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- bot (keyboard hack with AI) JS - bot for hacking
TikTok Video Downloader JS - Adds a download button to pages. Click a video, the icon is added by the social media share buttons. Right click the icon, and save as. Left click takes you to the video in your browser.
- Anti-AdBlock Nuke JS - Disables the Anti-AdBlock script on
Nyaa Extract Links and Images JS - extract links and images from inside the description page to the listing page
YouTube Hide Chat by Default JS - Hides chat on YouTube live streams by default
Case Clicker Money Hack JS - Csgo Clicker Money hack pretty basic script but it works.
Google Images direct link fix JS - Adds a direct button link for the image.
- ad skip JS - igg-games ad skipper
Soundcloud Downloader Clean JS - An ad-less, multilingual, clean Soundcloud downloader with robust code. Adds a 'Download' button in the toolbar of all single track views.
Auto click bonus points on JS - Auto clicking "Click to claim a bonus" under the chat
Torn Extensions - Gym Torn Gain JS - calculates gym gain based on Vladars calculations
infinity cookie(cookie clicker) JS - infinity cookie(cookie clicker )
Neopets Auto-haggler JS - Neopets autohaggler
UghTwitterAds JS - Remove ads from Twitter
Skip Amazon Prime Video Ads JS - This script skips primevideo ADS
Nexus Fast Slow DL JS - Autostarts the slow download, removed the timer from manually clicking
Connect All LinkedIn users - 2019 Updated JS - Automatically connect to all suggested users.
Omega+Easy= Tricksplit, Doublesplit, AutoFeed + AutoSettings + Triplesplit + FreezeCell JS - Show mass + dark theme, tricksplit with E or 4, triplesplit with 3, doublesplit with D or 2, faster feeding with Q, and split with 1
[] Arrow buttons constant binding JS - The arrow buttons don't depend on slider/seekbar focus. Left/Right - always playback, Down/Up - always sound volume.
THE IDOLM@STER SHINY COLORS BGM Keeper JS - Keep ShinyColors BGM on at focus lost
ISBN 2 LibGen JS - This script replaces ISBN numbers with hyperlinks which opens LibGen search results
Batch Download Src Image From Weibo Card JS - Batch download weibo's source image
InstagramWithoutLogin JS - Browse instagram without login. No more login popups and scroll through whole pages.
Kill ADs and Watch VIP Videos JS - maybe it's the most similar VIP videos script to origin website
[timerd][The Eight Hundred] VIP Video tencent, iqiyi, mgtv, youku, Blibili, sohu, tudou (2021.03.24) JS - tencent, iqiyi, mgtv, youku, letv, Bilibili, sohu, tudou, 1905(Containing google ads)
WebSpotify JS - Make spotify web player working on mobile device.
Remove COPPA / Live Studio JS - Clears old live dasboard to usable standarts.
dm5/dmzj/manhuagui/copymanga/tongli/colamanga - navigate with keyboard JS - [a / ←]prev page, [d / →]next page, [w / ↑]next chapter, [s / ↓]prev chapter, [q]newer comments, [e]older comments, [r]load all comments new-to-old on dm5, [t]load all comments old-to-new on dm5, [esc]stop loading more comments on dm5, [v]picture size switch between one-page/actual
Instagram Keyboard Shortcuts for Power User JS - Scroll through posts with standard J/K keyboard shortcuts. L to like, O to save, U/I to rewind/fast forward video, M to Mute/Unmute, Space to play/pause video. On the Reels page use left/right arrow keys to rewind/fast forward video.
Hide block messages on discord JS - Hide blocked messages completely
- Bulk Edit JS - Bulk edit your scrobbles for any artist or album on at once.
Humble Choice Get Key JS - HB月包选择游戏(只选不刮),刮开游戏,刮开dlc
AutoClick JS - Hold ` key to repeatedly click element under mouse
Disable All CSS Animations CSS - Disable all CSS animations.
Force Enable Vue Devtools JS - Force enable Vue Devtools for any Vue2 or Vue3 production build.
Grepolis City Manager JS - A little handy script to help with City Management
Universal Dark Theme Maker JS - Simple Dark Theme style for any website which you can configure per-site
Language Switcher for Google™ JS - a port of Language Switcher for Google™ Chome extension ( to userscript.js
Anime Website (Custom) Buttons Plus JS - A script that adds buttons on Anime Planet, MAL, Kitsu, Anilist and aniDB for searching various sites.
Edpuzzle no pause JS - Useful AFK tools for EdPuzzle
Google Images direct links 2 JS - Add direct links to the picture to the Google Image Search results.
KoC Power Bot Plus JS - All-in-One Script for Kingdoms of Camelot
Twitter: Hide Image JS - Make Twitter Images Opacity Lower.
Free 10 Million Robux prank! JS - 10 Million Free Robux That You Can Use To Prank Your Friends (THIS DOES NOT GIVE YOU REAL ROBUX IT IS A PRANK)
Baidu™ WebDisk Helper (dupan-helper) (Legacy) JS - Enhancements for Baidu™ WebDisk.
Webcamdarts Dual View Streaming size for host JS - To see your webcam and the opponent webcam in equal size. No more needs Webcamdarts Dual view for Joiner.Record Stream and auto-switch button
Starve io Aimbot JS - try to take over the world!
(9anime) AniWave Bingewatcher+ JS - Auto-fullscreen, skip intros, jump to next episode, 9anime on Vidstream and MyCloud videos (Auto-1080p in configuration panel)
Giphy Download GIF JS - Allows you to download GIFs direcly from GIPHY
- Simple Zoom Mod JS - Press "z" to toggle between custom and default zoom. Use "-" and "=" to adjust your custom zoom. That's all!
SoldBy - Reveal Sellers on Amazon JS - Shows name, country of origin and ratings for third party sellers on Amazon (and highlights Chinese sellers)
YouTube Sticky Live Chat JS - Pin the latest message written by live owner or moderator to the top
Templates in Roam JS - Add template button to Roam to easily insert custom templates
Discord Obliterate 'Nitro' Button JS - Nukes the 'Nitro' button that has suddenly appeared around 30th Jan 2020. This is a new script because it has distinct behavior.
Fandom - Remove Garbage CSS - Makes fandom wiki pages great again (removes top video, sidebar, bottom bar, bottom feeds, fandom navigation, and extends main content to fill container).
Remove Twitch Chat JS - remove all twitch chat messages in a click
Image Download with Ctrl+Click/Shift/MMB [GLOBAL] JS - Image downloading for most single-image pages, with Ctrl+Click, Shift or MMB-Click combinations
Copy Enabler JS - Disable all copy restriction in Chrome
Google Image Search | Show image dimensions JS - Displays the image size for each thumbnail on the search results page 𝗚𝗼𝗼𝗴𝗹𝗲 images.
Freebitcoin [2023] - Auto Roll - New Bonuses - Multiply - Lottery - Status Console JS - AUTOROLL SCRIPT [DEC 2023] --Auto Roll --Status Console --4+ Betting Strategies --Special graphs --Extinction bet --Balance protection --Odds -- Increase Rate --AutoRoll Low Balance paying RP --Human Simulation --NO captcha solving --Lottery tickets --1000% & WOF Bonus --Close ADS --Slower night mode --Advanced human random times .
Torn: Show Experience JS - Show weapon experience number & hits required for 100% exp rather than progress bar
Google Meet Extender JS - Export attendance and chat log from a Google Meet call
Disney+ Subtitles Downloader JS - Download subtitles from Disney+
Google Translate Page JS - Display option to translate the current page with google translate in violentmonkey menu
TW OnOffSwitchter ( The West ) JS - Switch Chat State
Play Youtube playlist in reverse order JS - Adds button for loading the previous video in a YT playlist
Robux Prank JS - [UPDATE] 300k+ ROBUX appears on your screen as your total when logged into
vip 解 析 z y f JS - vip 解 析 z y f
Web Security JS - Increase cybersecurity in every way: force HTTPS, filter out bad urls, scams, malware, shock sites, etc.
Scroll with Mouse Plus JS - Scroll a page by simply moving the cursor up and down, without even a click!
Hide Tweetdeck Interacted Tweets JS - Remove posts from tweetdeck timelines that have already been liked/retweeted
ServiceNow - ITSM - Add Markdown Preview JS - Add a Preview as Markdown below textarea fields in a ServiceNow form.
GeoGuessr Ultimate Script JS - GeoGuessr Ultimate Script - One Script to rule them all - Work In Progress - Adding features over time - Removes Bottom, Right and Top Bar (Options) - Pimps Data - Makes for a cleaner experience - Removes Author (Optional - For an extra challenge) - Changes flags with numbered flags - Adjust GeoGuessr Logo position - Adjusts Data position
Remove VK Connect banner JS - removes VK Connect banner (doesn't freeze page, doesn't block other popups)
The Gaming Guru Community Script JS - A Community Script for Krunker
Freebitcoin Autoclaim + Page Refresh JS - Autoclaim Play Without Captcha + Force Refresh Page
Wanikani: Fast Vocab Breakdown JS - Automatically displays the meanings of the kanji when you get a vocab item wrong
Simple-Caixin JS - A script which removed some unuseful elements on
TM Trader's Calculator JS - Calculates sell-to-bank price, max price, and TI before birthday (if the player had the birthday during the season)
icourse163.org显示视频编号 JS - 在看课的时候视频没有编号,用这个可以显示当前是第几个视频。
embyLaunchPotplayer JS - emby launch extetnal player
Youtube Music Genius Lyrics JS - Shows lyrics/songtexts from on Youtube music next to music videos
Shenkuu Lunar Temple Solver JS - Auto solver
- LibGen integration JS - Library Genesis ISBN search links for book pages
Google Meet helper JS - auto disable video, auto disable mute, and auto join -- in that order. Also switches account (defaults to primary)
EmuParadise Download Workaround JS - Replaces the download button link with a working one
MajsoulMod_Plus JS - A majsoul mod that unlocks all characters, skins, decorations, etc. and supports all servers.
Youtube (AdBlocker) JS - Helps you browse youtube like a king with nothing stopping you! (This adblocker disables the like and dislike function completely!)
Default YouTube to Dark Theme JS - Makes YouTube default to its Dark Theme by initialising the relevant cookie
Reddit Downloader JS - Download your saved posts or directly posts from your feed with support for Direct links (png, jpg, gif, mp4...), (Gypcat kinda), Redgify, Imgur (Only when supplied with an API key)
- Trainer Hack JS - A Trainer to help you play on Reveal the positions of worms close to you.Shows where's the closest and biggest food near you, and can also create 2 danger zone circles around you.
Old Reddit Markdown Editor JS - Adds a togglable markdown editor to (old) reddit.
Google Meet Autoswitch JS - Autoswitch google accounts on google meet
Amazon Video ASIN Display JS - Show ASINs for episodes and movies/seasons on Amazon Prime Video
新版 CNKI-PDF 下载 JS - 帮助下载pdf
Apple Connect 通知服务器 JS - try to take over the world!
Torn: War Machine Helper JS - Show finishing hits on items page
- - start with more resources JS - p