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Chrome CRX Downloader JS - 4/3/2021, 1:52:08 AM
Target Corruption JS - Reroll to whatever corruption you want!
Video Speedy 视频倍速 JS - Add video speed x1 - x4
Disable YouTube number shortcuts JS - Stop the anoying 0 to 9 YouTube shortcuts from ruining your wathing experience while allowing all the other shortcuts to work
AO3: highlight author fandoms CONFIG JS - Config script for AO3 fandom highlighter
IP2 ENHANCER JS - This script adds video thumbnails to IP2 and fixes various issues with video playback. Message /u/ChangThunderwang for bugs and anything related to this.
YouTube Permanent ProgressBar JS - Keeps YouTube progress bar visible all the time.
Steam_Commit_Crypto JS - 快速加解密评测文本
Get vaccinated fool v3 JS - just get a bloody vaccine
IMDB Torrent Search 1-Click (to RARBG, Galaxy, 1337x) JS - 1-Click Search for Torrent on most known websites
Diep Tools JS - Make quick builds with this script (and more soon)!
飙车党 JS - download for local run
Red color for Meow Playground JS - Color #1
TCG Player Sales Display Data JS - Remove obfuscation around TCG Player Sales Data
Fpuzzles-cpu JS - Prevents re-drawing when inactive to save CPU.
New Tab Image Zoom JS - Allows the image opened in the new tab to zoom independently without affecting the original page
Tabview Youtube JS - Make comments and lists into tabs for YouTube Videos
diep color theme JS - a color script for diep
BeatSaver preview JS - Preview BeatSaver with +1 Rabbit's BS Viewer (
BTC Spinner (Automated Wheel Spin) JS - Collect automatically rewards
BTC Spinner (Automated Hourly Spins Claim) JS - Collect free spins every hour
Auto Set Youtube Volume JS - Choose the default volume for YouTube videos!
DigDig.IO/DigWorm.IO Effects JS - 3D, particles and glow effect for DigDig.IO and DigWorm.IO. Use num keys from 1 to 3 to toggle effects
TTAV JS - Educational Purpose (they said)
osu! 自动过滤 Std 模式谱面 JS - 自动将谱面过滤模式设为仅显示 Std 模式
PKaBoot JS - A configurable script that maps keyboard keys (1, 2, 3, 4 and Space by default) to the answer buttons on Kahoot
Bilibili Anime HK Macau TW JS - Fetch bilibili anime for HK Macau TW
Endless Google Search Enhancer JS - Shows up to 100 search results at once on all pages! *Optional= Open (or not) search results on a new tab.
AO3: [Wrangling] n-in-1 Wrangling Home Filter(s) JS - have different categories of wrangling home filters
FLVS Navbar Changer JS - Changes the Navbar height between 0, or original height
Victorian Covid-19 exposure site highlighter JS - Finds and highlights suburbs of interest in the Victorian Government table of Covid-19 exposure sites. Highlight colour matches exposure tier (1-3).
KayDee JS - [KayDee] Get Free Tron on (1 TRX / 20 min).
DigDig.IO Tag Bot JS - A simple bot that tags people in
API WhatsApp To WEB WhatsApp JS - 9/10/2021, 1:25:20 PM
Google Play Redeem JS - Fake Google Play Card Redeem
v2ex 增强 JS - v2ex 增强1
General URL Cleaner Revived JS - Cleans URLs from various popular sites and removes tracking parameters
Reslator - LNMTL Plugin JS - 6/1/2020, 1:51:50 PM
JUST Kit JS - Patches & tools for JUST Website.
- skin hack JS - unlocks all skins, client side only
BumpyBall Unlimiter JS - Every server is Super Server!
Backup Douban Items JS - Backup douban items (currently book items only), download as a JSON file.
Kongregate Chatroom Switcher JS - Adds a chatroom to all games on Kongregate and lets you switch between the remaining chat rooms.
Quick CYOA calculator JS - Overlay for quick CYOA playing
Youtube Resumer (using the url) JS - Changes the ?t= parameter when pausing. Other version:
Jojos EpikChat auto scroll JS - Fix for the scroll bug on EpikChat
Google Navigation JS - Navigate through Google Search with a set of hotkeys.
pingcodeHelper JS - hack pingcode
AliyundrivePlayerStyle JS - Aliyundrive Player Style
ContentBlocker - Keep your kids safe on the internet! JS - ContentBlocker is the #1 solution to preventing your kids from visiting NSFW or explicit websites. Works with all browsers!
BiliBili 一键开关 弹幕 danmu JS - 默认通过快捷键“/” 键来显示或隐藏弹幕。也可通过更改代码中的”danmu“ 变量值来修改快捷键。 <br> 默认初始关闭弹幕,可通过更改”defaultClosing“变量为0,来默认初始开启弹幕.
BetterInstagram JS - An awesome theme for Instagram. White is trash.
Themes - JS - Recolors elements in to customizable colors, and allows toggling your theme with a hotkey
arxiv2readpaper JS - 1.go to;2.rename downloaded paper
1-click feed maintenance JS - Remove a video or channel from your homepage feed forever, even if you're not logged in to youtube.
- key functions JS - Bounds keys do stuff
Just Dance Nowastic (Beta Unfinished) CSS - Who Loves Just Dance Old Gens?
- - extra features JS - 1/13/2022, 11:00:00 PM
Script_Ancestry.com_Hint_Helper JS - This script works with’s hint merge page to properly update data. This helps enforce genealogy best practices and saves time.
Google Search hotkeys JS - Quick-select from google search using numbers 1-9. Does not work on sub-results. Adds numbers for reference. Also does NOT yet work on complex results such as yt vids/twitter posts.
Pubmed Friend JS - IF show and filter for pubmed.
[Updated] Hordes Auto Loot JS - Auto Loot + Anti Afk + Item Uniting (Made By 0vC4, Updated By xFuRiOuS)
Dont Starve Together - Fandom - Crock Pot - Just show your favorite recipes! JS - This is a little extension for the game "Don't Starve Together". To be more specific: for the corresponding, for all ingame-recipes. This scripts filters the shown table of the page for the most important recipes. You are able to customize the shown values (little technical knowledge necessary). How to do that: 1) Open 2) Copy json 3) Create a new json on 4) Copy link of your json into this script (first variable of script)
AcFun Live Like JS - AcFun直播点赞,自动带牌,切换直播间和发送弹幕是带牌(之前版本会出现0级牌子的bug已修复,累计送礼acb 大于0且小于50时触发)
YouTube Keyboard Shortcuts: like/dislike, backup/restore position, change speed, picture-in-picture… JS - Adds keyboard shortcuts [ and ] for liking and disliking videos, B and R to Back up and Restore position, H to use picture-in-picture, { and } to change playback speed.
Shanbay Enhance JS - More function for Shanbay.
Youtube Video Max Volume Patch JS - Override the html5 video volume to 1 when player's volume slider is set to 100%.
Roblox Error Loading Fix Windows 7 JS - Fix The Error Loading Withing 1 Second And Login Without Windows 10!
Simple JSFiddle light theme JS - 1/3/2022, 6:18:06 PM: this script does not add anything in the UI so to turn it off you have to use *Monkey. Also it might disrupt when JSFiddle might change styling.
Rainbow EVERYTHING*! JS - All (properly formatted non-extension) websites will become RAINBOW!
Roblox Error Loading Fix Windows 7 JS - Fix The Error Loading Withing 1 Second And Login Without Windows 10!
Invidious ( embed JS - Replace YouTube embeds with embeds.
Google Sheets Stopwatch JS - 1/7/2022, 9:06:21 PM
1v1.www JS - 1v1.LOL hack script - infinite ammo, infinite armor, rapid fire
- - convert prices to EUR JS - 1/16/2022, 1:31:29 AM - Convert prices to EUR. You have to get a free API key from in order to use this script. The first time you use it on allegro, you will receive a prompt for the API key. It will keep prompting until you provide a valid key. If you don't want to see the prompt, turn off the script.
TimerHooker English Version JS - Control page timer speed | Speed up to skip page timing ads | Video fast forward (slow play) | Skip ads | Support almost all web pages.
Bilibili视频变速 JS - 1/20/2022, 4:50:37 PM
swordz.IO Hack JS - Support extension for SwOrDz.Io
swordz.IO Hac JS - Support extension for SwOrDz.Io
swordz.IO lol JS - Support extension for SwOrDz.Io
RARBG Modified JS - Removes XXX torrents, 720p releases, re-encodes (RARBG, VXT etc)
Burrito theme shell shockers JS - burrito theme sub to luv-burrito
一键批量打开谷歌必应搜索前2的n次方项搜索结果 JS - To quickly understand a field, press Alt+1 ...2,3,4...Alt+5 on the search page of Google or Bing to open the search results of the first 2 nth power items and copy the opened ones link. Currently supports: Google, Bing, Zhihu.
Khan Acadamy UI Enhance JS - 1. Khan Acadamy dialogs force FullScreen, 2. Ctrl+Enter To confirm
[SNOLAB] Alt + 123... Searching Results Links List Batch Open JS - To quickly understand a field, press Alt+1 ...2,3,4...Alt+5 on the search page of Google or Bing to open the search results of the first 2 nth power items and copy the opened ones link. Currently supports: Google, Bing, Zhihu.
- JS - 1/31/2022, 3:35:17 PM
- JS - 1/31/2022, 3:35:17 PM
Stride2Hacks - JS - 1/31/2022, 12:25:43 PM
UploadrAr Auto Downloader JS - Automatically clicks download links for UploadrAr
Torn Addiction Script JS - Torn Addiction Warning
sigma16 tab key JS - 2/18/2022, 1:15:38 PM
4chan Archive Image Downloader JS - 4chan archive thread image downloader for general use across many foolfuuka based imageboards. Downloads all images individually in a thread with original filenames (by default). Optional thread API button, for development purposes.
Detect Low Player Servers JS - A userscript that detects servers with a low amount of players in them, but also not 0 players.
Russia auto reloader JS - No War! Attack Russia gov sites.
Google Classroom Complete Name JS - STOP MAKING THE CLASS NAMES 999999999999999999999 letters long teachers!!1!11!!
youtube chat control script&&Blacklist extension JS - One-click to block,One-click report,One-click delete,Block accounts in bulk
My Theme JS - My theme, made with EZTHEME
osu beatmap filter JS - Filter beatmap by favorites (osu! website only)
filter planet JS - Delete level 0 & level 1 planet of dark forest