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Video Background Play JS - Allows background play on most websites.
Double-click Image Downloader JS - Double-click images to download them.
YaAntiAds JS - Block ads and "install yandex" banner on
Disable safesearch JS - Set off safesearch on Bing, DuckDuckGo, Yep, You, Yahoo, Ecosia, Qwant, Metager, Startpage, brave
bypass LoggedIn Requirement in Twitter JS - Script to redirect user to twitter embed link, to avoud requirement of beeing logging in
- ChatGPT Integration JS - Type /cmds in the bonk chat to get started
YoutubeDL JS - Download youtube videos at the comfort of your browser.
Disable web lazy loading images (one-time loading) JS - Display images directly on the web page, disable lazy loading, load all images at once.
NP torrents claim JS - one key claim all the seeding torrents for NesusPHP.
Instagram: Blind Stories JS - Watch user stories anonymously
SaveAsZip for Patreon JS - Download post images and save as a ZIP file.
Dark mode JS - Enable dark mode with only one line of CSS
Hacker Tools (F12 view source code) JS - This is a "developer tool" for editing and viewing HTML elements and using JavaScript. It comes with a responsive interface for mobile devices.
Network Latency Monitor JS - Practical tool for real-time monitoring of network fluctuations, displayed at the bottom center of the page, with the ability to edit and customize monitored URLs.
TrioLingo JS - Duolingo cheat script hack. Based on DuoPower
Torn Faction War Helper JS - Display faction data on Torn
Apple Mod JS - BEST SHARED MOD !!!
Rizz Your Waifu JS - auto swiper/message swiper
Shell Skybox (Sunset Skybox) JS - changes the skybox in shell to a sunset picture
Bypass Paywall JS - Adds a context menu option to bypass an article's paywall.
Pixeldrain Viewer & Download - With Bypass JS - Enhances PixelDrain by handling file list clicks, displaying media content, and adding download bypass buttons for individual files and lists.
BetterYTM JS - Lots of configurable layout and user experience improvements for YouTube Music™ and YouTube™
FileDM Bypass JS - Bypass annoying FileDM download managers!
Afk Script UPDATED JS - Press F to set the afk location and J to afk
TweetXer JS - Delete all your Tweets for free.
Nitro Type Bot JS - This script is used for typing the text on directly into the browser.
gimkitcheat JS - A userscript that allows you to cheat across various gimkit games
HTML5 video player enhanced script JS - Video enhancement script, supports all H5 video websites, such as: Bilibili, Douyin, Tencent Video, Youku, iQiyi, Xigua Video, YouTube, Weibo Video, Zhihu Video, Sohu Video, NetEase Open Course, Baidu network disk, Alibaba cloud disk, ted, instagram, twitter, etc. Full shortcut key control, support: double-speed playback/accelerated playback, video screenshots, picture-in-picture, full-screen web pages, adjusting brightness, saturation, contrast
Youtube AdBlock ban bypass JS - Fix the "Ad blockers violate YouTube's Terms of Service" Error
[Premium] by Andrewblood JS - DUTCHY Roll/Coin Roll/PTC Wall/Surf Ads
Bypass short-link tracker JS - Bypass some shorteners
YouTube Anti-Anti-Adblock JS - Removes all the "ad blockers are not allowed on youtube" popups.
Better HAXBALL JS - cool stuff, "was before HAXBALL GEO CHANGER"
- Visible models JS - Makes models better visible
Cryzen enemy nickname display JS - Shows some additional visual legal info in cryzen
[Premium] by Andrewblood JS - Open and close Framed and Frameless Ads with Overlay for settings
Doc88Downloader JS - Download screenshots from all pages from a Doc88 file in one PDF
- - Vaakir's hack pack GUI V4 JS - The almighty one
Auto gym switch JS - Automatically switches your gym before training
YouTube H.264 + FPS JS - Clone of h264ify with optional limit up to 30 FPS.
YouTube Playlist AutoPlay JS - AutoPlay next Playlist item in YouTube
JellyfinMorePlayer JS - jellyfin calls an external player, mobile style optimization + Safari compatibility, based on [Jellyfin Launch Potplayer](
Torn:BattleStat% JS - Adds Battlestat % to the main page in the Battle Stats Box
Vitriol JS - Automatic market-watcher script that can watch items and warn if it's available (or instantly buy them) if the price is below a set maximum value.
Medium Unlocker (2023-12-06 updated) JS - Automatically detect Medium articles (including subdomains and custom domains) and replace the URL with to unlock Medium Posts.
Auto ZNext Channel JS - This will force you to stay in zNext (Global) channel on ROBLOX aka the stable branch instead of the beta channels.
krunker the best aimbot JS - locks on to players
- Autoplay Feed JS - Autoplay Videos in Feed on
DuoHack JS - Duolingo Auto-Solver cheat [WORKING DECEMBER 2023]
- fast respawn JS - Fast respawn on
Thunder Client for JS - this is cool! Get Custom HealthBar And More!!!
Brune RemodV3 BETA JS - CUSTOM HEALTH, ANIMATED hotbar, ANIMATED skybox, ANIMATED cursur, ANIMATED chat box and more soon to COME!
Lootlinks and lootlabs bypass JS - This userscript bypasses Lootlinks and Lootlabs links quickly and efficiently, saving you time and energy.
- (Twitter) - Auto Show Sensitive Content JS - (Twitter) Auto Show Sensitive Content. You Don't Have To Click "Show" Button Anymore When Reading NSFW Tweets With Blur Alert. 推特自动显示色情暴力内容,不再被模糊化。
Bot panel JS - Bot Panel for
Fake Robux JS - Changes the navbar Robux amount to a desired amount
InfiniteHaxx JS - Infinite Craft hacks, lets you add custom elements.
Bloxd Fullscreen Bypass JS - Lets you play without having to enter fullscreen
TikTok Magic (download dinâmico) JS - Baixe vídeos sem logo/marca d'água com apenas um clique, diretamente do tiktok. Mais recursos em breve.
Duolingo Auto Solver JS - Duolingo Auto-Solver cheat [WORKING OCT 2023]
Infinite Craft FastCheat JS - Adds a menu on the top left corner for fast access to cheats.
CheatNite2025 JS - CraftNite cheat client. Credits 99% towelgreen and Jhon Pérgon for external API-request. U cant bann with this cheat.
chatgpt menutemp JS - Mod menu for Krunker (UND)
TypingCLub Auto Typer JS - A Typing Club Auto Typer
[Premium] Shortlink Maker by Andrewblood JS - Automatic click the buttons for much Shortlink sites (a list is no longer possible with so many pages)
Geotastic Helper JS - Helps you in the game Geotastic
Auto Switch UserAgent JS - Use different User Agents based on different URLs or domains.
1-Click Download JS - On click download user's post link
Faster Bing JS - Convert Bing's redirect url to a real url
Reddit Age Bypass JS - Bypass the "open in app prompt" for nsfw posts
Mouse Line Aimer for JS - Creates a line that follows the mouse
【Mod】Twitter Media Downloader JS - Save Video/Photo by One-Click.
DropGalaxy Auto Skip JS - Auto skip ads and auto download on DropGalaxy
Twitter Web Exporter JS - Export tweets, bookmarks, lists and much more to JSON/CSV/HTML from Twitter(X) web app.
agar bar remover JS - Remove the miniclip bar from our game
fly Inc JS - Bypass Familia Fly
Roblox unban tool JS - Unban yourself!
Ev.IO Aimbot, NameTags ESP & Wireframe View JS - Ev.IO's aimbot enables you to target the closest enemy even through walls and objects, with customizable settings such as Smoothing and offsetY. The NameTag ESP feature lets you view enemy health bars through walls, which can be toggled in the menu. Customize the game lighting and make the scene wireframe.
- - Remove bloatware JS - Removes unnecessary elements from fandom website, leaving only what's important.
GazelleGames pet leveling info with last dropped item JS - Adds pet leveling info and last dropped item to your own profile page
GC - BD Enhancements. Keyboard control and skill autoselector JS - Adds keyboard control to BD. Also autofills skills in preferred order (up to 3). Replace var numeric values with preferred skills.
Genesis Mod JS - OP Mod In 2024!
Voxiom.IO Aimbot, ESP & X-Ray JS - Let's you see players and items behind walls in Comes with an aimbot that locks aim at nearest enemy and auto fires at them. Also shows ores and names of the items that are far far away.
fast split and auto unban ip JS - fast_split + auto unban
Blubbled's UI Mod v2 JS - Adds some QoL features, such as always showing kill count, green health bar, etc
Show External Downloads JS - Automatically expands the external downloads section on httpss://
Earn Pepe Bot (Need Captcha Solver Extension) JS - bypass manual faucet and auto ptc iframe!
SmashKarts ESP/Charms JS - SmashKarts ESP lets you see players even when they're behind walls or objects. Though, it might not work on every single map. Changes the color of the players.
Verify made by Snomy JS - Verify script made by Snomy
CloudFlare Challenge Optimized JS - Automates solving Cloudflare Challenges with optimal performance and maintainability
Blooket Hacks JS - hack blooket
DMM_areapass JS - Unblock DMM area check
DeBug-X v2.28 Beta by Exo Red JS - DeBug-X client by Exo Red
Youtube Copying Selected Subtitles - Immersive Translation JS - When Youtube using Immersive Translation copies the subtitles to the clipboard, supporting before translation, after translation, or select all Youtube,New Feature:Recording traslate.
- speed hack JS - new speed hack!
Opinion's Handling Editor for JS - This mod adds a handling editor for Supports game version v1.0.2.
Drawaria Change Text Color to the Game! JS - Changes the text color of the entire game to the selected color
FPS Booster JS - oh yes the old name returns
YouTube Cobalt Tools Download Button JS - Adds a download button to YouTube videos using Cobalt API for downloading videos or audio.