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YouTube - Disable Fullscreen Scroll JS - Disable scroll for details feature and remove the label from the bottom in fullscreen
Reddit Video Downloader JS - Adds button to direct link or download the stupidly hard to save or share directly reddit videos. Designed to work on new Reddit only. Buttons appear when viewing the specific post -- does not work on preview/expand on post listing pages.
Youtube - dismiss sign-in JS - Hide the "sign-in" and cookies dialogs. Prevent the dialogs from pausing the video.
Emuparadise Fix JS - Add working download links to Emuparadise
Play with MPV JS - Play videos and songs on the website via mpv-handler
- Custom Points Upgrader. Beta JS - NEW! custom upgrade builds update! Your upgrade builds will save now! This is still in beta!
Get Emojis Into Your Nitro Type Name JS - Get Emojis Into Nitro Type Name
nexusmods skip countdown JS - no countdown & auto start download
Lottery Ticket Generator JS - Generates 6 random numbers
Krunker Skin Hack JS - unlocks all skins, client side only
Stamp album helper JS - Adds an info menu about your missing stamps
YouTube More Speeds JS - Adds buttons under a YouTube video with more playback speeds.
GitHub Mirror JS - GitHub mirror. Accelerate access to GitHub. Support Clone, Release, RAW and ZIP acceleration.
iTunes - subtitle downloader JS - Allows you to download subtitles from iTunes
Add members-only-videos link JS - Add members-only-videos link to YouTube channel main page.
Instagram - Allow right click on images CSS - Allow right-clicking on images on Instagram
"Free" Roblox Items JS - Trick your friends into thinking you can get anything for free!
Clean Cloudflare URL JS - Remove ugly Cloudflare-generated parameters from the url
[satology] Auto Claim Multiple Faucets with Monitor UI JS - Automatic rolls and claims for 50+ crypto faucets/PTC/miners ( BTC, auto promo code for 16 CryptosFaucet, FaucetPay, StormGain, etc)
- | Simple Fast-Split Script JS - This is a simple script that allows you to fast-split. Just press X and it will fast split your cell one time!
- - Vaakir's hack pack GUI JS - Hacks, and color mod v1 by Vaakir with the colod mod v2 from nitrogem35
simple instakill JS - simple
Tabview Youtube JS - Make comments and lists into tabs for YouTube Videos
Anon Mod JS - Try To Take Over The World With AnonymousMod!
PKaBoot JS - A configurable script that maps keyboard keys (1, 2, 3, 4 and Space by default) to the answer buttons on Kahoot
KillerMod JS - Kill hackers in Zombs Royale
Filmot Title Restorer JS - Restores titles for removed or private videos in YouTube playlists
GeoHintr JS - GeoHintr - Allows you to place written hints on your maps
Beta adapter Ping/Fps! (v3) JS - This is a beta adapter for your ping/FPS in! + Remove Ad
Duolingo-Cheat-Tool JS - Auto answer Duolingo script!
Fast_Add_Cart JS - Add to cart without redirect to cart page, also provide import/export cart feature.
General URL Cleaner Revived JS - Cleans URLs from various popular sites and removes tracking parameters
Nitro Type stats on race page JS - This script will put the nitro type stats page on the nitro type races page, so you can directly see it from there. Idea by Nate Dogg
[Pokeclicker] Enhanced Auto Clicker JS - Clicks through battles, with adjustable speed, and provides various insightful statistics. Also includes an automatic gym battler and automatic dungeon explorer with multiple pathfinding modes.
Better EdPuzzle JS - Speed up, allow skipping, and stop auto-pausing on
Geoguessr Unity Script JS - For a full list of features included in this script, see this document
Fuck TradingView Ads off JS - Fuck all TradingView Ads off instanly
WaniKani Katakana For On'yomi JS - A userscript for wanikani that transforms everything related to on'yomi into katakana.
Nitro Type - Safe Space JS - Replaces the Race Track with a Typing Test Lobby Chatroom. Choose which users to mute and block, it's your "safe space".
- - Disable P2P JS - Disables peer-to-peer connections on and to hide your IP address
- Bad Hack JS - The best public script for
UploadHavenDownloadTimeSkiper JS - Skips the download time of UploadHeaven
Surviv.IO Aimbot, ESP & X-Ray JS - Aimbot and ESP for Locks the aim to the nearest player and shows lines between nearby players. Removes ceilings from buildings and let's you see inside them too.
Auto Click Captcha JS - Auto clicks the recaptcha checkbox
Greasyfork script-set-edit button JS - Add / Remove script into / from script set directly in GF script info page
Wanikani: Back to back JS - Makes reading and meaning appear back to back in reviews and lessons
Omegle Grabber JS - Get IP addresses on multiple video chat sites
- Legit (AutoScroll + Safe heal) + fake keystrokes (for macros) JS - none
- Aimlock JS - use aimbot by just 2 clicks! press P for Aimlock in the press of a button. [UPDATED] may not work
wsmud_funny2 JS - A script for Mud WuShen
Website page translation patch JS - This script is used to fix some problems before the website is translated, such as invalid or missing links, mismatched values in drop-down list boxes due to translation, and the problem of content being piled together because line breaks are lost after translation. Compatible with page content updated dynamically.
UploadHEaven JS - Bypasses Uploadhaven time restriction.
Studocu_Remove_Blur JS - Remove blur in and other annoying things. You can click the button at the right bottom to do so.
Discord Token Getter JS - Gets your token on discord.
Kahoot Nickname Length Bypass JS - Bypasses nickname length for Kahoot!
BeanHacks JS - Epic ep hack
Nitro Type Glitched Window Style! JS - It looks like you are on window. But way cooler!!!
Geoguessr GeoStats Script JS - Keeps track of various stats and displays it on an interactive map on your profile (Duels and Classic)
Pop-Up Blocker JS - Simple but effective popup window blocker. Also tries to deny unsolicited redirections.
Sort Youtube Playlist by Duration JS - As the name implies, sorts youtube playlist by duration
- Auto reloader JS - Automatically reload the page on disconnect and handle errors such as "Server is full"
Pirated games on store pages JS - Adds links to pirated games on multiple stores
MH - Minluck & CRE tool v2.0 (new) JS - Shows hunt statistics on the camp page
Duolingo farmer redirector JS - Used in union with DuoHacker to automatically farm XP without interaction
- bot JS - Trying to create a bot for the game
- Ultimately Import JS - Bypass import limit on Mega Web client & remove warning about the space usage
Best Hack 2022 | Multivox Raider JS - Best Raiding Script of 2022! Destroy your Enemies and Take Over the Game!
F**k zhihu JS - 知乎免登录
MINIROYALE.IO HACK | Aimbot, Auto CTF, Invisibility, Speed, Fly, and MORE JS - Most advanced hack ever created. Features Invisibility, Speed, Aimbot, and much more.
-, wasd controls JS - allows user to go back and forth using the keys a and d, w and s are commented out
Xbox Cloud Gaming Vibration JS - Add game force feedback (vibration or rumble) support for Xbox Cloud Gaming
ASMR Online Work Downloader JS - Download all(selected) folders and files for current work on in one click, preserving folder structures
Blooket.Mod2 JS - Get All blooks in blooket in the lobby to show off to your friends!
Netease Music - MyFreeMP3 Extender JS - Extend netease music with MyFreeMP3
TrollChess_HardMode JS - Pieces periodically get a new theme on
Nitro Type - Add Visual Cash ($999,999,999) JS - Changes The Number of NT Cash Visually (Only Visible for You and is not Real)
Anti [ AdBlock Detector ] JS - Today I saw a window asking me to disable AdBlock ._. If you also have a problem with this, then you can use this script
YouTube - Old Icons Restorer JS - Restores the old icons for YouTube.
Anti DeBlocker (ad blockers detector defeater) JS - try to defeat DeBlocker, the Anti AdBlock Wordpress Plugin found here:
Xbox Cloud Gaming Localization and unblock regions restrictions JS - Set Xbox Cloud Gaming games as your browser's preferred language and unblock regions restrictions .
My Phone Video Script JS - Full-screen landscape, fast-forward and rewind, long-press for speed adjustment. Designed for Kiwi and Lemur browsers.
WaniKani Item Difficulty JS - Add difficulty ratings collected from forum datasets to items in WaniKani lessons and reviews.
- build selector JS - Allows adding, editing, and deleting builds dynamically and saves them on the go.
LeetCodeRating|English JS - LeetCodeRating The score of the weekly competition is displayed, and currently supports the tag page, question bank page, problem_list page and question page
RatingR6 ReWrite JS - RatingR5, R5REC, R5 VALUE, REREC(+b), Season TI, RVA's Captaincy
AutoClicker for Cookie Clicker JS - A simple script for cookie clicker that will autoclick cookies for you
Remove watermarks of lark JS - Remove watermarks from Lark documents and workspace.
LearnPlus JS - A collection of addons for certain education sites.
[Pixlr] Unlimited Saves JS - Bypasses the daily save limit
Auto BTC Rotator with PTC Support JS - auto faucets
Yandex SmartCaptcha Autoclick JS - Automatically click Yandex Smart Captcha checkbox button when detected it and doesn't solve the captcha for you!
Reddit on Google Search JS - Adds a button to search Reddit via Google Search
chatgpt-infinite JS - Infinite auto ask for chatgpt
ChatGPT heartbeat JS - 减少 ChatGPT 官方网页需要频繁刷新的简单办法
TW Inventory Reloaded JS - Better Inventory and tools for The West!
Autoclose Zhihu Login Prompt JS - Autoclose Zhihu Login Prompt is only used to close the pop-up login and registration prompt.
Remove Reddit Login Requirement JS - Remove the on-screen modal that forces you to log in for certain posts.
codeforces analytics JS - Analyse Codeforces profiles
kirka gun fire rate increase JS - work in progress if you get into a game without people just wait up to 30 seconds and youll see ppl joing