContainer.scrollLeft += e.deltaY*70;
    window.onresize = function()
      mangaWidth = document.body.clientWidth - 80;
      mangaContainer.style.maxWidth = mangaOuterContainer.style.maxWidth = mangaWidth+'px';
}) (); //function