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Tweak New Twitter

Stay on the Latest Tweets timeline, reduce "engagement" and tone down some of Twitter's UI

Ekde 2020/04/08. Vidu La ĝisdata versio.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Tweak New Twitter
// @description Stay on the Latest Tweets timeline, reduce "engagement" and tone down some of Twitter's UI
// @namespace
// @match*
// @match*
// @version     16
// ==/UserScript==

//#region Config & variables
 * Default config enables all features.
 * You'll need to edit the config object manually for now if you're using this
 * as a user script.
let config = {
  alwaysUseLatestTweets: true,
  hideBookmarksNav: true,
  hideExploreNav: true,
  hideListsNav: true,
  hideSidebarContent: true,
  hideWhoToFollowEtc: true,
  navBaseFontSize: true,
  /** @type {'separate'|'hide'|'ignore'} */
  retweets: 'separate',

config.enableDebugLogging = false

const HOME = 'Home'
const LATEST_TWEETS = 'Latest Tweets'
const MESSAGES = 'Messages'
const RETWEETS = 'Retweets'

const TITLE_NOTIFICATION_RE = /^\(\d+\+?\) /
const URL_PHOTO_RE = /photo\/\d$/

let Selectors = {
  PRIMARY_COLUMN: 'div[data-testid="primaryColumn"]',
  PRIMARY_NAV: 'nav[aria-label="Primary"]',
  NAV_HOME_LINK: 'a[data-testid="AppTabBar_Home_Link"]',
  SIDEBAR_COLUMN: 'div[data-testid="sidebarColumn"]',
  TWEET: 'div[data-testid="tweet"]',
  PROMOTED_TWEET: '[data-testid="placementTracking"]',
  TIMELINE_HEADING: 'h2[role="heading"]',

Object.assign(Selectors, {
  SIDEBAR_PEOPLE: `${Selectors.SIDEBAR_COLUMN} aside`,
  SIDEBAR_TRENDS: `${Selectors.SIDEBAR_COLUMN} section`,
  TIMELINE: `${Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} section > h1 + div[aria-label] > div`,

/** Title of the current page, without the ' / Twitter' suffix */
let currentPage = ''

/** Notification count in the title (including trailing space), e.g. '(1) ' */
let currentNotificationCount = ''

/** Current URL path */
let currentPath = ''

/** Flag for a Home / Latest Tweets link having been clicked */
let homeLinkClicked = false

/** MutationObservers active on the current page */
let pageObservers = []

//#region Utility functions
function addStyle(css) {
  let $style = document.createElement('style')
  $style.dataset.insertedBy = 'tweak-new-twitter'
  $style.textContent = css
  return $style

 * @returns {Promise<HTMLElement>}
function getElement(selector, {
  name = null,
  stopIf = null,
  target = document,
  timeout = Infinity,
} = {}) {
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
    let rafId
    let timeoutId

    function stop($element, reason) {
      if ($element == null) {
        log(`stopped waiting for ${name || selector} after ${reason}`)
      if (rafId) {
      if (timeoutId) {

    if (timeout !== Infinity) {
      timeoutId = setTimeout(stop, timeout, null, `${timeout}ms timeout`)

    function queryElement() {
      let $element = target.querySelector(selector)
      if ($element) {
      else if (stopIf != null && stopIf() === true) {
        stop(null, 'stopIf condition met')
      else {
        rafId = requestAnimationFrame(queryElement)


function log(...args) {
  if (config.enableDebugLogging) {
    console.log(`TWT${currentPage ? `(${currentPage})` : ''}`, ...args)

function observeElement($element, listener, options = {childList: true}) {
  let observer = new MutationObserver(listener)
  observer.observe($element, options)
  return observer

function pageIsNot(page) {
  return () => page != currentPage

function s(n) {
  return n == 1 ? '' : 's'

//#region Global observers
function observeHtmlFontSize() {
  let $html = document.querySelector('html')
  let $style = addStyle('')
  let lastFontSize = ''

  log('observing html style attribute for font-size changes')
  let observer = observeElement($html, () => {
    if ($ != lastFontSize) {
      lastFontSize = $
      log(`setting nav font size to ${lastFontSize}`)
      $style.textContent = [
        `${Selectors.PRIMARY_NAV} div[dir="auto"] span { font-size: ${lastFontSize}; font-weight: normal; }`,
        `${Selectors.PRIMARY_NAV} div[dir="auto"] { margin-top: -4px; }`
  }, {
    attributes: true,
    attributeFilter: ['style']

  return {
    disconnect() {

async function observeTitle() {
  let $title = await getElement('title', {name: '<title>'})
  log('observing <title>')
  return observeElement($title, () => onTitleChange($title.textContent), {
    childList: true,

//#region Page observers
async function observeSidebarAppearance(page) {
  let $primaryColumn = await getElement(Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN, {
    name: 'primary column',
    stopIf: pageIsNot(page),
  log('observing responsive sidebar')
    observeElement($primaryColumn.parentNode, (mutations) => {
      mutations.forEach((mutation) => {
        mutation.addedNodes.forEach((el) => {
          if (el.dataset.testid == 'sidebarColumn') {
            log('sidebar appeared')

async function observeTimeline(page) {
  let $timeline = await getElement(Selectors.TIMELINE, {
    name: 'timeline',
    stopIf: pageIsNot(page),
  if ($timeline == null) {

  // On 2020-04-03 Twitter switched to a new way of rendering the timeline which replaces an initial
  // container with the real element which holds timeline tweets and reduces the number of elements
  // wrapping the timeline.
  // v1.9 was released to handle this.
  // On 2020-04-05 they switched back to the old method.
  // This attempts to support both approaches in case they keeping switching between the two.

  // The "new" inital timeline element is a placeholder which doesn't have a style attribute
  // The "old" timeline has 2 wrapper divs which apply padding via the DOM .style object
  if ($timeline.hasAttribute('style')) {
    // The "old" timeline is nested one level deeper and the initial container has padding-bottom
    // <div aria-label="Timeline: Your Home Timeline">
    //   <div style="padding-bottom: 0px"> <!-- current $timeline -->
    //     <div style="padding-top: ...px; padding-bottom: ...px"> <!-- we want to observe this -->
    //       <div> <!-- tweet elements are at this level -->
    //       ...
    if ($ {
      $timeline = $timeline.firstElementChild
      log('observing "old" timeline', {$timeline})
    else {
      log('observing "new" timeline', {$timeline})
      observeElement($timeline, () => onTimelineChange($timeline, page))
  else {
    log('waiting for real "new" timeline')
      observeElement($timeline.parentNode, (mutations) => {
        mutations.forEach((mutation) => {
          mutation.addedNodes.forEach(($timeline) => {
            log('observing "new" timeline', {$timeline})
              observeElement($timeline, () => onTimelineChange($timeline, page))

//#region Tweak functions
async function addRetweetsHeader(page) {
  let $timelineTitle = await getElement('main h2', {
    name: 'timeline title',
    stopIf: pageIsNot(page),
  if ($timelineTitle != null &&
      document.querySelector('#twt_retweets') == null) {
    log('inserting Retweets header')
    let div = document.createElement('div')
    div.innerHTML = $timelineTitle.parentElement.outerHTML
    let $retweets = div.firstElementChild
    $retweets.querySelector('h2').id = 'twt_retweets'
    $retweets.querySelector('span').textContent = RETWEETS
    // This script assumes navigation has occurred when the document title changes,
    // so by changing the title to "Retweets" we effectively fake navigation to a
    // non-existent Retweets page.
    $retweets.addEventListener('click', () => {
      if (!document.title.startsWith(RETWEETS)) {
      window.scrollTo({top: 0})
    $timelineTitle.parentElement.parentElement.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', $retweets)
    // Go back to the main timeline from Retweets when the Latest Tweets / Home heading is clicked
    $timelineTitle.parentElement.addEventListener('click', () => {
      if (!document.title.startsWith(page)) {
        homeLinkClicked = true
    // Go back to the main timeline from Retweets when the Home nav link is clicked
    document.querySelector(Selectors.NAV_HOME_LINK).addEventListener('click', () => {
      homeLinkClicked = true
      if (location.pathname == '/home' && !document.title.startsWith(page)) {

function addStaticCss() {
  var cssRules = []
  var hideCssSelectors = []
  if (config.hideSidebarContent) {
  if (config.hideExploreNav) {
    hideCssSelectors.push(`${Selectors.PRIMARY_NAV} a[href="/explore"]`)
  if (config.hideBookmarksNav) {
    hideCssSelectors.push(`${Selectors.PRIMARY_NAV} a[href="/i/bookmarks"]`)
  if (config.hideListsNav) {
    hideCssSelectors.push(`${Selectors.PRIMARY_NAV} a[href*="/lists"]`)
  if (hideCssSelectors.length > 0) {
    cssRules.push(`${hideCssSelectors.join(', ')} { display: none !important; }`)
  if (cssRules.length > 0) {

function getTweetType($tweet) {
  if ($tweet.closest(Selectors.PROMOTED_TWEET)) {
    return 'PROMOTED_TWEET'
  if ($tweet.previousElementSibling != null &&
      $tweet.previousElementSibling.textContent.includes('Retweeted')) {
    return 'RETWEET'
  return 'TWEET'

async function hideSidebarContents(page) {
  let trends = getElement(Selectors.SIDEBAR_TRENDS, {
    name: 'sidebar trends',
    stopIf: pageIsNot(page),
    timeout: 4000,
  }).then(($trends) => {
    if ($trends == null) {
      return false
    let $trendsModule = $trends.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement
    $ = 'none'
    // Hide surrounding elements which draw separators between modules
    if ($trendsModule.previousElementSibling &&
        $trendsModule.previousElementSibling.childElementCount == 0) {
      (/** @type {HTMLElement} */ $trendsModule.previousElementSibling).style.display = 'none'
    if ($trendsModule.nextElementSibling &&
        $trendsModule.nextElementSibling.childElementCount == 0) {
      (/** @type {HTMLElement} */ $trendsModule.nextElementSibling).style.display = 'none'
    return true

  let people = getElement(Selectors.SIDEBAR_PEOPLE, {
    name: 'sidebar people',
    stopIf: pageIsNot(page),
    timeout: 4000,
  }).then(($people) => {
    if ($people == null) {
      return false
    let $peopleModule
    if ($people.getAttribute('aria-label') == 'Relevant people') {
      // "Relevant people" section when viewing a Tweet/thread
      $peopleModule = $people.parentElement
    else {
      // "Who to follow" section
      $peopleModule = $people.parentElement
    $ = 'none'
    return true

  let [hidTrends, hidPeople] = await Promise.all([trends, people])
  log(hidTrends == true && hidPeople == true
    ? 'hid all sidebar content'
    : 'stopped waiting for sidebar content')

/** @typedef {'TWEET'|'RETWEET'|'PROMOTED_TWEET'|'HEADING'|'USER'} TimelineItemType */

function onTimelineChange($timeline, page) {
  log(`processing ${$timeline.children.length} timeline item${s($timeline.children.length)}`)
  /** @type {?TimelineItemType} */
  let previousTimelineItemType = null
  for (let $item of $timeline.children) {
    /** @type {?TimelineItemType} */
    let timelineItemType = null
    let hideItem = null
    let $tweet = $item.querySelector(Selectors.TWEET)

    if ($tweet != null) {
      timelineItemType = getTweetType($tweet)
      hideItem = shouldHideTweet(timelineItemType, page)

    if (timelineItemType == null && config.hideWhoToFollowEtc) {
      // "Who to follow", "Follow some Topics" etc. headings
      if ($item.querySelector(Selectors.TIMELINE_HEADING)) {
        timelineItemType = 'HEADING'
        hideItem = true

    if (timelineItemType == null) {
      // Assume a non-identified item following an identified item is related to it
      // "Who to follow" users and "Follow some Topics" topics appear in subsequent items
      // "Show this thread" and "Show more" links appear in subsequent items
      if (previousTimelineItemType != null) {
        hideItem = previousTimelineItemType == 'HEADING' || shouldHideTweet(previousTimelineItemType, page)
      // The first item in the timeline is sometimes an empty placeholder <div>
      else if ($item !== $timeline.firstElementChild) {
        // We're probably also missing some spacer / divider nodes
        log('unhandled timeline item', $item)

    if (hideItem != null) {
      (/** @type {HTMLElement} */ $item.firstElementChild).style.display = hideItem ? 'none' : ''
      // Log these out as they can't be reliably triggered for testing
      if (timelineItemType == 'HEADING' || previousTimelineItemType == 'HEADING') {
        log(`hid a ${previousTimelineItemType == 'HEADING' ? 'post-' : ''}heading item`, $item)

    // If we hid a heading, keep hiding everything after it until we hit a tweet
    if (!(previousTimelineItemType == 'HEADING' && timelineItemType == null)) {
      previousTimelineItemType = timelineItemType

function onTitleChange(title) {
  // Ignore any leading notification counts in titles, e.g. '(1) Latest Tweets / Twitter'
  let notificationCount = ''
  if (TITLE_NOTIFICATION_RE.test(title)) {
    notificationCount = TITLE_NOTIFICATION_RE.exec(title)[0]
    title = title.replace(TITLE_NOTIFICATION_RE, '')

  let homeLinkWasClicked = homeLinkClicked
  homeLinkClicked = false

  // Ignore Flash of Uninitialised Title when navigating to a screen for the
  // first time.
  if (title == 'Twitter') {
    log('ignoring Flash of Uninitialised Title')

  // Only allow the same page to re-process if the "Customize your view" dialog
  // is currently open.
  let newPage = title.split(' / ')[0]
  if (newPage == currentPage && location.pathname != '/i/display') {
    log('ignoring duplicate title change')
    currentNotificationCount = notificationCount

  // Stay on the Retweets timeline when…
  if (currentPage == RETWEETS &&
      // …the title has changed back to the main timeline…
      (newPage == LATEST_TWEETS || newPage == HOME) &&
      // …the Home nav or Latest Tweets / Home header _wasn't_ clicked and…
      !homeLinkWasClicked &&
        // …the user viewed a photo.
        URL_PHOTO_RE.test(location.pathname) ||
        // the user stopped viewing a photo.
        URL_PHOTO_RE.test(currentPath) ||
        // …the user opened or used the "Customize your view" dialog.
        location.pathname == '/i/display' ||
        // …the user closed the "Customize your view" dialog.
        currentPath == '/i/display' ||
        // …the notification count in the title changed.
        notificationCount != currentNotificationCount
      )) {
    log('ignoring title change on Retweets timeline')
    currentNotificationCount = notificationCount
    currentPath = location.pathname

  // Assumption: all non-FOUT, non-duplicate title changes are navigation, which
  // need the screen to be re-processed.

  if (pageObservers.length > 0) {
    log(`disconnecting ${pageObservers.length} page observer${s(pageObservers.length)}`)
    pageObservers.forEach(observer => observer.disconnect())
    pageObservers = []

  currentPage = newPage
  currentNotificationCount = notificationCount
  currentPath = location.pathname

  log('processing new page')

  if (config.alwaysUseLatestTweets && currentPage == HOME) {
    return switchToLatestTweets(currentPage)

  if (config.retweets == 'separate') {
    document.body.classList.toggle(HOME, currentPage == HOME)
    document.body.classList.toggle('LatestTweets', currentPage == LATEST_TWEETS)
    document.body.classList.toggle(RETWEETS, currentPage == RETWEETS)

  if (config.retweets == 'separate' && (currentPage == LATEST_TWEETS || currentPage == RETWEETS || currentPage == HOME)) {

  if (config.retweets != 'ignore' && (currentPage == LATEST_TWEETS || currentPage == RETWEETS || currentPage == HOME)) {

  if (config.hideSidebarContent && currentPage != MESSAGES) {

 * Sets the page name in <title>, retaining any current notification count.
 * @param {string} page
function setTitle(page) {
  document.title = `${currentNotificationCount}${page} / Twitter`

function shouldHideTweet(tweetType, page) {
  return tweetType != (page == RETWEETS ? 'RETWEET' : 'TWEET')

async function switchToLatestTweets(page) {
  let $switchButton = await getElement('div[aria-label="Top Tweets on"]', {
    name: 'timeline switch button',
    stopIf: pageIsNot(page),

  if ($switchButton == null) {
    return false


  let $seeLatestTweetsInstead = await getElement('div[role="menu"] div[role="menuitem"]', {
    name: '"See latest Tweets instead" menu item',
    stopIf: pageIsNot(page),

  if ($seeLatestTweetsInstead == null) {
    return false

  return true

let updateThemeColor = (function() {
  let $style = addStyle('')
  let lastThemeColor = null

  return async function updateThemeColor() {
    // Only try to update if the "Customize your view" dialog is open or we
    // haven't set an inital color yet.
    if (location.pathname !== '/i/display' && lastThemeColor != null) {

    let $tweetButton = await getElement('a[data-testid="SideNav_NewTweet_Button"]', {
      name: 'Tweet button'

    let themeColor = getComputedStyle($tweetButton).backgroundColor
    if (themeColor === lastThemeColor) {
    log(`setting theme color to ${themeColor}`)
    lastThemeColor = themeColor
    $style.textContent = [
                           'body.Home main h2:not(#twt_retweets)',
                           'body.LatestTweets main h2:not(#twt_retweets)',
                           'body.Retweets #twt_retweets',
                         ].join(', ') + ` { color: ${lastThemeColor}; }`

//#region Main
function main() {
  log('config', config)


  if (config.navBaseFontSize) {

  if (config.retweets != 'ignore' || config.hideSidebarContent) {
