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MetaFilter Filter By Favorites JS - Allows users to view MetaFilter comments by favorite count.
MetaFilter Recent Activity border o' rainbows JS - Shows rainbows atop tiny clouds around your own comments in Recent Activity (for logged-in members)
Subdue Metafilter Titles JS - Makes titles on the Metafilter front page smaller, and moves them to the "posted by" line.
Embiggen the Smallest Metafilter JS - Mouse over small text on Metafilter to embiggen it.
MetaFilter unicorn and narwhal buttons with laser kitty (Modern) JS - Shows unicorn and narwhal buttons on the comment form, and a laser kitty on deleted posts (for logged-in members)
Enhance Metafilter Titles JS - Uh, you don't want to install this.
MetaFilter hedgehog comment pointer JS - Replaces the linked comment triangle pointer with a hedgehog
MetaFilter number all comments JS - On, adds a comment number like "comment 1 of 30" to each comment.
MetaFilter inline video fishy icon JS - Replaces the inline video "play" icon with a picture of a triangular fish (for logged-in members)
Sort MetaFilter Comments JS - Adds a Sort by Favorites button. Also keeps the anchor tags in the right place, and allows restoring the original sort order.
Metafilter Comment Box Logout JS - Adds a "logout" link to the right of your username above the comment box.
Metafilter MultiFavorited Multiwidth - Fixed JS - This has two tiny changes to fix the original, made by the user above at
MetaFilter highlight selected comment JS - On, adds a border to the selected comment to make it stand out visually, and adds "selected comment" to the small text to make it easy to search if you lose your place.
MetaFilter embiggen small hyperlinks JS - Makes small hyperlinks in comments on and all subsites larger. Helpful on mobile devices.
MetaFilter embiggen favorite plus minus sign JS - Makes the + and − signs to add and remove favorites on larger for easier access on mobile.
Mefiquote (updated for redesign) JS - Adds "quote" links to Metafilter comments. Updated for the 2014 redesign.
HowlsOfOutrage JS - show MetaFilter favoriters (favoritors?) on hover
Mefi OSM JS - Replace Google Maps with OpenStreetMap on Metafilter
noticeMF JS - highlight MetaFilter posts and comments containing user-specified text
Hide That Thread JS - Hide a particular thread from Ask Metafilter's list.
picMF JS - show MetaFilter profile pictures next to names in posts and comments
MeFi Navigator - fixed JS - Navigate users' comments in Metafilter threads. Fixed version of matthewr script.
Metalinks JS - A sidebar of links scraped from the current Metafilter page's comments.
ygmailMF JS - play (in)famous mail message sound clip when new MetaFilter mail is available
MeFi replace quote label JS - MetaFilter: nicer MefiQuote buttons
FavoriteThis JS - change the name of 'favorites'on Metafilter
Jessamyn's Star JS - Bring Jessamyn's star back to Metafilter
MeFi Navigator Redux JS - MetaFilter: navigate through users' comments, and highlight comments by OP and yourself
UserNotes JS - adds ajaxy viewing of user notes on Metafilter whenever a username is shown
Mefi Endarkener JS - Improves the contrast of (the blue), (the green), and (the gray). This script exclusively works with the Modern theme in Dark Mode.
MeFi NOPE! JS - Sometimes people post things that you don't want to click on. Click "NOPE!" to hide a post. Click "unnope" to bring it back.
diediedead JS - killfile script, re-rebooted
Highlight anon replies JS - make it so that mods comments show up with the little line on the left side
BikePortlandFilterByRecommended JS - Greasemonkey script that allows the user to select which
GM_update Tester JS - GM_Update is a library that allows you to update your script from any site that support meta.js standard or the main USO alternatives: OpenUserJS, Greasy Fork and MonkeyGuts. It now should support other browsers beside FireFox, like Chrome and Opera.
PAUSE JS - Semantic markup for file lists in