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spm_Track_Block_Tool JS - Remove [spm] track paramter in URL
novel-downloader JS - An scalable universal novel downloader.
BiliBili-Mini-Plus JS - Added Gaussian blur to HeadBanner.Added 3x video playback speed Solved the blank banner and ad interface when AdBlock was turned on.
bilibili notify JS - 自动监听bilibili直播推送信息,当所关注者开启直播时自动打开直播网页的javascript脚本。
Bilibili Danmaku Translator JS - Add translations on streaming user comments(弾幕;danmaku) of bilibili, with the translation of Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.
* Streaming Comment Reader chan JS - It reads comment text on streaming sites by speech synthesis.
[timerd][The Eight Hundred] VIP Video tencent, iqiyi, mgtv, youku, Blibili, sohu, tudou (2021.03.24) JS - tencent, iqiyi, mgtv, youku, letv, Bilibili, sohu, tudou, 1905(Containing google ads)
LIVE in Desktop Palyer JS - using desktop player watching Bilibili and Youtube live
B站速度调节 JS - try to take over the world!
Bilibili Vesiter JS - Bilbili remove the main station advertisement, remove the broadcast page advertisement, automatic widescreen, automatic full screen, automatic play, frame advance
在B站动态添加热门和今日新番 JS - B站动态添加热门和今日新番
Bilibili Anime HK Macau TW JS - Fetch bilibili anime for HK Macau TW
B站上单播放器 Mongolian Player JS - B站播放器优化。添加了一些 youtube 和 potplayer 的快捷键。修复了多P连播,增加了自动播放记忆位置等功能。
BiliBili 一键开关 弹幕 danmu JS - 默认通过快捷键“/” 键来显示或隐藏弹幕。也可通过更改代码中的”danmu“ 变量值来修改快捷键。 <br> 默认初始关闭弹幕,可通过更改”defaultClosing“变量为0,来默认初始开启弹幕.
bilibili视频下载 JS - bilibili视频
Bilibili视频变速 JS - 1/20/2022, 4:50:37 PM
Bilibili selectable danmu comments JS - Learning Chinese blazing fastly.
Bilibili Danmaku Find and Highlight JS - 1.Search keyword of danmaku and highlight them in progress bar; 2.Display danmaku density curve
全网VIP视频免费破解【专注一个脚本只做一件事件】长期更新,放心使用 JS - 全网VIP视频免费破解【专注一个脚本只做一件事件】长期更新,放心使用。支持:腾讯、爱奇艺、优酷、芒果、Bilibili、pptv、乐视等其它网站;
Remove_Live JS - 去除B站多余的直播播放器(滑稽)
瓶瓶蛋蛋才是真(ALOOK) JS - 简单、纯粹、拥抱生活
bili字幕 - JS - 2023/9/19 01:20:15
bilibili no +1 please JS - hide bilibili live +1
锁定b站直播间发送弹幕为滚动模式 JS - 锁定b站(bilibili)直播间发送弹幕为滚动模式
bilibili shortcut JS - press key 'A' to focus on the bullet chat input box, 'B' to replay video from the start, 'G' to toggle web full screen mode, 'R' to refresh recommended videos,'S' to focus on the search box, 'T' to toggle wide screen mode, 'V' to toggle mini window player display, home page 1-6 to click recommended videos
Bilibili Video Downloader 📥 JS - Download Bilibili videos with one click, clean and easy-to-use interface
(适配新版页面)哔哩哔哩收藏夹导出 JS - (适配新版页面)导出哔哩哔哩收藏夹为 CSV 或 HTML 文件,以便导入 Raindrop 或 Firefox。