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YouTube: Hide Info/Card Button JS - Hides the info/card button in videos
Fufu Icons JS -
Agario Macro Eject JS - An extension to eject mass quickly
Score MAL JS - Bot pobierający ocenę produkcji z serwisu!
Highrise Enhancements JS - try to take over the world!
Current IP JS - Posts your current IP on your navigation panel
- - Full window toggler JS - Adds a button to toggle full window video
- - Torrent SearchLink JS - Adds icon for searching tpb for episode
Hacker News Submitter Highlight JS - Makes the submitters name more apparent when scrolling through comments.
Apollo & Redacted Freeleech Browser (Not Grouped) JS - Inserts a freeleech link in main menu. Does not group torrents.
Apollo & Redacted Required Fields JS - Make fields on upload page required so that the submit button does not work until filled in
自动繁简转换脚本 JS - 检测到繁体网页自动转换为简体网页
漫音社自动填写百度云密码 JS - 在漫音社自动填写百度云密码
Gazelle Freeleech Browser (Not Grouped) JS - Inserts a freeleech link in main menu. Does not group torrents.
Gazelle progress to next Class JS - Shows the progress to the next user classes
Gazelle Required Fields JS - Make fields on upload page required so that the submit button does not work until filled in
Gazelle Snatched JS - Mark snatched torrents.
敲起来 (dart) JS - 当你在敲击键盘的时候, 出现相应键位的动画特效
11 macro's for :) JS - 11 macro's for feeding, linesplits, tricksplits, etc. And enables show mass and skip stats by default :)
Unfix Fixed Position Element on Firefox Context Menu JS - Add new item to top of right-click context menu to override position:fixed on elements in a page.
sgmod - acno ass script JS - Makes acno an ass
sgmod - sky map dev script JS - turns sky into a map dev
- - Open book in new tab JS - Allow Ctrl+click | Cmd+click | Middle click to open book links in a new tab.
Gazelle stats since last JS - Displays the changes in stats on PTH and PTP
WME MagicPlaces JS - Clone, Orthogonalize (mini version from MagicPlaces)
GitHub Diff Files Filter JS - A userscript that adds filters that toggle diff & PR folders, and files by extension
PTH Ignore thread JS - Hide threads in subforum view
The Darkening JS - Stylish theme to darken all sites that doesn't suck. All syntax highlighting is kept while being dead simple.
Stickers FRANKLIN JS - Ajoute des stickers FRANKLIN à JVC
WME Thai Regions Overlay - New Regions JS - Creates polygons for WME "Thai Regions Regions"
Squidi Comics Keyboard JS - Adds Left and Right shortcuts for navigating view pages
WaniKani Wrong Answer Delay JS - Adds delay when you answered incorrectly so you have time to look at your answer again, and spot any typos
DH1 Fixed JS - Improve Diamond Hunt 1 and fix some inconsistencies
Neopets Buried Treasure - Random Ticket Button JS - Adds button to pick random ticket on buried treasure page
SSW Shop Autopricer JS - Automatically prices shop to 1 np less than lowest on SSW
LogcheckerPlus JS - Enhancements for Logchecker
Test Tampermonkey by Marvin JS - try to take over the world!
NWCD search link on Discogs JS - Link to a search from discogs pages to NWCD
NWCD Derefer JS - Derefer external links on NWCD
什么值得买精选页面精简 JS - try to take over the world!
Youtube Old Video Blocker JS - Remove older Youtube videos from subscription feed, edit to customize threshold. It does not work on "loading more" videos (the script is not re-run when the page changes) - so just don't scroll down...
Py3Direct JS - Replaces text in the url to automatically redirect from Py 2 docs to Py 3
FA Journal Breakdown JS - Provides a breakdown of your journal list
Amazon Prime Now Checker JS - Adds a button to open Amazon items in Amazon Prime Now, when available.
Amazon Kindle FixedLayout Message JS - Show message for fixedlayout.
Steam Community - Group Members Kicker JS - Adds an option to kick all members of your steam community group at once.
PC微博首页时间线正确排布 JS - 让微博时间线正确排布
XKCDCleaner JS - Wipe out trash and only leave the content.
Go To Line Feature in ASIDE.IO JS - Enable Go To Line Feature in ASIDE.IO
steam card exchange simple viewer JS - just click the 'Sets Available' view showcase on the right side
Export JIRA Timesheet Summary To CSV JS - Export Timesheet Summary to CSV.
-, no slideshow please! JS - Replaces the annoying slideshows on questions with a simple card.
Steam Web Integration JS - Check every web page for game, dlc and package links to the steam store and mark using icons whether it's owned, unowned, wishlisted, ignored (not interested), DLC, removed/delisted (decommissioned), has low confidence metric, has cards, or is bundled.
Macro W 동민 JS - Macro de / Control fácil para buena jugabilidad
电脑上查看微信文章时直接下载所有图片 JS - Preload Images for WeChat
bcy(半次元)打包原图 JS - 先安装"Zip格式支持",原图包可从详细页或图片封面下载。
bcy(半次元)查看原图&下载原图 JS - 在每张图片下面增加查看原图&下载原图
Steam Market Item Info JS - Retrieve info on items on current page
BBCodeのURLタグ用コードを生成してクリップボードに書き込みするボタンを追加 JS - トピック上部に、BBCodeのURLタグ用コードを生成してクリップボードに書き込みするボタンを追加します。
OzBargin Hide Expired. JS - Hide expired deals
微博超级话题签到 JS - 在网页端自己的微博主页,把自己关注的超级话题一键全部签到。注意:只能在自己的个人主页签到。
KissThumbnails JS - Adds Thumbnails to diverse Kiss sites lists and bookmarks
Crunchyroll: Larger Manga Reader JS - Use more space for the manga reader when reading manga at Crunchyroll.
Disable Laggy Forum Scroll Handler JS - Remove Forum scrolling performance penalty
Enable Text Selection disabled by CSS JS - Enable Text Selection disabled by user-select css property.
Logtime Plus JS -
- custom skins JS - Custom Skins for
ScriptTest JS - Javascript Performance Tests
熊猫侧边栏/聊天框 JS - try to take over the world!
"TwitchPleb" JS - "Free subscriber emotes"
PTH hide forum posts JS - Add ability to hide forum posts
sgmod - replace logo JS - Replaces the SGM logo with the old one.
Show QRCode JS - show current page qrcode
zip格式支持 JS - js的zip格式支持,惰性加载,需要时才执行
- direct download JS - creates a direct download button on
cbox-videos JS - Open youtube links in a dialog in cbox chats
Code HiliteMe JS - Beautiful code everywhere!
MACD 哈楼 评分 v2.0 JS - try to take over the world!
Steam Community - Add Direct Join Group To Search JS - Adds a button to join the steam group for each steam group search result.
doblons press O JS - try to take over the world!
Sgk Stajer Giris JS - Sgk stajer girişi için otomatik olarak default degerleri getirir. İş yükünden kurtarır.
Neopets Active Pet Switcher JS - Adds neopets active pet switcher under active pet name
PTH Hide quote trains JS - Hide nested quotes with a link to show them
Faction War Cleaner JS - Adds extra information to different pages all around Torn.
NWCD Populate Label Collage JS - Finds missing releases in label collages
Job-MO: Autodisplay contacts JS - Auto display contacts at vacancy page.
Steam auto agree for sales JS - Automatically checks the agree to SSA agreement when selling an item on Steam
Pixiv One-Click Bookmark JS - Add a button under the image to OneClick Bookmark.
porgamina ilegal ign JS - apreta L
sgmod - rate all on page JS - press link on top right to rate all :)
Agar Video Skin Mod JS - Use your videos as your skin in, mod made by Turtle ? Clan.
VK Infinite Scroll Cleaner JS - Clear old part of posts after loading new one. Helps with memory problems on low spec PCs.
PTH Request notes JS - Store notes on requests at PTH
tecselect JS - Permitir Seleção de textos no TEC Concursos
Google Search shows 'Cached' again! ('Im Cache'.de_DE) JS - Provides the 'Cached' button for each searchresult.
Slavehack Tools JS - ip/bank account remover, filter IPs for easier copying
Better Games Done Quick Schedule JS - Adds infos about the current Run to the top of the page, a link that brings you down to the current run in the schedule, a countdown to the next Run, an auto refresh for when the next run is estimated to start, so that you have always the correct times and runs displayed and highlights the current run in the schedule.
novelupdates Cover Preview JS - Previews covers in when hovering over hyperlinks that lead to novelupdates seriepages and a few external pages.
HKEPC+ JS - Enhance HKEPC trading forum