ASL Smartsign Trigger

ASL Test 131018

// ==UserScript==
// @name        ASL Smartsign Trigger
// @namespace
// @description ASL Test 131018
// @version    25
// @include http://*/*
// @include https://*/*
// @include chrome://*/*
// @grant metadata
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @require
// ==/UserScript==

$(document).ready(function() {
	$('body').append('<div id="lightbox" style="display:none;position:fixed;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;background:rgba(0,0,0,0.6);text-align:center;z-index:9999"></div>');
    //$('html').prepend('<div id="searchwindow" style="position:fixed;width:15%;height:10%;top:0;right:0;text-align:center;z-index:8888"> <table><tr><td><img src="" style="vertical-align: top" width="49" height="47"></td><td><textarea id="triggertext" rows="2" cols="20">SMARTSign-Assistant</textarea> <button id="triggerbutton">Trigger</button></td></td></table></div>');
    $('html').prepend('<div id="searchwindow" style="position:fixed;width:15%;height:10%;top:0;right:0;text-align:center;z-index:8888"> <table><tr><td><textarea id="triggertext" rows="2" cols="20">SMARTSignDictionary</textarea></td></td></table></div>');
    if(event.keyCode == 13){
        var t = $("#triggertext").val();
        t = t.replace(/'s/g,"");
        t = t.replace(/'d/g,"");
        t = t.replace(/~ /g," ");
        t = t.replace(/~/g," ");
        t = t.replace(/_/g," ");
        t = t.replace(".", "");
        t = t.replace(",","");
        t = t.replace("!", "");
        t = t.replace("?","");
        t = t.replace(";","");
        t = t.replace(",", "");
        t = t.replace("_","");
        console.log( "testing" );
        console.log( $("#triggertext").val() );
    	$("#triggertext").val( "" );
        showVideos( t );
    $("#searchwindow").click(function() {
	    // Gets click
        $("#triggertext").val( "" );

	$("body").dblclick(function() {
	    // Gets clicked on word (or selected text if text is selected)
	    var t = '';
	    var s = window.getSelection();
	    if (s) {
	    	if (s.isCollapsed) //nothing is selected. Only clicked.
	            s.modify('move', 'forward', 'character');
	            s.modify('move', 'backward', 'word');
	            s.modify('extend', 'forward', 'word');
	            //s.modify('move', 'forward', 'character'); //clear selection
	            console.log("happened " + s.toString() );
	 			t = s.toString();
                t = t.replace(/'s/g,"");
                t = t.replace(/'d/g,"");
		        t = t.replace(/~ /g," ");
                t = t.replace(/~/g," ");
                t = t.replace(/_/g," ");
                t = t.replace(".", "");
                t = t.replace(",","");
    		    t = t.replace(";","");
                t = t.replace("!", "");
                t = t.replace("?","");
                t = t.replace(",", "");
                t = t.replace("_","");
	            s.modify('move', 'forward', 'character'); //clear selection
	    console.log('' + t);

		//Ajax call to database, input = t, fails in function, and won't return data
		//however, data is visible, and succeeded in the GET command when viewed
		//from within browser's network tab of console

		if ( ( t !== "" )&&( t.length <= 100 ) ) {
			var idArray;

            t.replace("~", " ");
            showVideos( t );


	$("body").click(function() {
	    // Gets clicked on word (or selected text if text is selected)
	    var t = '';
	    var s = window.getSelection();
	    if (s) {
	    	if (s.isCollapsed) //nothing is selected. Only clicked.
	        } else {
	        	console.log("not happened " + s.toString() );

	    		t = s.toString();

	            t = t.trim();
                t = t.replace(/'s/g,"");
                t = t.replace(/'d/g,"");
        		t = t.replace(/~ /g," ");
                t = t.replace(/~/g," ");
                t = t.replace(/_/g," ");
                t = t.replace(".", "");
                t = t.replace(",","");
                t = t.replace(";","");
                t = t.replace("!", "");
                t = t.replace("?","");
                t = t.replace(",", "");
                t = t.replace("_","");
	    console.log('' + t);

		//Ajax call to database, input = t, fails in function, and won't return data
		//however, data is visible, and succeeded in the GET command when viewed
		//from within browser's network tab of console

		if ( ( t !== "" )&&( t.length <= 100 ) ) {
			var idArray;

            t.replace("~", " ");
	        showVideos( t );



function showVideos( t ) {
        method: "GET",
        url: "" + t,
        onload: function(response) {
            var data = $.parseJSON(response.responseText);
            idArray= new Array(data.length);
            orderedIdArray= new Array(data.length);
            for ( var i = 0; i < data.length; i++ ) {
                idArray[i] = '<iframe width="800" height="450" align:right src="' + data[i]['id'] + '?rel=0"> </iframe>';
                console.log( idArray[i] );
            console.log( data.length);
            var htmlString = '<div style="width:100%;position=absolute;text-align:right"> <div style="position:relative;left:50%;width:800px;text-align:left;">';
            var last = idArray.length - 1;
            var currnumber;
            for(var j=0; j<idArray.length; j++) {
                if ( data[j]['keywords'] ) {
                    if ( data[j]['keywords'][ data[j]['keywords'].length - 1 ].charAt(0) == "{" ) {
                        //console.log( data[j]['keywords'][ data[j]['keywords'].length - 1 ] );
                        currnumber = data[j]['keywords'][ data[j]['keywords'].length - 1 ];
                        currnumber = currnumber.slice( 1, currnumber.length - 1 );
                        console.log( currnumber );
                        orderedIdArray[ currnumber ] = idArray[j];
                    else { 
                        console.log( "not found" );
                        orderedIdArray[ last ] = idArray[j];
            for(var k=0; k<idArray.length; k++) {
                htmlString += orderedIdArray[k];  
            .html(htmlString + '</div></div>')
            .css({"line-height":($(window).height()*0)+"px", "overflow":"auto", "display":"block"})
            .live('click', function() {
            //console.log( htmlString );
            console.log("running fine");
            console.log("T = " + t);