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Toc Bar, auto-generating table of content JS - A floating table of content widget
Direct Link JS - Replace the redirect links with direct links
PlumFont - Replace Roboto, Segoe UI, Arial, and other fonts JS - Replace web page fonts with your preferred ones. Stop using Segoe UI, Arial, and Microsoft YaHei. Replace English numerals with the SF Pro and Inter fonts.
Restore Clipboard ( 剪贴板消毒,去掉版权信息 ) JS - remove annoying copyright words on,,
新年烟花背景(掘金适配) JS - 修改页面的背景,使用 canvas 播放动画
clear ad for developer website JS - clear ad for developer website. contain:csdn,juejin,segmentfault,runoob,antdv,vue,greasy fork.
精简常见文章网站|CSDN|简书|掘金|知乎|百家号|搜狐|腾讯新闻|微信公众号|网易|更多...| 方便您的阅读📖 持续更新 JS - 优化阅读体验【文章宽度一致】【统一标题】【使用阴影】【适配半屏窗口】【无感知加载】【可选 去除顶栏】|CSDN、简书、掘金、知乎专栏、阿里云、腾讯云、华为云开发者联盟、蒲公英、百家号、脚本之家、51cto博客、爱码网、ITEYE、bbsmax论坛、第一PHP社区、代码先锋网、码农教程、术之多、搜狐、腾讯新闻、微信公众号、网易、灰信网、B站文、百度知道、百度经验、爱问知识人、CSDN问题 文章页面
知乎/CSDN/QQ/微信/QQ邮箱/微博/百度贴吧/简书/开源中国/掘金/少数派 自动加载重定向 JS - Try to make Chinese Internet World better! Hope to help you!
juejin_auto_check_in JS - 掘金自动签到
掘金直接跳转链接 JS - 掘金直接跳转链接!
Back2source JS - Redirecting to source sites from sites with machine translation, etc.
open the link directly JS - 点击链接直接跳转
clear ad for developer website JS - clear ad for developer website. contain:csdn,juejin,segmentfault,runoob,antdv,vue,greasy fork.
🏷️ UTags - Add usertags to links JS - Allow users to add custom tags to links.
OuterChainJump JS - 自动跳转外链
剪贴板删除多余内容|remove clipboard redundant content JS - 删除掘金|知乎|?|网站剪贴板插入的版权信息等内容
掘金清爽界面 JS - juejin clean interface
外链直转 JS - 2023/9/20 21:55:23
Auto Extract Article Title|Generate article table of contents with one click JS - Automatically extract the title of the article, generate table of content, jump, drag and drop
GitHub CodeBlock Icon Enhance PowerBy NerdFont JS - Display more icons by setting NerdFont for GitHub's code block.
掘金美化器 By Heyl JS - 美化文章内容和目录
Toc Bar, auto-generating table of content JS - A floating table of content widget