musicbrainz.org: reveal deleted editors’ names and emphasizes your own name to standout in MB pages

Ekde 2016/09/17. Vidu La ĝisdata versio.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         mb. REVIVE DELETED EDITORS
// @version      2016.9.17
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// @description  musicbrainz.org: reveal deleted editors’ names and emphasizes your own name to standout in MB pages
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// @author       PATATE12
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// @since        2012-11-16
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/* - --- - --- - --- - START OF CONFIGURATION - --- - --- - --- - */
var editors = {
	    "32978": ["2003-12-13", "2005-12-16", "tenebrous"],
	    "52273": ["2004-06-14", "2015-06-06", "DrMuller"],
	    "93418": ["2005-02-08", "2013-03-05", "Rhymeless"],
	    "95678": ["2005-02-18", "2012-09-24", "brianfreud"],
	   "129671": ["2005-06-30", "2009-02-02", "Shlublu"],
	   "157767": ["2005-10-20", "2010-01-05", "michael"],
	   "161352": ["2005-11-01", "2006-07-08", "claiborne"],
	   "163497": ["2005-11-09", "2012-07-12", "RedHotHeat"],
	   "186010": ["2005-12-30", "2012-11-29", "robojock"],
	   "193948": ["2006-01-20", "2008-01-27", "syserror"],
	   "240330": ["2006-07-03", "2012-11-27", "theirfour"],
	   "273412": ["2006-10-28", "2011-02-25", "Sturla"],
	   "313128": ["2007-03-31", "2009-02-06", "mistoffeles"],
	   "346478": ["2007-08-31", "2011-05-28", "neothe0ne"],
	   "386354": ["2008-03-04", "2008-04-03", "grosnombril"],
	   "420821": ["2008-09-10", "2014-07-19", "kaik", "a.k.a. jozo"],
	   "448034": ["2009-02-07", "2012-03-05", "maviles"],
	   "450522": ["2009-02-21", "2011-05-24", "dr_zepsuj"],
	   "457889": ["2009-04-12", "2014-01-12", "deivsonscherzinger"],
	   "563581": ["2011-06-13", "2015-04-04", null, "Russian 39,274 edits"],
	   "619363": ["2012-01-02", "2013-01-15", "ra7h35m20s"],
	   "629372": ["2012-04-04", "2014-04-08", "nightspirit"],
	   "638936": ["2012-07-07", "2014-12-21", "betegouveia", "puppet master"],
	   "667117": ["2012-10-16", "2015-01-02", "m___ah", "the 555,555 edits editor"],
	   "678525": ["2012-11-05", "2016-05-16", "hcm"],
	   "692638": ["2012-11-23", "2013-06-25", "macs0647-jd", "puppet master"],
	   "692651": ["2012-11-24", "2013-06-29", "devore_imperium / rama_3", "macs0647-jd sockpuppet"],
	   "692817": ["2012-11-25", "2013-06-30", "rama_3 / devore_imperium", "macs0647-jd sockpuppet"],
	   "696572": ["2012-12-17", "2013-07-02", "commander.atvar", "macs0647-jd sockpuppet"],
	   "701715": ["2013-01-07", "2013-01-30", "remdia"],
	   "726919": ["2013-03-26", "2013-09-06", "dirkvd"],
	   "774387": ["2013-06-06", "2014-12-21", "Wanddis"],
	   "984246": ["2013-09-14", "2015-03-25", "♀girls"],
	  "1220077": ["2014-01-24", "2014-06-11", "DCEX"],
	  "1304704": ["2014-10-12", "2015-03-22", "superpoota"],
	  "1603482": ["2016-05-12", "2016-05-13", "kemecat"],
	  "1667628": ["2016-07-23", "2016-08-02", "gerff93"],
	/* mistakes, duplicate accounts, etc. */
	   "639228": ["2012-07-08", "2014-12-21", "ritaavenida", "betegouveia sockpuppet"],
	   "639229": ["2012-07-08", "2013-07-12", null, "betegouveia sockpuppet"],
	   "639231": ["2012-07-08", "2014-12-21", "harrystykes", "betegouveia sockpuppet"],
	   "639236": ["2012-07-08", "2014-12-21", "niallhoran", "betegouveia sockpuppet"],
	   "791672": ["2013-06-14", "2013-12-08", "georg187", "only some test edits"],
	   "800638": ["2013-06-19", "2014-12-21", "nicolebahls", "betegouveia sockpuppet"],
	   "809366": ["2013-06-23", "2014-12-21", "xoxtina", "betegouveia sockpuppet"],
	  "1024627": ["2013-10-04", "2014-12-21", "bvlgari", "betegouveia sockpuppet"],
	  "1288668": ["2014-06-29", "2014-12-21", "khaleesi", "betegouveia sockpuppet"],
	  "1306704": ["2014-10-22", "2014-10-24", null, "betegouveia sockpuppet"], /* LOL https://musicbrainz.org/edit/29794898 */
	  "1629393": ["2016-06-08", "2016-06-28", "Minaya69"],
	  "1676087": ["2016-08-02", "2016-09-06", "itsgbitch", "seung3panda"], /* https://musicbrainz.org/edit/40556089 */
	  "1687525": ["2016-08-17", "2016-09-14", "seung3panda", "itsgbitch"],
	  "1712953": ["2016-09-16", "2016-09-17", "itsgbitch", "again, seung3panda"], /* https://musicbrainz.org/edit/40759095 */
	/* funny stuff */
	"jesus2099": "GOLD MASTER KING",
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/* - --- - --- - --- - END OF CONFIGURATION - --- - --- - --- - */
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for (var editor in editors) if (editors.hasOwnProperty(editor)) {
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