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Custom Global Nav Tweaks CSS - A collection of css tweaks to be used with the "GitHub Custom Global Navigation" UserScript:
Bitbucket: green merge button CSS - Makes an active merge button green in Bitbucket pull requests.
Opinionated Dark Theme CSS - Dark Theme for
- - Dark mode CSS - Dark mode + ad removal for
- - Readability CSS - Improve readability of new ui on
WSB Merito Extranet/Moodle Dark Theme CSS - Dark theme on
Twitter/Reddit embed fixes CSS - Removes the trash from the Twitter & Reddit embeds
FilterBlade shrinkUI CSS - Compact FilterBlade UI intended for computer screens
PoeStack compact UI CSS - Compact PoeStack UI intended for computer screens
No Indeterminate-bar in YouTube Live Chat CSS - A new userstyle
X/Twitter Card Title Repair CSS - About headings of Twitter cards with large image, displays titles as before.
Stumblechat chat compact CSS - Makes the messages only use 1 line.
YouTube - Force 4-row thumbnails on home feed + Both tweaks CSS - This style forces the 4-row thumbnails on homepage feed (this also includes both compact thumbnails on subscriptions feed and disabling gigantic search result thumbnails).
YouTube Always Show Progress Bar - CSS Method CSS - Shows YouTube progress bar at all times, formatted for theater mode, via lightweight CSS.
Stumblechat Zoom skin CSS - Most parts can be disabled.
AWBW: Color-Blinded-Friendly Status Icon CSS - Make respective status icon unique shape that looks just like discord
Anime News Network - Reimagined CSS - A more modern layout for Anime News Network. Its main goal is to make readability easier.
Discord Amoled Theme CSS -
Netflix字幕自定義 CSS - 自行設定字幕字體外框租細顏色Set Netflix subtitle font shadow
Proton Mail Carbon Editor Theme + customizations CSS - Carbon theme in Proton Mail is beautiful but not complete, so i fix this.
YT字幕自定義 CSS - YouTube Subtitles font modify
HoYoLAB responsive CSS - HoYoLAB website is more suitable for wide screens
снежинки CSS - Обозначает эффект снежинок с зимнего квеста
Ultimate ScrollBar CSS - Customizable scrollbar for Chromium based browsers (Chrome/Edge/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi), with minimal Firefox support
- responsive CSS - Responsive design for
- maximized map CSS - Maximize map over entire window (100% width and 100% height)
uso - Dark Edition CSS - A dark style for
2014 Cosmic Panda Player CSS - Recreates the cosmic panda player for 2014 player.
Google 2014 Signin Page CSS - For signin v3 experiment, a small portion of the "larger 2014 theme"
1500chan X theme CSS - X theme
youtube disable round CSS - youtubeの丸角を四角に戻します
Video Downloader Interface CSS - A simple interface for downloading videos from the web.
Dark Theme for Kadokawa Taiwan CSS - A tailor-made dark theme for Kadokawa Taiwan.
Kobo: Hide Non-whitelisted Billing Address Countries CSS - Hide non-whitelisted countries on billing address’ country selection.
StreamElements store - hide sold out CSS - Removes sold out items from StreamElements stores
Stylus: Fix Message Boxes Width CSS - Fixes message boxes’ width on mobile.
PSXHAX Hide Annoying pop up CSS - Hiding annoying pop-up 'Please allow ads on our site' on PSXHAX
YouTube: fadeInChatMessage CSS - To fade in Chat Messages (with YouTube Super Fast Chat)
优化系统显示效果 CSS - Akso style
Tiktok for discord users CSS - Removes all the bloat and most of the tiktok interface
2015 TO 2017 STEAM CSS - original theme is by works perfectly with
ChatGPT responsive + customizations CSS - ChatGPT website is more suitable for wide screens.
Animation Digital Network (ADN) responsive CSS - Animation Digital Network (ADN) prend maintenant toute la largeur de la page.
AlternativeTo responsive + customizations CSS - AlternativeTo website is more suitable for wide screens.
Alsacréations Forum responsive CSS - Le forum d'Alsacréations prend maintenant toute la largeur de la page.
Crunchyroll responsive CSS - Crunchyroll website is more suitable for wide screens.
Crush responsive + customizations CSS - Crush website is more suitable for wide screens.
HuggingChat responsive CSS - HuggingChat website is more suitable for wide screens.
IGN Wikis responsive CSS - IGN's Wikis pages are more suitable for wide screens.
Instagram dark and responsive CSS - Instagram website is more suitable for wide screens and for our eyes.
Paradot responsive + customizations CSS - Paradot website is more suitable for wide screens.
Patreon responsive + customizations CSS - Patreon website is more suitable for wide screens.
Pi responsive CSS - Pi website is more suitable for wide screens.
Quora responsive CSS - Quora website is more suitable for wide screens.
Reddit responsive + customizations CSS - Reddit website is more suitable for wide screens.
Secret Llama responsive + customisations CSS - Secret Llama website is more suitable for wide screens.
Startpage responsive CSS - Startpage website is more suitable for wide screens.
SuperSoluce responsive CSS - Le site SuperSoluce est mieux adapté aux écrans larges.
TrueAchievements responsive + customizations CSS - TrueAchievements website is more suitable for wide screens.
TrueSteamAchievements responsive + customizations CSS - TrueSteamAchievements website is more suitable for wide screens.
TrueTrophies responsive + customizations CSS - TrueTrophies website is more suitable for wide screens.
tumblr dashboard responsive CSS - tumblr dashboard website is more suitable for wide screens.
X (twitter) responsive + customizations CSS - X (twitter) website is more suitable for wide screens.
YourHana responsive + customizations CSS - YourHana website is more suitable for wide screens.
Claude responsive + customizations CSS - Claude website is more suitable for wide screens.
DuckDuckGo AI Chat responsive + customizations CSS - DuckDuckGo AI Chat page is more suitable for wide screens.
DiscordNitroIcons CSS - Unlock Discord Nitro-exclusive in-app icons.
Mastodon responsive + customizations CSS - Mastodon website is more suitable for wide screens.
2012-2014 ESQUE PlanetMinecraft CSS - This userstyle restores the 2012-2014 PlanetMinecraft
OnlyFans responsive + customizations CSS - OnlyFans website is more suitable for wide screens.
Trakt VIP Adblocker CSS - Removes VIP ads from Trakt
- KanjiStrokeOrders Vocabulary CSS - Use KanjiStrokeOrders font on Vocabulary page
GNU Pascal Cringe Removal CSS - Removes ocular assault from the GNU Pascal website.
YouTube Theater Mode Zoom In CSS - YouTube Theatre Mode will take up the full height of the screen.
Late 2016 for V3 + StarTube CSS - Makes 2016 StarTube more faithful to late 2016.
- Noir CSS - Updated version of the Dark Theme.
zattoo easily hide non-free channels CSS - easily hide non-free channels from the channel list
joyn easily hide non-free/vod channels CSS - easily hide non-free/vod channels from the channel list
AO3 Yet Another Dracula (UI) CSS - Dracula theme for Archive Of Our Own
YouTube - Compact Thumbnails on Subscriptions Page CSS - This style reverts back to compact-styled thumbnails from the subscriptions feed. (but this also removes the 'Shorts' feed from this page to have a cleaner page)
- usable guide CSS - make the guide usable again (in full viewport)
- hide splash animation CSS - hide splash animation easily, duh
- dark CSS - dark style
Goatlings Minimal / Darker Theme CSS - A higher-contrast, darker theme for
Goatlings Profile Box Alignment CSS - Fixing those annoying gaps in the Goatlings pet profile boxes!
betaseries responsive + customizations CSS - betaseries website is more suitable for wide screens.
Stumblechat lag fix CSS - Fixes lag by hiding old messages, with a custom amount.
LYSSA: Goddess of Rage responsive + customizations CSS - LYSSA: Goddess of Rage web game is more suitable for wide screens.
Nutaku Web Games responsive + customizations CSS - Nutaku Web Games are more suitable for wide screens.
Darkest mode for google CSS - A fully black style
Safari Cleaner Gmail CSS - A simplified and minimalist look to Gmail desktop
2019 Roblox Avatar Editor(RLOT Addon) CSS - Brings Back The 2019 Avatar Editor code is by Vue2016
2022 Roblox Avatar Editor CSS - Brings Back The 2022 Avatar Editor code is by Vue2016
2021 Roblox Avatar Editor CSS - Brings Back The 2021 Avatar Editor code is by Vue2016
ESPN by BamaBraves CSS - Dark
kiwifarms - Vaporwave CSS - Still waiting for a vaporwave forum theme
- Dark Mode CSS - Dark Mode for
- Dark Mode (Beta) CSS - Dark Mode (Beta) for
- Dark Mode CSS - Dark Mode for