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CSDN-Optimize-Beautify-Simplify JS - 剥茧化绸,使 CSDN 重现柔曼如丝的新颜; 优化美化CSDN体验-个性化-免登录复制-沉浸式阅读-去广告等
Remove web limits JS - Pass to kill most of the site, you can lift the restrictions prohibited to copy, cut, select the text, right-click menu.
CSDN去广告V0.3 JS - CSDN广告闪瞎眼
Clean Reading JS - remove CSDN,stackoverflow,cnblogs, elements you not like, such as advertisements.
Expose CSDN Folding Content JS - Expand CSDN folding content, include '展开阅读全文' and '登录查看热评'
CSDN Clean JS - csdn align center, auto readmore, clean clipboard, no login.
CSDN Blog Super Simplification JS - Page layout modification. Only comment area, article body, directory are shown. No login requirement to copy or select code area. No login requirement to load comments.
复制 CSDN JS - 去掉CSDN代码复制限制
CSDN免登录复制 JS - CSDN不登录就可以复制!
CSDN免登陆复制 JS - CSDN免登陆代码复制
No Keywords JS - Get rid of fucking highlighted search keywords.
CSDN文库免vip阅读全文,解锁复制限制 JS - CSDN文库阅读全文,去除VIP登录遮罩,解锁鼠标复制功能
copy JS - 开源破解一些网站的禁止复制,免登录/vip复制
CSDN tools JS - download csdn page clearly!
layerd_disabled JS - display the ad
clean CSDN blog JS - 还你一个干净的阅读体验
CSDN 阅读全文 JS - 显示隐藏内容
Baidu Mask JS - hide areas which made distraction in some baidu and other sites
Restore Clipboard ( 剪贴板消毒,去掉版权信息 ) JS - remove annoying copyright words on,,
csdn只看文章和評論 JS - awful ads
CSDNBBSCleaner JS - csdn论坛一些影响阅读的多余元素清理
csdn blog JS - try to take over the world!
CSDN Blog Blocker Blocker JS - Get rid of the 'continue reading' button
csdntools JS - try to take over the world!
CSDN Clean Page JS - 关闭未登录时的底部通知,自动点击“阅读更多”,关闭“转盘”
CSDN博客内容自动显示全文 JS - 进入CSDN博客时,自动点击“阅读更多”,显示全文
csdn clear AD JS - try to take over the world!
CSDN Fucker JS - try to take over the world!
CSDN默认展开 JS - CSDN默认展开隐藏的内容,去除展示所有按钮
显示CSDN文章所有留言 JS - show CSDN all message
CSDN_clean JS - try to take over the world!
CSDNRemoveCopyright JS - 移除CSDN copyright信息(保留格式)
CSDN Full Article JS - Show full article on CSDN mobile version.
csdn 极简版 JS - csdn 页面极端简化版, 只显示正文.
copy_jianshu JS - 将简书文章复制到csdn、思否和慕课网编辑器中
WebSpirit JS - Expand the full text, remove the anti-theft chain and advertising
去除CSDN登录二维码窗口和遮罩背景 JS - 去除CSDN中的登录二维码窗口和遮罩背景
CSDN ad remover JS - 去除CSDN多余广告
H2P: CSDN、掘金界面清爽 JS - CSDN、掘金界面清爽
Keep Learning JS - Keep Coding
CSDN Lite JS - 简化CSDN文章页面,去除侧边栏,去除下方课程推荐栏、下载推荐栏,全屏显示文章
bc-SmartTOC JS - TOC can be generated for github、、 and other sites
CSDN Reading mode togger JS - 用于csdn博客阅读时内容区域扩大
知乎/CSDN/QQ/微信/QQ邮箱/微博/百度贴吧/简书/开源中国/掘金/少数派 自动加载重定向 JS - Try to make Chinese Internet World better! Hope to help you!
test removAd to CSDN JS - csdn 去广告!
Clean csdn blog 清爽阅读博客 JS - 烦人的半屏顶部广告和左侧栏位都去掉了
Clean csdn blog 清爽阅读博客 JS - 烦人的半屏顶部广告和左侧栏位都去掉了
CSDN Simplify JS - Simplify CSDN
屏蔽CSDN广告 JS - 通过css屏蔽csdn广告
anti-select-none - JS - 解除 CSDN code block 的 select 鎖定
CSDN启用代码复制 JS - Make CSDN code pre selectable.
CSDN免登录复制-三藏 JS - copy for csdn
remove CSDN JS - 在搜索结果中屏蔽 CSDN。支持 Google / Baidu / Bing / 360 搜索
open the link directly JS - 点击链接直接跳转
clear ad for developer website JS - clear ad for developer website. contain:csdn,juejin,segmentfault,runoob,antdv,vue,greasy fork.
clear ad for developer website JS - clear ad for developer website. contain:csdn,juejin,segmentfault,runoob,antdv,vue,greasy fork.
copy_jianshu_to_csdn_and_segmentfault JS - 123
复制文本小尾巴去除 JS - B站专栏、csdn复制文本小尾巴去除
CSDN enable code copy JS - Copy styled text on CSDN,do whatever you want, without being affected by its own copyright-restricted scripts.
z-plugin JS - 自己的随便使用
Fucking CSDN JS - like the name of this script ..
简化 CSDN Blog 详情 - Fuck CSDN Blog JS - 简化 CSDN 博客详情页面,免登录复制
copy CSDN code JS - free copy csdn code !
Kill CSDN popup JS - Remove CSDN Blog's annoying code scanning pop-ups
csdn copy JS - i can copy anything i want
【Major】CSDN免登录免关注阅读复制 JS - CSDN可直接复制代码,无需登录,无需关注才能阅读
CSDN免登录复制 JS - copy code without login from csdn, auto readmore
CSDN 复制代码 JS - copy the code as you like
CSDN净化 JS - filter/format csdn css
精简常见文章网站|CSDN|简书|掘金|知乎|百家号|搜狐|腾讯新闻|微信公众号|网易|更多...| 方便您的阅读📖 持续更新 JS - 优化阅读体验【文章宽度一致】【统一标题】【使用阴影】【适配半屏窗口】【无感知加载】【可选 去除顶栏】|CSDN、简书、掘金、知乎专栏、阿里云、腾讯云、华为云开发者联盟、蒲公英、百家号、脚本之家、51cto博客、爱码网、ITEYE、bbsmax论坛、第一PHP社区、代码先锋网、码农教程、术之多、搜狐、腾讯新闻、微信公众号、网易、灰信网、B站文、百度知道、百度经验、爱问知识人、CSDN问题 文章页面
OuterChainJump JS - 自动跳转外链
CSDN no login JS - try to take over the world!
CSDN COPY JS - copy csdn text for free
CSDN Guest Copyer (CSDN 匿名复制) JS - CSDN 匿名免登录,一键复制!
CSDN_Auto_Comment JS - CSDN一键点赞评论(学习)
No Search Boxes JS - Eradicate *ALL* search boxes!
CSDN免登录复制 JS - 简化CSDN复制,无需登录,只要双击代码区域即可复制
csdn 文章复制 JS - 将文章内容弹窗显示,可以复制到md文档中
Fixed Element Hider JS - Hide annoying fixed elements when scrolling through the page.
STAN'S CSDN手动一键点赞评论 JS - 打开博文,点击一键点赞评论按钮后自动为该博文点赞以及评论,前提是已经登录 csdn 博客
csdn auto jump JS - auto jump link for csdn
Auto Extract Article Title|Generate article table of contents with one click JS - Automatically extract the title of the article, generate table of content, jump, drag and drop
CSDN beautification JS - CSDN 界面美化
SurePrintCsdn JS - try to print to pdf of CSDN!
[CSS]预加载CSS「CSDNGreener」 JS - 提前加载一些CSS,减少页面闪烁
CSDNCodeCopier JS - Down with CSDN paywall. Adds buttons for copying content from code snippets in CSDN blog posts
CSDN使用助手 JS - CSDN使用助手,使用增强
CSDN 1-Click Downloader JS - 1-Click Download CSDN pages to PDF
vite-monkey-csdn-test JS - CSDN 删除广告 DEMO
gnmdcsdn JS - 友好阅读 CSDN,你不干净,我帮你干净; 搭配 Dark Reader 体验更佳:
csdn remove full ad JS - close csdn full page ad.
test removAd to CSDN JS - csdn 去广告!
LaTeX Copier JS - Copy selected text with equations in LaTeX format (Short cut: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C).